Pilgrim's Progress

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



To include an item in Pilgrim's Progress, please send items to [email protected]. The deadline is each Tuesday at 5 p.m.


Dear Pilgrims,

Guess what church festival is coming up tomorrow that almost no one remembers or celebrates? This Thursday will be the 40th day after Easter Sunday. For the past 40 days, according to the Bible (see Acts, chapter 1), Jesus has been showing his resurrected self to people and preaching about the Kingdom of God. But on day 40, it’s over. He assures them they will have the Holy Spirit’s power to witness worldwide. And then, he ascends into heaven. So that 40th day after Easter, which happens to be May 18 this year, is always the Festival of the Ascension. This is the day Jesus ascended into heaven, as we say in the Apostles’ Creed. Almost no Protestant congregations have an Ascension Day service anymore. You must seek out your local Catholic or Orthodox congregations for Thursday’s festival.

But, as with so many things religious, it once was a big deal, especially in European countries. I enjoy looking up some of these old traditions and festivals. Three traditions for Ascension Day once were these:

  1. Eat a bird! Because Jesus “flew” into heaven, European folks in the Middle Ages always ate some kind of bird on Ascension. Yum, fried crows for dinner!
  2. Hike a Mountain. It is said that Jesus ascended from a hill between Jerusalem and Bethany. Some cultures have elaborate processions up a hill where a worship service is held.
  3. Catch Crickets. We don’t quite know why, but a custom in Italy was to catch crickets, put them in a little cage, and let them sing for you. Then children are invited to release them back into nature.

In my ministry, I’ve found these traditions that sound so silly to us today make just the perfect, unusual things to capture the imagination of children and their parents. Imagine going on an “Ascension Hike” with the congregation’s children. At the top, you could have a feast of chicken fingers while you tell the story of Jesus’ Ascension. Then search for (toy) crickets on the way down and collect them in your Ascension Day basket. It’s a great way to learn the stories of Jesus and have fun.

Tomorrow, you might not do all that, but you can light a candle at dinner, perhaps eat a bird, and offer this Ascension prayer alone or together:

Almighty God, your blessed Son ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things. Mercifully give us faith to trust that, as he promised, he abides with us on earth to the end of time. Amen. Let it be so!

Blessed Day,

Pastor Mary

Short Stories by Jesus

New Bible Study continuing on Tuesdays;

Zoom recording is available for those who miss a lesson

Tuesdays, May 23, 30, and June 6

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. (during the Prayer and Share Program time) OR

6:30 – 7:30 p.m. by Zoom Only

This new Bible Study, which began May 16, focuses on some of the parables of Jesus from a different perspective for most of us. We’ll use as our guide the book by Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, Short Stories by Jesus.

Dr. Levine was a professor at Vanderbilt Divinity in Nashville in New Testament and Jewish Studies for many years. As an Orthodox Jewish woman, she has a love for Rabbi Jesus. She has also dedicated much of her research and teaching to better understanding the First Century Palestinian context that was the place and source of Jesus’ teaching.

Participants are encouraged to purchase this book for themselves. The book is at this link on Amazon. Having the book isn’t a must, but reading her commentary ahead of time will support our learning.

Please use the button below to register with an email to our church office. We will send a Zoom link. After you register, please order the book.

Pastor Mary will record each session during the Zoom meeting. Let her know if you want a link to these recordings for one or more sessions.

Register By Email


As communicated last week, the Church Council approved members for several task forces and one team at the May council meeting. Today, we are excited to tell you about the Faith Formation Team.

The Faith Formation Team at Pilgrim will create, support, and maintain our Ministry of Faith Formation. In this new time for our church and society, this ministry will be ongoing and assist in growing faithful discipleship in members of every age. In addition, this team will help the congregation discern various ways to grow the faith in children and their parents, our youth and young adults, and adults of every age.

Pastor Mary Anderson and Director of Music Susan Cafferty are the staff supporting this ministry. The members are Todd Hendrix, Peter Reinhart, Jennifer Schwabe, and Brenda Sommer.

Todd Hendrix is married to Melissa Hendrix and father to Caleb. He’s been in engineering all his life, from playing with little wood blocks as a child to facilities engineer, modular and log homes engineer, kitchen designer, and the design engineer for Columbia Lockers.

