Picture Day Information
February 5th, 2022
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your call time. Hair and make up complete. Late dancers will not be accepted. No parents are permitted in studio at this time - faculty will be available to help with minor hair and make up touch ups.

At the studio!
Dancers will use studio C as a change room.

There is a $25 plus HST sitting fee mandatory for all individual dancers.

Proofs will be delivered electronically and ordered through Andy Yu Photography.

Hair, Make Up & Accessories:
Make up, hair & accessory list will be provided upon sign up!

We are looking forward to a fun filled day! We ask you to be respectful, kind and patient with Elite Danceworks staff, volunteers and directors. We run a tight schedule for picture day to ensure that it runs smoothly.

Frequently Asked Q's:

Q: Are Dancers required to be in FULL hair and make up?
A. Yes.

Q. Will there be group photos?
A. Yes.

Q. Can we switch our time slots?
A. No.

Q. Are parents permitted in the photo room?
A. No.

Q. Should older dancers have poses prepared?
A. Yes. 100%

Q. Should dancers warm up before their photos?
A. They must!

Stay In The Loop
You can expect to receive a monthly newsletter in your inbox on the 1st of each month. In case the newsletter finds its way to your "junk mail" you will always find a copy on our Facebook page and website. Make sure you "subscribe"!

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The best way to reach us is email:

Elite Danceworks Comp Barrie | www.elitedanceworks.com