In This Issue:                                                              December 29, 2016
  • Opioid Prescribing CME offered April 1st - FREE for MAFP Members
  • Important Opioid Prescribing Updates
  • Planning and Implementation Grants to Expand Patient-Centered Addiction Care - application deadline February 2nd
  • Maine AFP Members in the News
  • MAFP 25th Annual Family Medicine Update - Save - the - Date!
Opioid Prescribing Rules Taking Effect Jan. 1st
If you prescribe any Opioids - you need to know - this weeks MMA's Maine Medicine Weekly Update contains important information about Opioid prescribing EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2017:
  • Updated Information on Chapter 488 Requirements Taking Effect on Jan. 1 Prescribers of opioid medication prescribed for pain and of benzodiazepines or their delegates must check the PMP prior to writing such scripts, effective Jan. 1, 2017. In addition, the ability to override Chapter 488 by utilizing the medical necessity exception expires Jan. 1 and the 7 day and 30 day limits on scripts for acute pain and chronic pain respectively take effect on the same day.  Because the PMP is transitioning to a new vendor on Tuesday, requiring all delegates to re-enroll (but not prescribers), MMA has asked for a 30 to 60 day grace period before the PMP mandate is enforced. (See also the next article which is the DHHS official statement on the grace period released December 19, 2016.) [ more ]  
  • ALERT: Official Communication from DHHS re: Opioid Prescribing/PMP Rules [ more ]
  • PMP (Prescription Monitoring Program) Changeover 12/20/16--Delegates Must Re-register [ more ]
  • Board of Licensure in Medicine Moves CME Opioid Educational Requirement Back to April 19 [ more ]
  • Significant Change to DEA Registration Renewal Process 1/1/17 [ more ]
  • Family Physicians Needed for Medical Advisory Board [ more ]
  • Diversion Alert Program Seeks Contributions [ more ]
Your Input is needed please -

As you know, Maine Medical Association has been working for over 16 months planning and implementing a statewide comprehensive response to Maine’s opioid/heroin epidemic. With support from MMA, the Maine Opiate Collaborative has developed a blueprint for action in the areas of law enforcement, treatment, and prevention & harm reduction. 

Earlier this year the Maine Legislature passed strong prescribing standards under Chapter 488 of Maine law. Physicians play a critical role in preventing and treating addiction and we would like to learn more from our members as we continue to craft and implement educational and advocacy strategies.  We hope you’ll take just a few minutes to answer the following questions.  

Thank you.  Please contact the Maine Medical Association at (207) 480-4190 if you would like additional information.
Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) Announced Planning and Implementation Grants to Expand Patient-Centered Addiction Care:

MeHAF announced this important new program, with a goal of increasing access to medication-assisted therapies (MAT) for medically underserved people. Up to $800,000 for two-year grants will be awarded and the grant period begins April 1, 2017. The deadline for proposals is February 2, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. (EDT), using the MeHAF online application form. Potential applicants are encouraged to review the RFP and web page and to contact MeHAF Program Officer Kathryn Rouillard at 207.620.8266 x118 or with any questions.

25th Annual MAFP Family Medicine Update & Annual Meeting
  March 29 – April 1, 2017
Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, Maine 
  • Mar. 29 – Pre-conference SAM Study Group
  • Mar. 30-31 – Annual Update programming with Annual Meeting
  • **Just Added - April 1st – AM – Opioid Prescribing training (will meet Maine Medical Licensing requirements for new law) Registration FREE for MAFP Members
  Complete schedule and registration information available after January 15th on our website – 
Members in the News:

Dr. Ronald Blum MD, of Patten, was elected President of the New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (NECOEM) at their Annual Meeting held in Newton, MA, early this month.  He will serve a two year term.  Dr. Blum is Medical Director of Twin Rivers Paper Company, Madawaska, Mt. Heights Health Care Facility, Patten, and Tate & Lyle, Houlton, and consults in a variety of other Occupational Medicine settings including Worker’s Compensation, Social Security Disability, and Independent Medical Examinations from his office in Patten.