PTCC Executive Board and Rules and Bylaws Committee Meetings Discuss Compact Growth and Improvements
The PTCC Executive Board met on May 8 to discuss the current state of the PT Compact and activities to strengthen the compact for the future. In addition to typical updates, the Executive Board discussed potential impacts of the COVID 19 health crisis including the need to begin consideration of possible alternatives to the in-person annual meeting scheduled for October 25, 2020 in Orange County, California. The Executive Board will likely make a decision at their next meeting in June. The board also agreed to the establishment of a new IT System Advisory Task Force to provide input on the requested features for a new database and operating system. A copy of the draft 2019 PTCC Annual Report was distributed for review and discussion. The report should be published by the end of May.
On May 6, the PTCC Rules and Bylaws committee met to begin review and discussion of potential amendments to the PTCC governing documents. Several suggestions were submitted by member states and the committee determined which amendments should be drafted by staff for further review and consideration by the Committee. Any draft amendments approved by the committee will be subject to approval by the Executive Board and released for public comment before being voted on by the full Commission at its annual meeting.
A schedule of all PTCC meetings and associated minutes are available at under
meeting information.