Business News and Updates
A warm welcome to our newest businesses and attractions in the neighborhood!
- The Stop: 616 1st Ave S.–this sandwich joint from the mind behind Voilà! Bistrot in Madison Park serves world class sandwiches.
We bid farewell to these neighbors this month!
- Cherry Street Coffee House: 528 1st Ave S.–this local chain location of cafes offering pastries, sandwiches & espresso drinks will be replaced by a new owner/coffee concept in 2020.
- Meg's: 200 South Jackson–the classic neighborhood burger joint with beef fat fries & gourmet shakes in a funky, retro space will be replaced by another burger concept- Two Doors Down.
- Tegridty Goods: 118 1st Ave S.–formerly the Pioneer Vape space, this store carried a variety of house plants and seasonal plants, along with mushroom growing supplies and CBD products.
Recently Opened
- Fat Shack Underground: 88 Yesler Way- this growing fast food chain will dish out hedonistic menu items of the deep fried variety.
- Lolo's Hair Design: 108 Cherry St.- this salon with the goal of helping folks have a better hair day, offers cuts, colors, straightening, plus additional services.
- Wortzel Gallery: 300 South Washington–this art gallery shows collage and mixed media pieces.
Coming Soon
- BAIZE: 165 South Jackson St.- this lounge will host snooker tables, a cue-based sport similar to pool, plus drinks and snacks.
- Two Doors Down: 200 South Jackson St.- a family joint serving natural burgers with creative toppings, local beers on tap & cheery decor.
Nominate Your Favorite Legacy Business in Pioneer Square
The City of Seattle’s
Office of Economic Development
(OED) is rolling out a Legacy Business program to recognize Seattle’s vital “third places” away from our homes and work.
Click here
to nominate your favorite District 2 or District 7 legacy business. OED is seeking participation from the community to nominate legacy businesses in each of Seattle’s seven districts- including District 2 and District 7 which fall within Pioneer Square.
Click here
to learn about the OED Legacy Business program. Nomination submissions will continue to be collected through Valentine’s Day 2020.
A Day in Pioneer Square Plus Lists!
Spend a Day In the Square
If you only had one day to spend in Pioneer Square... what would you do?
Here’s a
one-day itinerary
that will take you to some of the most delicious, fascinating, and amusing locales the neighborhood has to offer.
Looking For More to Do in Pioneer Square?
Winter is here and there is plenty of entertainment in the neighborhood- like fun performances, concerts, art exhibits, sporting events, and more!
Whether you are looking for must-see art galleries, reading and talks, or live music, there is plenty to see and do in Pioneer Square all month long. Browse our
of February events in the neighborhood to plan your next adventure in the heart of Seattle.
Mark Your Calendars: First Thursday Art Walk
February 6, 5-10 PM
Every First Thursday of the month, Pioneer Square welcomes you to join us in the venerated tradition of Art Walk with exceptional artists, innovative works, and creative kinship.
Art Walk
, parking is FREE from 5-10 PM! Make sure to grab your voucher from a participating gallery or studio to park for free at one of three neighborhood garages.
Artist Feature:
Libby Bulloff & Stephen Robinson
Based out of the
Good Arts Building
's 57 Biscayne, Libby Bulloff and Stephen Robinson run
Henrietta's Eye
- a wet plate collodion tintype photography studio.
Libby first saw wet plate photography demonstrated a couple of years ago by local ambrotypist Dan Carrillo, and immediately fell in love with the visceral nature of capturing an image in chemicals on a piece of metal or glass. Ever since being captivated by the work of Mathew Brady, Alfred Stieglitz and Walker Evans, Stephen has been fascinated with old photographic processes and the craftsmanship involved. He loves both the surreal nature and the stark honesty conveyed by large format photography. In 2012, Libby and Stephen were taught how to make tintypes by fellow photographer, Magpie Killjoy. Libby and Stephen then spent two months racking down and repairing their 1908 Seneca Black Beauty 4x5 camera, named Henrietta, building a portable darkroom in a foot locker, and researching techniques and materials. Since then, Libby and Stephen have taken lots and lots of photos!
Link Light Rail Changes Continue This Month
Link Light Rail Service Disruptions Continue Through March
Link Light rail users should continue planning for significant alterations to their normal trips this month.
Starting in January, construction to integrate new light rail to the Eastside into the existing system requires trains to operate less frequently for 10 weeks, at 14 minute intervals instead of 6 minutes. The construction, known as Connect 2020, is underway as of first weekend of January with a full closure of light rail through Downtown Seattle. From
February 8-9 the Link light rail will be closed from Capitol Hill to SOSO
, and shuttle buses will make stops at the closed stations. Through March 13, Connect 2020 will require Link passengers traveling through downtown to make a center platform transfer at the Pioneer Square Station. For safety, bikes will not be allowed at the Pioneer Square station. Passengers with bikes must exit at University
Street or International District/Chinatown. Passengers should allow extra time, anticipate crowding, and pay attention to signage. One additional weekend light rail closures is planned and March 14–15. Learn more about the Link light rail closures
Occidental Square Park Projects Update
Following the completion of the play area project- a pavilion is scheduled to begin construction in early 2020.
The play area project construction began in early September and is now complete, following a ribbon cutting ceremony in late October. The pavilion project will take place during the first months of 2020, when park use is lowest, and is expected to take about four months. Permitting for the Pavilion construction has been secured. Park programming and operations will continue during construction, with temporary fencing around the site to keep it secure and keep visitors safe.
