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EXCLUSIVE: Poilievre opposes firearms bill amendments, pledges to repeal C-21

Cosmin Dzsurdzsa | True North | November 29, 2022

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has come out against the Liberals’ proposed amendments to ban almost all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.

Poilievre told True North’s Andrew Lawton during an exclusive interview that he would fight to repeal the bill and that the latest amendment wrongly bans hundreds of thousands of firearms that are used for hunting. 

“I oppose both Bill C-21 and the amendments that they most recently brought in. This amendment effectively bans hundreds of thousands, if not millions of firearms that are in Canada today that are used for hunting. These are hunting rifles and hunting shotguns,” responded Poilievre. 

The Liberals in committee last week had proposed an amendment that effectively would expand their ban in C-21 to virtually every semi-automatic rifle and shotgun, including some small calibre 22s.

The full list of firearms the Liberals are proposing to prohibit includes several single-shot guns as well.

“There’s no evidence that the massive increase in violent crime in our inner cities is the result of people in the country using hunting rifles or shotguns,” Poilievre added. “So obviously, Conservatives oppose that and we’d repeal it.” 

Instead of a blanket firearms ban, Poilievre said his government would create a committee composed of law enforcement officials, First Nations, hunters and sport shooters to determine how firearms are classified. 

“My approach is to put that right in law. So it’s very clear and the government and politicians can’t constantly and suddenly change the rules at great cost, both to the lawful property owner but also to the taxpayer,” said Poilievre citing projections which state that a government buyback scheme could cost taxpayers billions. 

During the interview, Poilievre also reiterated his support for peaceful protesters who took part in the Freedom Convoy. 

“I think Justin Trudeau provoked this entire crisis with an entirely unnecessary and unscientific vaccine mandate on truckers,” said Poilievre. 

On the Alberta Sovereignty Act proposed by Premier Danielle Smith, Poilievre said that such legislation would not be necessary if he were prime minister. 

“When I’m prime minister, bills like this will be unnecessary because I’m going to respect provincial jurisdiction,” said Poilievre.

See the story here

Ontario government mum on whether provincial police resources will be used to enforce Trudeau's gun 'buy-back' scheme.

Brady pushes the Solicitor General to say

NO to Trudeau’s gun buyback


November 29, 2022


Queen’s Park—Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Bobbi Ann Brady today stood in the Ontario Legislature and asked Solicitor General Michael Kerzner if he will say “no” to using Ontario police resources to enforce the federal gun buyback.

“Minister, I come from a riding with a great deal of hunters, target shooters and gun collectors. But I want to make it clear that these are not the folks shooting up cities—gangs and organized crime are largely responsible for that.”


Brady said that on October 27, she wrote to the Solicitor General asking if Ontario will be joining the prairie provinces, New Brunswick and the Yukon in saying no to Justin Trudeau’s gun buyback. To date, she has not received an answer.


“…I’ve read what the federal government is proposing. It’s not worth the paper it’s written on, and it certainly will not curb gun violence or crime. I know talking about guns makes some of you uncomfortable, and I’m sure some of you will peg me as some sort of gun-toting Beth Dutton; I’m not, which makes me more credible: I have no interest to protect here. In fact, if an idea was brought forward that would save lives, I’d be the first to stand in my place and vote in favour to help. Until then, we all need to exercise common sense,” Brady continued.


The Solicitor General stopped short of committing to not using valuable police resources on enforcing C21, but he did emphasize twice that law-abiding gun owners are not to blame for the rash of gang- and drug-related shootings.   

MPP Brady emphasized that it’s a police resources issue not a firearms issue. If police partake in the buyback, it will remove them from our streets, put more power into the hands of criminals, and as a result, there will be fewer police to investigate domestic violence, homicides and gangs and smuggling.  


“Feel-good headlines on the six o’clock news never translate into good public policy, and in this case it gives the people of Ontario a false sense of security at their very large expense,” the local MPP continued.



For more information, contact MPP Bobbi Ann Brady at [email protected] or 519-428-0446

For more information, please contact:

Tony Bernardo, Executive Director

Canadian Shooting Sports Association

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 905-999-4337

1143 Wentworth Street West
Unit 204
Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7

Toll Free: 1.888.873.4339   | Fax: 905.720.3497   |  [email protected]