Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.
March 2019 Dream Journal
Profitable Piglets
Our first batch of donated piglets have matured into productive sows and are now beginning to give birth with litters of 7-10 piglets each. We now have over 50 cute pink and gray piglets and more arriving almost daily.

Lots of squealing and grunting and visits from the local Vet who happily makes house calls. The piglets will soon be sold with a portion passed on to other families to spread our program further in the community.
The sales of piglets will prove a wonderful economic empowerment for our women pig farmers. We are working on quick starting a series of Financially Responsibility workshops.

In time to celebrate March 8
International Women’s Day ,
make a donation to help give
Cambodian village women
better financial skills.
Outhouses Rebuild
Our CCDO rebuild of old thatched outhouses for the village toilet campaign has been a great success. We recently received a generous donation from Lantern Projects for $1,500 which will help complete our repair cycle. We are now concentrating on building new latrines. A new latrine costs $250. Each family recipient of latrine attends hygiene workshops and contributes its monetary share.
If you do give a crap…
Pilot Dental Program
A big Thank you to Bill Taylor & Scott Friedman of Together We Can Change The World, who have generously donated $1,000 for a pilot dental program in our new community of Angkor Thom district. Sadly, we have many children with really bad teeth that need immediate dental work to alleviate pain and infection. We are starting a school dental hygiene program in the new schools to enhance prevention and ensure healthy teeth.

Our staff surprised us by working on a public holiday to give a last minute workshop to 49 members of Eurotec Nutrition Thailand/Cambodia. The 1-hour presentation resulted in spontaneous collection of $1,000 from the group.  Thank You Eurotec Nutrition, you have helped start our Preschool Snack program for 210 kids in our 11 new preschools.
MOU Signed with Rotary
Rotary Club of Sentosa, Singapore will be sponsoring a new WASH program in 2019 at 10 schools to provide toilet blocks and hand washing stations to improve school hygiene. 

Thank you Robin Tan of Rotary Club of Sentosa, Singapore for working so hard and diligently to make this happen. The negotiations have taken place over the past 6 months as Rotary wanted to go through all checks and balances and to ensure the timely completion of the project. The first phase of the project will invest more than $70,000 for the construction.

In addition, the Rotary Club of Sentosa Singapore, has generously given $3,000 to immediately repair the roofs 6 houses belonging to poor people. The urgency of this project is to complete the houses before the rainy season. Rotary will also provide the families with water filters.
Volunteer Interns

A warm welcome to Hannah Paul from Germany who will spend 6 months with CCDO, working on her final university thesis and assisting our English training program for the Teachers in Angkor Thom district.
Remember : Ordinary people can do extraordinary things to change lives - one child at a time .