January News + Updates
LUSIO Lights Pioneer Square
LUSIO Lights Pioneer Square is an outdoor visual experience currently running in Pioneer Square until the 14th of January. The light art exhibition which began in December, is a collaboration between the Alliance for Pioneer Square and LUSIO bringing together 11 local artists for a 45 night winter public light art experience. LUSIO Lights Pioneer Square features a series of light art installation exhibits in storefront windows and outdoor public spaces across Pioneer Square.
The Alliance for Pioneer Square works to help preserve what makes Pioneer Square the most authentic, engaging and dynamic neighborhood in Seattle. LUSIO’s mission is to build community wellbeing and inspiration by creating opportunities for local artists to exhibit the art of light in public spaces. This collaboration combines the historic Pioneer Square with the art of light to create a public walking art experience that is outdoors and socially distanced and brings awareness to local businesses and historic spaces.

This month, take some time out to go on a self guided public art tour to view all 9 light art exhibits at multiple locations before the 14th. Visit our website for a full map of the installations and to learn more about each artist.

Please remember to mask up and stay socially distant from those outside of your household!
January First Thursday Art Walk Update + Make It an Art Day
In light of restrictions on retail businesses imposed by Governor Inslee, many Pioneer Square galleries are open to the public and/or offering by-appointment only visits, along with robust virtual exhibitions. Traditional First Thursday Art Walk events, such as artist receptions, are suspended for the time being due to public health guidance pertaining to large gatherings. Accordingly, January First Thursday will be promoted as a virtual-only event based on the Center for Disease Control's considerations for events and gatherings. Additionally, the First Thursday Free Parking program will not be in effect on Thursday, January 7th.

Make It an Art Day

The Alliance for Pioneer Square has heard from neighborhood galleries that there is interest in promoting Pioneer Square’s galleries beyond First Thursday Art Walk through a reimagined recurring series. First Thursday, as defined in the years and months prior to the COVID-19 pandemic is suspended until artist receptions and events are able to resume.

The Alliance seeks to promote Pioneer Square’s galleries and exhibited works through Make It an Art Day. Make It an Art Day, a concept developed by our neighborhood galleries, will build upon the success and visibility of the First Thursday Art Walk, and will promote viewing art throughout the month as opposed to the first Thursday of the month. While public health guidance pertaining to large gatherings prevents traditional First Thursday events from occurring, Pioneer Square galleries continue to host exhibitions and show wonderful works of art.

Make It an Art Day is a promotional campaign and recurring series intended to invite the Seattle community to visit Pioneer Square, view works on display at neighborhood galleries, and patronize neighborhood businesses while in the area. Make It an Art Day will be promoted as falling on each Saturday of the week until First Thursday Art Walk can resume.

We invite Pioneer Square galleries to submit an image of works currently exhibited, along with the artist name/work title/medium/sizing, to be featured on the Make It an Art Day Facebook event cover image, posts made on the Pioneer Square social media pages, and an image slider on the Pioneer Square website.
The Alliance for Pioneer Square is excited to announce the recipients of the PSQ Alley Lighting Matching Fund! With funding, in part, from Historic South Downtown, this opportunity was intended to address critical public safety concerns and make strides toward alley revitalization in Pioneer Square.

The PSQ Alley Lighting Matching Fund will provide funds to property owners for alley lighting improvements. A working group of Pioneer Square community members, with guidance from SparkLab Lighting Design, LLC, has selected eight Pioneer Square properties to receive funding:

  • Collins Building - 524 2nd Ave 
  • Interurban Building - 157 Yesler Way
  • New England Building - 219 1st Ave S
  • Skagit Building - 207 1st Ave S
  • St. Charles Hotel - 85 S Washington St
  • The Morrison - 515 3rd Ave S
  • Union Hotel Apartments - 204 3rd Ave S
  • Washington Shoe Building - 159 S Jackson St

Congratulations to all the awardees!
Pioneer Square Monthly with
Guest from the Port of Seattle
The next Pioneer Square COVID-19 Information and Updates will take place on Friday, January 15th from 1:30-2:30p on Zoom. Joining us this month is Commissioner President Peter Steinbrueck from the Port of Seattle. RSVP here.

Find previous meeting slides and webinar recordings here.

When: Friday, January 15th from 1:30-2:30p
Where: Zoom Video Conference
(note, the meeting link will be sent out to those who RSVP on the morning of Friday January 15th.)
De-Escalation Training with the Metropolitan Improvement District
The Metropolitan Improvement District in collaboration with the Alliance for Pioneer Square will be providing an in-depth training program that teaches organizations, businesses and individuals in the neighborhood how to recognize, reduce, and manage aggressive behavior.