A native of Saluda County, he joined his home church in his early teens and has been involved with church in some form all his life. He has served as a deacon in the Baptist Church, as the prayer request coordinator, and on the financial team. At Pilgrim, he has served on the Personnel Team, in small groups, Choir and Lutheran Men. He has also served on staff for ten years in the One Year to Live Men’s Ministry. Outside of the church, he has served multiple terms on the Sumter County Mental Health Board, advocating for those under mental health care.

Peter Reinhart is a volunteer for the Richland County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and the Department of Aging as a Guardian ad Litem for foster children and vulnerable adults.

In his first work life, he was a geologist and environmental manager. He later attended the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, graduating with a master’s degree and becoming a Diaconal Minister. As a deacon, he served Lutheran Family Services, Refugee Resettlement. Peter has shared his leadership gifts in many ways at Pilgrim, including in the Children’s Bible Study and summer camps for Middle Schoolers.

Jennifer Schwabe holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and is currently employed as a Science Reviewer at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). She is also a member of both the Church Council and Preschool Board.

Jennifer believes Pilgrim Lutheran has experienced an upsurge of energy over the past few months. She sees the Faith Formation Team as a way that she can help grow and focus this energy. She will bring an open mind about what faith formation will look like at Pilgrim (and the wider Church) and an analytical approach to how we can use our resources to address those needs.

Brenda Sommer has been attending Pilgrim for five years and lives about four miles away. She’s married to Greg, and they have two children, a daughter, Jordan, who is 28, and a son, Caleb, who is 19. She and Greg enjoy playing 500 Rummy (card game) together.

Brenda has worked for Lexington School District 2 schools for over ten years and works with early college high schoolers at the Innovation Center. Her favorite hobby is going to the gym, and her favorite place to be is the beach.


Preschool's Spring Fling was a great success

Our Spring Fling was a huge success.

We loved playing on the bounce houses and feeding and cuddling with piglets, guinea pigs, bunnies, baby goats, and ducklings. We appreciate our families volunteering to help the day run smoothly, from face painting to serving lunch, to assisting our Little Pilgrimers with shoes and socks! It was a lovely day full of wonderful festivities to end our fantastic school year.

We want to also thank everyone for attending the Pilgrim Community Preschool's recent Art Festival. This year's Art Festival was our biggest (in my opinion), best, and most successful yet. We loved spending a beautiful evening fellowshipping, eating, shopping, and celebrating our preschool. 

Pilgrim Preschool will be celebrated this Sunday

Preschool Sunday is this Sunday, May 21, and will be a morning to celebrate our Pilgrim Community Preschool.

It was a wild time in the sanctuary Monday morning as our whole school of preschoolers came together to rehearse for this Sunday morning. (Check out the photos, right and below).

We hope to see you in Sunday's worship service as we gather with our children, their parents, and our teachers. Pastor Mary will lead the normal Children’s Moment in a similar way that she, the children, and the teachers do weekly chapel. At the conclusion of the service, the graduating 4-year-old classes will sing their farewell song, “We Love You, Pilgrim!” During announcements, we’ll have greetings from Preschool Board Member Jennifer Schwabe and our Preschool Director, Meredith Cook.


Worship and Music Committee

Funds needed to replace computer, AV equipment

The Worship and Music Committee wants the congregation to know about the need to replace some of the computer and audio-visual equipment in the sanctuary. We are in the process of purchasing a new computer that will greatly assist us in reliably live-streaming our worship service. The cost is $600.

If you appreciate the live-stream service and would like to contribute financially to its availability, you may write a check to Pilgrim with “Sanctuary Computer” in the memo line. Thank you for your generosity! 

Pentecost Day is Sunday, May 28

As Eastertide concludes, we prepare to celebrate the gift of the Spirit 50 days after Easter Day on Sunday, May 28. All are asked to wear something RED, showing we’re full of the Spirit, too. 

We will also celebrate the Rite of Confirmation for Zachary Shane Shealy during this service. Zach’s parents are Kim and Boyd. His confirmation mentor is Keith Galloway. 

We will also recognize Pastor Mary Anderson’s 40th Anniversary of Ordination. Her ordination day was May 27, 1983, at Newberry College.

There’s much to celebrate this Pentecost. Mark your calendars in RED and plan to be with us.

RSVP needed

Graduation celebration, lunch will be Sunday, June 4

Congratulations, Graduates Day!

The Pilgrim family will share a meal after worship (about 11:30 a.m.) on Sunday, June 4, to celebrate Madisson Kaminer, Amy Shealy, and Victoria Smith, all graduating from high school. To provide enough food, we would like to get a headcount. So if you think you are coming to our celebration of Madisson, Amy, and Victoria, please go to this RSVP document and let us know.

