Mail from the Wright State University
Culture and Identity Centers
Asian & Native American Center | Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center |
Disability & Neurodivergence Cultural Center | Latino Center | LGBTQA Center | Women’s Center
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PinkOut Bonfire
Friday, October 18, 8-11pm
Campus Recreation Park
Lighting up the night, igniting hope. Together we burn brighter for breast cancer awareness. Light refreshments and s'mores are provided. Wear your pink!
Saturday, October 19, 10am-1pm
Meet at 028 Millett Hall
A day to devote our time to giving back to our local community!
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Saturay, October 19, 9am-12pm
El Puente Learning Center
The Latino Wellness Clinic is a monthly initiative led by the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA), Latino Center, El Puente Learning Center, and other esteemed community partners, with a primary focus on increasing access to quality healthcare for the underserved Hispanic/Latino population in East and North Dayton.
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Monday, October 21 through Friday, October 25
Students who transfer to Wright State bring unique knowledge, skills, and experiences that benefit our entire Raider/Laker community. To celebrate transfer students join us at several events to bring awareness to the contributions of our transfer community and engage the entire campus about the transfer experience. Use the link in the title above to view the full schedule!
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Respect Your Dinero Financial Literacy
Tuesday, October 22, 11am-12pm
208 Russ Engineering Center
Learn key tips on how to respect your money, increase your financial literacy, and build generational wealth.
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Cue Cards and Disability Tag Making Session
Tuesday, October 22, 4-5pm
019 Student Union, Culture & Identity Centers
Come make a cue card and disability tag at The Disability and Neurodivergence Cultural Center! All are welcome!
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2024 Election and US Foreign Policy
Panel Discussion
Wednesday, October 23, 1:25-2:30pm
016 Rike Hall
Join Political Science professors Liam Anderson,Pramod Kantha, Laura Luehrmann, and Vaughn Shannon for a discussion about the implications of the 2024 election and US foreign policy relations with China, the Middle East, and South Asia.
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Wednesday, October 23, 2-3pm
019 Student Union, Culture & Identity Centers
Celebrate National Transfer Student Week by building a community, one slice at a time! Connect with Inclusive Excellence while enjoying pizza, great music, and the chance to make new friendships. Join us for a fun and welcoming afternoon dedicated to our transfer students!
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Thursday, October 24, 1-2pm
023 Student Union, Latino Center
Join the Latinos in Business Student Association to connect with fellow Latino business students and network with accomplished marketing strategist, Christina Méndez, the Executive Director of the Dayton Hispanic Chamber.
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Meet the Student Government Association's Director of Inclusive Excellence |
Hadassah Davidson (she/her) is a sophomore Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major with a Health Communication minor. She is involved in the Asian Student Association, the Wright State University Associate Chapter of Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., the College of Math and Science Dean's Circle, and a CJ McLin, Jr. Scholars Association.
Hadassah's objective this year is promoting student engagement with SGA from underrepresented populations on campus. Visit Hadassah during her office hours 12-2pm Mondays at SIL (190 Student Union) and 12-2pm Wednesdays at the Culture & Identity Centers (023 Student Union).
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Friday-Sunday, November 15-17
Student Union Conference Wing
The ANA Center is honored to partner with R.E.A.C.H. Indigenous Advocacy to host the 3rd annual R.E.A.C.H. Fest at Wright State University! This celebration of Native American heritage and culture includes drum and dance performances, keynote speakers, vendors and educational resources, and the Indigenous Chef food truck. The event is family-friendly and open to the public. Full details will be added as they are finalized.
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A collaboration between the WSU Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton & Montgomery Country Public Health, and the LGBTQA+ Health Alliance, we invite individuals age 18 and up who identify as Q+ to participate in this health and wellness survey. Responses will be anonymous, the survey can be paused and resumed as needed, and should take approximately 25 minutes. Use the link in title above to begin. For more information, contact Dr. Tim Crawford (
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Tuesday, November 5
Election Protection needs Poll Monitors to assist voters outside polling locations on Election Day. You can help ensure every voter has a right to vote by volunteering with our Election Protection efforts! Poll Monitors answer voter questions and report problems to the Election Protection Hotline. Training will be provided. Sign up to be a nonpartisan poll monitor to ensure no voters experience barriers on your campus or in your community.
Organizations interested in Wright State-specific trainings can contact Greer Aeschbury ( for more information and to schedule.
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This Midterm Season, remember the
Academic Success Centers are here to help!
Data suggests that students who utilize tutoring services are 40% more likely to graduate in 4 years. Stop by 122 Student Success Center or visit for more info.
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Tutoring Center
Get individual and small group support for specific courses or for general study skills, or attend group review sessions through Supplemental Instruction. More info at
Math Tutoring Center
Relieve math anxiety with walk-in or virtual assistance for introductory math and statistics courses. You can also graphing calculators. More info at
Writing Center
Get personalized help at any stage of the writing process and writing support for any course. More info at
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Submissions and/or changes to events must be (re)submitted through the form no later than Wednesday, 5pm. | |
The Culture and
Identity Centers
019-023 Student Union
Fall Hours
M-Th, 8:30am-8pm
F, 8:30am-5pm
To learn more, please visit our websites.
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Raider Food Pantry
055 Student Union
For hours and to make an appointment, please complete the webform located here.
The Caregiver and Personal Care Pantry formerly at the Women's Center is now part of the Raider Food Pantry, please use the link above.
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Lactation Rooms
Available at:
- 052 Biological Sciences
- 110 Oleman Hall
- 118 Allyn Hall (temporary)
- 023 Student Union
To obtain key code to access the lactation rooms email
Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Rooms available at
023 Student Union during the Culture and Identity Centers regular hours AND at 079 University Hall during building operating hours.
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Recurring Meetings and Activities:
- Amigos Latinos Student Association: Biweekly Tuesdays, 1-2pm, 023 Student Union, Latino Center (Next Oct. 29)
- Asian Student Association: Biweekly Tuesdays, 4-5pm, 023 Student Union, ANA Center (Next Oct. 22)
- Indigenous American Cultural Student Association: Monthly Wednesdays, 2-3pm, 023 Student Union, ANA Center (Next Oct. 23)
- International Munch and Mingle: Weekly Monday & Wednesday, 12-1pm, 190 Student Union (Student Involvement and Leadership)
- Muslim Student Association: Friday Prayer, 12n-4pm, 008 Student Union (Rathskeller)
- Rainbow Alliance Meetings: Weekly Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm, 023 Student Union, LGBTQA Center
- Society of Women Engineers: Biweekly Thursdays, 5-6pm, 499 Joshi (Next Oct. 24)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers: Biweekly Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm, 292 Joshi (Next Nov. 7)
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