The training will be held on Tuesday, January 12, at 1:30 to 3:00pm via Zoom. Over the course of the presentation you will learn effective and compassionate methods of handling anxious or aggressive people. You will also be introduced to new skills to help increase your confidence, that can be used during threatening situations. RSVP here.

Please note this training is open to Pioneer Square businesses and residents only.
Engage with Us and Stay Connected
The Alliance for Pioneer Square is committed to providing a space for connection, and opportunities for engagement and participation, to our businesses, residents, partners and various stakeholders. We offer a variety of ways for our community to access critical information, influence issues affecting Pioneer Square, learn about the latest happenings in the neighborhood and connect with others in Pioneer Square.

Below are some of our engagement opportunities, along with details on how to get connected:


  • Sign up for our newsletter: The Alliance for Pioneer Square sends out a monthly email newsletter alerting Pioneer Square stakeholders about important developments. Join our Newsletter list to receive the latest news from around the Pioneer Square neighborhood. Subscribe to the newsletter here.

  • Bi-weekly Resource and Public Safety Messages: The Alliance continues to share updates and useful resources from the city, federal government and the private sector to support businesses in the neighborhood during this unprecedented times. This is communicated through a bi-weekly resource email that highlights updates to the state’s current COVID-19 restrictions, financial and reopening resources as well as other efforts. Public safety remains a major concern for businesses and residents in Pioneer Square and updates regarding public safety in the neighborhood are shared bi-weekly. 

  • Pioneer Square Monthly: Each month, the Alliance for Pioneer Square holds a virtual information session to discuss the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on Pioneer Square, relief and resources available to those impacted by the crisis, and the Alliance’s response to support our neighborhood. In addition to Alliance staff, subject-matter experts are available in each session to provide an in-depth discussion on various topics as they pertain to Pioneer Square and help answer questions. To register for the next information session or view previous presentations and recordings, visit our website.

  • Pioneer Square Business Owners and Managers Facebook page: The Pioneer Square Business Owners & Managers Facebook group is a private platform providing business owners and managers in the neighborhood the opportunity to connect, ask questions and share support among one another while collectively navigating the current health crisis and resulting economic challenges. Request to join the group here.

  • Update Contact Information: To ensure that the appropriate party(ies) is receiving our email communications, please take some time to update the contact information for your business or organization. Please contact our marketing team at info@pioneersquare.org to update or correct what we have on file.

  • Contact Us: Meet the dedicated team behind the Alliance for Pioneer Square, learn more about each member of staff and connect with us on our website.


  • Support local marketplace: The Alliance for Pioneer Square, in collaboration with DEI Creative, launched an online marketplace as a tool for member businesses to generate revenue through online sales during the Coronavirus pandemic. On the Pioneer Square Marketplace site, shoppers can view curated selections of products and purchase directly from Pioneer Square boutique retailers, restaurants, bars, art galleries, salons and more. We invite you to register your business for the Support Local-Pioneer Square Marketplace and begin adding your products/services. Instructions for business interested in registering can be found here. Already registered for the Support Local-Pioneer Square Marketplace? Login here to update your products.

  • Online Resources: The Alliance for Pioneer Square recognizes the public health and economic impact of the COVID-19 virus on Seattle’s small business community. We have compiled a series of technical assistance, reopening, public safety and worker/business support resources intended to assist small business owners, managers, and employees minimize the public health and economic impact of the COVID-19 virus on themselves and their community. These can be viewed on the Alliance for Pioneer Square website.

  • Pioneer Square Business Marketing Toolkit: Marketing your business through Pioneer Square neighborhood channels is easy. Leverage our social media, the online calendar, local tra options, and parking programs to reach customers and empower them to visit the neighborhood and support Pioneer Square. Our Pioneer Square Business Marketing Toolkit is a resource to help your business tell your story, keep people in the know, and drive customers towards your product.  
Sound Transit and King County Metro Fare and Service Updates
Sound Transit Impacts

On July 1st, full fares resumed on all Sound Transit services. ST Express buses transitioned to a single flat fare of $3.25 for all Adult riders, regardless of distance traveled. More information about this resumption of fares can be found here. Fare collection is dependent on the completion of safety measures being installed at the front of our buses, so some routes may continue to be fare-free until these measures are complete. In response to increases in ridership, Sound Transit is planning to add service across its system for its fall/winter service change. More information can be found on the service changes page.