At the luncheon, we will welcome our speaker, Caroline Haggard, pictured right. She is a native of Lexington, a lifelong Lutheran, and an alumna of Lexington High School and the University of South Carolina. She graduated in 2017 with a BSE in Civil and Environmental Engineering and works as a transportation engineer with the South Carolina Department of Transportation. While at USC, she participated in Lutheran Campus Ministry and currently serves on the board for LCM at USC. Caroline resides in Cayce with her rescue cat, Dottie, and enjoys gardening and baking for friends and family.

RSVP For Luncheon

Sunday, June 11

Planting Pilgrim's Season of Renewal Tree

On Sunday, June 11, we will conclude our morning worship outdoors as we gather to plant a tree celebrating Pilgrim’s Season of Renewal. If you worshipped with us during the Season of Lent, you would remember the bare sycamore tree that appeared on the first Sunday, standing tall by the pulpit. Through the season, we watched it slowly bud and then leaf out. We are now calling it our Season of Renewal Tree and will be planting it on the south side of the sanctuary. We pray that as it grows under God’s care, our congregation will too!

Men's choir is organizing for Father's Day, June 18

Father’s Day will be a big day for Pilgrim. We are organizing a Men’s Choir to sing the anthem. Our regular singers will participate, but any man or older boy who would like to join in singing is invited to come to the sanctuary by 9:30 a.m. on that Sunday to rehearse. Greg Sommer will bring our homily for the day. A celebratory hot dog lunch will be cooking on the grill out front.


We are also inviting everyone who would like to submit the name of a special father figure or male mentor in their lives to do so in the next few weeks. The names you submit will be listed in the bulletin, and a prayer of thanksgiving for them will be included in our Prayers of Intercession. Starting next week, look for a bulletin insert regarding this prayer listing, or email the name to the church office.


Last, we will provide a tour of our newly repaired sanctuary areas for all to see. We thank all the property team folks who worked so hard to accomplish this work for us.

Community food pantry needs are updated

Thank you for your continued generous support of our Food Pantry. In addition to canned meat, which is always needed, please add pop-tarts, peanut butter, and toiletry items to your grocery list. Toiletry suggestions include bar soap, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. Again, many thanks for helping Pilgrim take the love of Christ into our neighborhood daily. 


Pilgrim Youth meeting Sunday, May 21 for lunch

Pilgrim Youth, Middle School, and High School students will meet Sunday, May 21, at 11:30 a.m. for lunch and conversation.

Registration is open for Lutheran Summer Camps

Parents, as a congregation Pilgrim isn't planning a summer camp experience, but you may be interested in Lutheran summer camp options. Explore options through the button below. Scholarships and payment plans may also be available through the camps. Inquire with your registration.

Summer Camp Info


To keep Pilgrim's membership informed about events and activities, a 10-Day Church Calendar can be accessed and printed through the button below.


A long-range, detailed church calendar can be found at https://wearepilgrim.net/monthly-calendar



Mary Beth Hill’s friend, Geena

Ryan Lowrie

Dell Collins

Carol Metts

Jennifer Schwabe’s family at the death of her grandmother

Yvonne Isola

Ron Davis

Zach Mattox

Jerry Shutt

Peter Reinhart’s friend, Chris

Jamy Claire Archer’s father, Tom

Garry Sutherland

Boyd Shealy’s mother, Caroline

Prayers for our congregation and all its leaders

Victims of gun violence

If you have prayer requests and thanksgiving to share, please contact the church office at [email protected] or call (803) 359-9421 or write requests on the welcome cards at worship.


Sunday's worship service - May 14, 2023

Click To Video Link
A Gift or Offering is an act of worship
Click To Donate Online
Click For Auto-Draft Form

You may also mail your gift or offering or deliver it in person to:

Pilgrim Lutheran Church

1430 N Lake Drive

Lexington, SC 29072

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Office Hours

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Telephone: (803) 359-9421


Pastor Mary Williams Anderson

Interim Pastor

[email protected]

Reed Corley

Office Administrator

[email protected]

Susan Cafferty

Music Director

[email protected]


This weekly e-newsletter is distributed each Wednesday.

To include an item in Pilgrim's Progress, please send items to [email protected]The deadline is each Tuesday at 5 p.m.

Worship Online

Visit our Facebook Page each Sunday at 10 a.m. and view our online worship.