Reach Out To Someone Today.
You Will Be Glad You Did.

April 16, 2020
7-8:30 Eastern Time

No one should ever feel alone.

5 photographers, 10 minutes each, and time for Q&A afterwards! We don’t Chit Chat. We  Photo Chat Chat !

Please sign up on our website to be in the audience!

If you are interested in presenting your work, please email  crista at griffinmuseum dot org  to let her know!

This is our first virtual  Photo Chat Chat , but we hope to make it a regular feature at The Griffin Museum of Photography!

You will be emailed log-in when you sign up on our website.
Image: Finding Bright © Jaina Cipriano
We have moved Tara’s talk to an online format! Webinar format! Space for a hundred, so sign up soon!

Tara Sellios’ visceral, highly detailed still life photographs are intensely planned and referential to art history. Using an 8×10 camera, she shoots these arrangements to create dramatic, painterly photographs wrought with sensuality, lightness and darkness, and religious symbolism. In this lecture, Sellios will speak about her process, including her research and influences and the preparatory work it takes to build the sculptural scene.
Tara Sellios’ visceral, highly detailed still life photographs are intensely planned and referential to art history.
Photos courtesy of the artist
and Gallery Kayafas
Rick Wright’s Vessels of the Late Petroleum Age   is exhibited at the Griffin Museum of Photography from January 18 – Present. Rick Wright writes, “This Philadelphia photographer inhabits the persona of a c. 4300 CE archaeologist: a scientist stumbling onto a cache of preserved vessels crafted out of an unknown synthetic material.”

Photographs © Rick Wright and essay An Index for the Age © Alison Nordström