King County Metro Impacts

On Thursday, October 1, Metro resumed collecting fares for all transit services. Metro will suspend fare enforcement through the end of 2020. Riders are required to wear masks or face coverings at all times. Visit the Metro Matters blog for the latest on what Metro is doing in response to COVID-19. Metro continues to operate at reduced service in certain areas. Visit the Reduced Schedules page for route details and learn more about King County Metro impacts here.
Neighborhood Construction Updates
Waterfront Seattle Construction Ongoing on New Alaskan Way

Waterfront Seattle continues building the new Alaskan Way. Following the shift of vehicle traffic east, onto the newly rebuilt roadway between S King and Columbia streets in mid-December, construction to build the new roadway now continues on the west side of Alaskan Way. Activities include mobilizing equipment, potholing work, breaking pavement, excavation and utility installation. Work hours are Monday through Friday 7 AM to 5 PM with occasional overnight and weekend work. 
Here's how you can stay up to date on Waterfront Seattle construction: Head to Waterfront Seattle's website for more information and to sign up for email updates. Text "WFSCN" to 474747 to receive text updates. You may also contact Waterfront Seattle via email or by phone at (206) 499-8040.
4th Ave Mobility Improvements Project  
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) 4th Ave Mobility Improvements Project  will extend the two-way protected bike lane south along 4th Ave to the 2nd Ave protected bike, lane (via Dilling and Yesler Way) as early as spring 2021. They are currently accepting public comment and input on this project. While the Alliance supports projects that improve mobility in Pioneer Square, we are urging the city to take a more holistic approach to planning. SDOT wants to hear from you about how you get around and what your business and building needs are as they continue the design. 

We have requested that SDOT proceed with this project in coordination with the Alliance for Pioneer Square's Northeast Pioneer Square Framework Plan beginning in 2021. You can request SDOT work on this project in collaboration with neighborhood stakeholders and partners through this process in your comments. Without this coordination, there is risk to impacting parking, loading, buses, and valuable access to your businesses and properties. You can contact SDOT with comments questions at ccbike@seattle.gov or 206-771-0481.
Pioneer Square
Areaways Program

SDOT recently implemented a strict vehicle weight limitation, increased commercial vehicle enforcement, and modified commercial vehicle load zone locations beyond the 1st Ave corridor.

Curb lane restrictions on S Jackson St are currently in place that effectively close the street to heavy vehicles between 1st Ave S and 2nd Ave S. South Main St is open to local access for deliveries (unless otherwise restricted by posted signs) following the removal of the decommissioned trolley platform near Occidental Square.

For more information, please visit the Seattle Department of Transportation's website or contact the SDOT Areaways team at areaways@seattle.gov or 206-684-3760. Additionally, you can stay up to date with the latest project information by signing up for SDOT's project email list.
Construction Roundup

(Note: Most construction has resumed after being paused due to COVID-19.)

Best Western Annex 

Occidental Square Park Pavilion Construction Update
In June of 2020, construction began on a graceful new wood and glass pavilion in Occidental Square at 117 S Washington Street in Pioneer Square. The pavilion, designed by Olson Kundig Architects, replaces the former kiosk at the south end of the square, with a larger information and concierge center for enhanced park activation. The new wood and glass pavilion is designed with a glass roof that can serve as an outdoor classroom, a stage, a dining area and most importantly a covered space for use by the public. The project construction is led by Schuchart.

The pavilion’s public opening celebration is planned for Spring 2021, when construction fencing can come down and large gatherings are allowed under the guidance of Public Health - Seattle & King County. Additional information regarding the opening of the Occidental Square pavilion will be communicated in Spring 2021. Funding for this park project has been provided by donors to Seattle Parks Foundation in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation, the Alliance for Pioneer Square, and the Downtown Seattle Association.

For more information about the project please visit https://www.seattle.gov/parks/about-us/current-projects/occidental-square-park-projects or contact Garrett Farrell at garrett.farrell@seattle.gov or 206-233-7921.
Pioneer Square Residents' Council Neighborhood Loyalty Program
The Pioneer Square Residents’ Council seeks to partner with neighborhood cafes, restaurants, and bars to encourage residents to eat and drink at Pioneer Square businesses as part of a Neighborhood Loyalty Program.

The Pioneer Square Residents’ Council has proposed working with neighborhood businesses to offer discounts, such as 10% off, for residents when they mention what building they live in when purchasing goods.

If your business is interested in partnering with the Pioneer Square Residents’ Council on the Neighborhood Loyalty Program, email Chris Woodward at chris@pioneersquare.org.
Business News and Updates
COVID-19 Resources for Pioneer Square Small Business

The Alliance for Pioneer Square recognizes the public health and economic impact of the COVID-19 virus on Seattle’s small business community. We have compiled a series of resources intended to assist small business owners, managers, and employees minimize the public health and economic impact of the COVID-19 virus on themselves and their community. We will revise this and all associated pages with more information as it becomes available- please check back for updates.

Press Highlights
Stay Engaged!
Find us on Facebook

Are you a resident or business owner in the neighborhood? The Alliance for Pioneer Square recently created a Facebook page. This page will communicate resident and business owner specific news/information that to compliment our more general Pioneer Square Facebook page.
Alliance For Pioneer Square | 206.667.0687