Pikes Peak Summit Complex Newsletter 
January 20, 2020
AdAmAn Fireworks at Pikes Peak - America's Mountain

AdAmAn Fireworks at Pikes Peak - America's Mountain
CLICK HERE to view video

Each year, a group of dedicated individuals, the AdAmAn Club, hike to the summit of Pikes Peak on New Year's Eve to put on the world's highest firework show. This year weather was perfect, affording local communities a spectacular visual event

A climbing party of approximately thirty Club members and guests leaves the trailhead of Barr Trail December 30, with an overnight stay at Barr Camp. On December 31, they flash mirrors from their location at timberline to friends and families in the Colorado Springs area below. In the early afternoon, they finish the ascent to the summit. The climb from timberline (12,000 feet) to the 14,115-foot summit is often accomplished on icy and snow swept slopes with wind chills of minus 50 degrees.  

At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, Club members ignite a spectacular fireworks display, which on a clear night, can be seen for hundreds of miles along the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies and eastern plains.  
AdAmAn Historical Stats: 97 New Year's Eve Climbs -- 101 Members -- 400 Guest Climbers -- 9,093+ followers  
For more information visit: http://www.adaman.org
Colorado Springs Ranks #13 on New York Times' Prestigious "52 Places" List
Adding to an ever-increasing list of "best of" honors, Colorado Springs, Olympic City USA, has been ranked #13 on the NewYork Times' prestigious " 52 Places to Visit in 2020 " list. Colorado Springs follows list-topping Washington, D.C. and sixth-ranked Paso Robles, Calif. as the third-highest-ranked U.S. "place" among the seven included. Other U.S. destinations making list are Grand Isle. La. (#19),  Austin, Tx. (#27), Richmond, Va. (#39)  and Glacier National Park / Whitefish, Montana (#52).
According to the write-up, Colorado Springs earned its spot on the list due to its "alpine" proximity, the transformative impending opening of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum, soon-to-come zero-energy Pikes Peak Summit Complex and its fast-blossoming culinary scene. 
"It is very exciting to see our City consistently recognized as the culturally rich, relevant and scenic destination that we know and love," said Mayor John Suthers. "But to earn this sort of honor on an international list, and especially on one that takes into account where our city is in this particular moment in time, is incredibly gratifying and speaks to the momentum that Colorado Springs is enjoying in 2020." 
2019 Year In Review

CLICK HERE to view the 2019 Year In Review Information.


Help Build the New Pikes Peak Summit Complex

Ways to Contribute:
Help build the summit complex. All gifts are tax-deductible.
  • Give online:  www.givetopikespeak.org.
  • Cash / loose change donation: any Southern Colorado Ent Credit Union Service Center My Mountain donation box. Ent members may transfer funds easily from your account to the Pikes Peak Summit Complex Account at Ent by calling 719-574-1100 or 800-525-6923.
  • Check: Pikes Peak Summit Complex Gift Trust Account payable to, "City of Colorado Springs - Pikes Peak Summit Complex." Mail to: P.O. Box 1575, MC 060, Colorado Springs, CO 80901.
  • Tax break: Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone, encourages Colorado taxpayers to make contributions to non-profits that make improvements to the Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone, a State Income Tax Credit equal to 25% of monetary contributions is available. Send checks payable to, "Enterprise Zone." In the Memo include "Pikes Peak Summit Complex" and your Tax ID Number (last 4-digits of Social Security Number, Colorado Account Number or EIN). Mail to: Pikes Peak Summit Complex, P.O. Box 1575, MC 060, Colorado Springs, CO 80901.
  • Donate through the Pikes Peak Community Foundation: Make checks made payable to, "The Pikes Peak Community Foundation." In the Memo include "Pikes Peak Summit Complex Fund." Mail to: Pikes Peak Summit Complex, P.O. Box 1575, MC 060, Colorado Springs, CO 80901.
Sponsor a Walkway with your Name
CLICK HERE for more information.

Sponsoring the elevated walkway is one example of how you can be part of the new Pikes Peak Summit Complex Project.  
Recognize or Honor Someone Else at the 14,115' Summit of Pikes Peak.  

We honor every gift. Based on the amount, your gift can be publicly recognized to provide visible evidence of your personal commitment and support; or to honor a family, foundation, corporate enterprise, civic association, or in memory of a loved one. Donors will be recognized in an architecturally appropriate manner at the summit and there are also limited opportunities to select recognition associated with a specific summit feature, i.e. elevated walkway.  
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Fundraising campaign completion: late summer
Interior work began late 2019
2020 construction schedule:
  • Early to mid-summer: finish structural backfill, concrete slab sequence and dining terrace
  • Mid- to late-summer: west parking lot, roof system, finish boardwalk system, window system
  • Early Fall: start exhibit installation
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