Learn more about the projects.
Seattle Public Utilities Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant
Recycling and composting are great, but not creating waste in the first place is even better!
When we prevent waste, we help the environment, protect public health, build community and save money. That’s why Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is pleased to award grants totaling $100,000 to community groups that create or expand waste prevention projects. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is accepting applications through February 21, 2020 for its Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant. Business, nonprofits, community and neighborhood groups, schools, colleges, universities, institutions, faith-based organizations, and youth and children’s programs are all eligible to apply. Projects must increase waste prevention in Seattle through starting a new project or expanding an existing activity. Grant requests may range from $3,000 to $20,000 and there is a 50% matching requirement for recipients.
Click here
for more information regarding the SPU Waste-Free Communities Matching Grant.
Save the Date: 12th Annual Pioneer Square Spring Clean
Join us the morning of Saturday, April 27th from 9a-12p in Occidental Square Park to help make the neighborhood an even more beautiful and welcoming place.
Team up with community members, employees, and neighbors for this fun and free event. Stay tuned for more information regarding registering you and your all star team.
Alley Lighting Audit
The Alliance for Pioneer Square is working on a project to improve the neighborhood’s alley lighting and we need your help!
Join us
Wednesday, February 19th from 6:00-7:00 pm
to provide input and assess current lighting levels in Pioneer Square’s alleys. We will meet in
Pioneer Square Park
at 6:00 pm; please arrive 5 minutes early. All attendees will have the opportunity to conduct a lighting audit, ask questions about the project, and spend time with community members who share an interest in the safety and well-being of Pioneer Square. We will be accompanied by our Community Police Officer, Officer Ryan Keith. Space is limited,
RSVP here
at your earliest convenience.
Neighborhood Construction Updates
Construction Roundup
Best Western Annex
Waterfront Seattle Construction Ongoing on New Alaskan Way
Waterfront Seattle has begun building a new Alaskan Way.
Waterfront Seattle's initial work zones will span from S King to Marion streets. Activities include establishing work zones, mobilizing equipment, potholing work, breaking pavement and excavation for utility installation. Work is scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 5 PM with occasional overnight and weekend work.
Here's how you can stay up to date on Waterfront Seattle construction:
Head to
Waterfront Seattle's website
for more information and to sign up for email updates. Text "WFSCN" to 474747 to receive text updates. You may also contact Waterfront Seattle
via email
or by phone at (206) 499-8040.
Pioneer Square
Areaways Program
SDOT recently implemented a strict vehicle weight limitation, increased commercial vehicle enforcement, and modified commercial vehicle load zone locations beyond the 1st Ave corridor.
Throughout 2019-2020, SDOT will install a monitoring system and conduct a complete assessment of the areaways to determine a long-term plan of action to repair necessary areas. In the meantime, our goal is to provide adjacent businesses and residents with accurate and timely information as we move forward to improve safety. Visit the
project page
for more information.
Chief Seattle Club Construction Begins in February
Chief Seattle Club
is embarking on a project to redevelop the site at 108 2nd Ave Ext S.
This project will create affordable housing and a ground floor health clinic and native arts café/gallery to support the physical, spiritual and cultural needs of the native community. Construction on this project has begun as of February 3, 2020.
As the front door to this project, Fortson Square will also be recreated as a welcoming place for everyone. The Alliance for Pioneer Square is working in partnership with Chief Seattle Club on community outreach in this redesign effort. Design efforts for the new building and public space are led by Jones & Jones in coordination with SDOT. Learn more about the Chief Seattle Club redevelopment and the re-imagination of Forston Square
Columbia Street Corridor Update
With the viaduct ramp now gone, Waterfront Seattle construction began on Columbia Street in early August.
Columbia Street will be transformed into a two-way corridor with transit lanes and improved sidewalks, and will open this in the coming months. Other activities include installation of new underground utilities. Don’t miss out on watching the future waterfront take shape, head to Waterfront Seattle's
to sign up for email updates! You may also contact Waterfront Seattle via email at
or by phone at (206) 499-8040.
Restaurant & Retail News:
Arts & Culture News:
Each month, we highlight members of the our staff and what those staff members are focusing on.
about Liz's perspective on the changes to Columbia Street.
about Sara's efforts applying a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to our work.
City of Seattle Neighborhood Matching Fund
In 1988, the Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) was created to provide matching dollars for neighborhood improvement, organizing, or projects developed and implemented by community members. Central to NMF is the community match which requires awardees to match their award with contributions from the community whether as volunteer time, donated materials, donated professional services, or cash. Since NMF's creation, more than 5,000 community projects throughout Seattle have received over $64 million in funding and generated an additional $72 million from community match.
Neighborhood groups, community organizations, informal groups, and business groups who want to do a project to build stronger community connections are encouraged to apply. All applicant groups must be open and inclusive, actively engage diverse community members, and be significantly composed of people who live and/or work in Seattle.
Applications for the Neighborhood Matching Fund are accepted on a rolling basis until October 25, 2020. The first round of applications will be reviewed on February 25, 2020. Learn more about NMF
Find us on Facebook
Are you a resident or business owner in the neighborhood?
The Alliance for Pioneer Square recently created a
Facebook page.
This page will communicate resident and business owner specific news/information that to compliment our more general
Pioneer Square Facebook page.
Alliance For Pioneer Square | 206.667.0687