Colerain Chamber Newsletter | October 2016 | Issue 18
Chamber President Debra Stonehill IT'S ALMOST HERE! Our 2016 Business Awards Dinner is this Thursday, October 20. That's when we'll recognize all our Award Finalists and announce the winners of our seven business awards! That's also the evening of our 2016 Colerain Chamber Annual Meeting and Board of Directors election. There's still time to get tickets, but you need to do it before Thursday!
I'm also excited to announce our new Chamber Membership Drive, which begins on October 20th and continues through January 10, 2017.
Each Chamber Member who recruits a new member that joins the Colerain Chamber between October 20, 2016 - January 10, 2017, the Chamber Member who recruited them GETS A $20 GIFT CARD! All you need to do is make sure your new member recruit gives me your name when they join.  You get a $20 GIFT CARD FOR EACH NEW MEMBER YOU RECRUIT! 
The new members will be recognized at our New Member Reception in January, when we'll have prizes specifically for them. So it's a WIN, WIN!
I hope to see you at the dinner this Thursday - and I look forward to giving out lots of $20 gift cards!
Our Next Event: Thursday, October 20 Business Awards Dinner  
Award of Excellence
Be the first to congratulate the winners of our seven awards at the Business Awards Dinner on October 20 at Wunderland Banquet Hall (7881 Colerain Ave.), starting at 6 p.m.
Our emcee is Andrew Setters, of WLWT News 5, and our guest speaker is Steve Wanamaker, president of Lead Tribune Media Group, who will speak about his experiences as a lifelong entrepreneur. Special thanks to our Event Sponsors:  Dynegy and Rumpke Waste & Recycling.
The Chamber's 2016 Annual Meeting will also be held at this dinner.
You can still get tickets if you call 513-923-5036 or email: before this Thursday!

2016 Annual Meeting
Colerain Chamber Logo
  The Chamber's Annual Meeting is held during the Awards Dinner, which is on Thursday, October 20. Attending Chamber Members will vote for the 2017 Board of Directors.  The Slate of Board Candidates
(and their terms) are:

Susan Bennett (3 years)
Chris Brown (2 years)
David Denny (3 years)
John Torbeck (2 years)
Doug Hechler (3 years)
Don Hughett (1 year)
Kathie Smith (3 years)
Mike Long (1 year)
Jeff Bresnen (2 years)
Jeff Rumpke (1 year)

Member Deals
Chamber members can save up to 55% off office supplies, furniture, and more! Just show your chamber store purchasing card. Don't have a card? Click here.

Photos from the 2016 Business Expo & Job Fair
More than 60 businesses participated in our September 29 Business Expo & Job Fair at Northgate Mall. Special thanks to our Expo Partners: Butler Tech, Microsoft, Ohio Means Jobs, and Northgate Mall. This Expo & Job Fair was a great way for businesses to connect with each other and the community!

  Microsoft at the 2016 Business Expo Ohio Means Jobs booth at 2016 Business Expo
  2016 Business Expo at Northgate Mall Amazon booth a the 2016 Business Expo

Insider Info For Members
Check out this 2017 Ohio Department of Development grant opportunity for workforce training.
FREE Seminar from the Small Business Association (SBA)
Register now for this FREE SBA webinar about financing your business. Click here to register  
News You Need from the Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC)
FREE Safety Seminars are offered in November for companies in the Group Rating discount program, as well as those who filed a claim in 2015 or 2016. Learn more here
President Level Sponsors


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