September News + Updates
Support Pioneer Square Market Place
The Alliance for Pioneer Square, in collaboration with DEI Creative, launched an online marketplace as a tool for member businesses to generate revenue through online sales during the Coronavirus pandemic.

On the Pioneer Square Marketplace site, shoppers can view curated selections of products and purchase directly from Pioneer Square boutique retailers, restaurants, bars, art galleries, salons and more. Businesses can also feature gift cards for purchase. The site includes a restaurant directory takeout/delivery function that links customers directly to Pioneer Square restaurants for easy ordering of takeout or delivery. The takeout section is a convenient way to help customers order food and support their favorite local restaurants through one online location.
Business News and Updates
COVID-19 Resources for Pioneer Square Small Business

The Alliance for Pioneer Square recognizes the public health and economic impact of the COVID-19 virus on Seattle’s small business community. We have compiled a series of resources intended to assist small business owners, managers, and employees minimize the public health and economic impact of the COVID-19 virus on themselves and their community. We will revise this and all associated pages with more information as it becomes available- please check back for updates.

Supporting Seattle’s Original Neighborhood
Thank you for being one of our most ardent supporters. People like you help us to strengthen, preserve, and promote the amazing assets that the Pioneer Square neighborhood provides to Seattle residents and visitors alike. We wholeheartedly believe Pioneer Square is an amazing and unique place in which to live, work, and visit; and we’re thrilled that you recognize that as well. Please consider a gift to the Alliance for Pioneer Square, and help us to ensure Pioneer Square remains a strong, vibrant neighborhood. We cannot do it without you.
Welcoming New Businesses to Pioneer Square
The Alliance for Pioneer Square is pleased to announce the recent opening of the following businesses in Pioneer Square. Welcome to the neighborhood!

September First Thursday Art Walk Impacts
Many of Pioneer Square's galleries are open to the public and/or offering by-appointment visits under Phase 2 of Washington State's Safe Start plan. Despite approval from the State for Phase 2 operations, September First Thursday will be promoted as a virtual-only event based on the Center for Disease Control's considerations for events and gatherings. Additionally, the First Thursday Free Parking program will not be in effect on Thursday, September 3rd.

We will continue to market this and other Pioneer Square virtual gallery events, as well as encourage Seattle's art community to check with individual galleries on their offerings on First Thursday and other days. Galleries can also promote their in-person and online exhibits on the September First Thursday Facebook event page.
Free COVID-19 Retail Kits Available to
Pioneer Square Businesses + Free Parking
The Alliance for Pioneer Square/Pioneer Square BIA is providing COVID-19 Retail Kits to Pioneer Square businesses in support of the Alliance's Pride and Resilience effort. This is made possible through funding from Historic South Downtown
The kits are as a result of ideas originated by a working group representing a cross-section of Pioneer Square businesses and organizations. The “Pioneer Square Welcome Back” kits will be available to all street-level businesses whose customer base rely on foot traffic. The kit contains:

  • A Pioneer Square-branded "We're Open" flag and poster
  • A "Support PSQ" poster
  • Pioneer Square-branded social distancing floor decals
  • Pioneer Square-branded Public Health posters
  • Pioneer Square-branded hand sanitizer
  • 2020-2021 Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide
The kit also includes information about resources available through partner organizations and ways to connect with neighbors throughout Pioneer Square. Kits will be available at two pick-up events on Friday, September 4, 10:00-11:30AM and 2:00-3:30 PM at the Cone and Steiner's sidewalk patio at 135 S King St. 

The Butler Garage (114 Jame St.) would like to help support our neighborhood businesses in offering a full day of free parking to businesses that come to pick up a kit. A parking voucher will be included with the kit that the Butler Garage parking attendee will collect to validate the free parking.

Outreach and arrangements for delivery to businesses unable to stop by on the day will begin the following week by Alliance staff and neighborhood volunteers. To help deliver kits to a few of your business neighbors email us with your interest or reach out with any comments, questions, or concerns at
Announcing the 2020-2021 Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide
The Alliance for Pioneer Square has released the all-new 2020-2021 Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide. The 12-page Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide is now available digitally online and in print at Pioneer Square Businesses. Every year, the Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide provides potential visitors, locals, and newcomers to Seattle with up-to-date information and inspiration on what to see and do around Pioneer Square.  

The 2020-2021 Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide works in tandem with Pioneer Square’s website, Both tools assist in trip planning, way-finding, and creating personalized itineraries that can make a trip to Pioneer Square extra special and memorable. The business listings in the Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide have been incorporated into the website to make exploring the neighborhood even more accessible and easier from a mobile-device. 

Contact us if you'd like print guides for your business or if you are running low on supply! Call us at 206-667-0687 or email:

The 2020-2021 Pioneer Square Neighborhood Map and Guide is published by the Alliance for Pioneer Square, with support from 4Culture and Historic South Downtown
Now Accepting Submissions for Stories from the Square
The Alliance for Pioneer Square is elated to announce a new project to promote neighborhood businesses through storytelling called Stories from the Square. Stories from the Square is a short-term storytelling campaign intended to provide the Seattle community with an inside glimpse into what makes Pioneer Square unique- our vibrant businesses.

The Alliance has created a brief survey to capture stories from neighborhood businesses to share via 2020 Stories From the Square. Looking forward, the Alliance will coordinate a time to capture one photo per business survey response. Next, the Alliance will begin promoting the survey respondents’ business and survey responses on the Pioneer Square social media channels, email newsletter communications, and on 

Businesses across Pioneer Square have changed the way they operate in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. Some are trying new and innovative practices to remain profitable and to keep their doors open. Others are making tough behind-the-scenes decisions about remaining closed or drastically reducing their operations. Finally, others are utilizing communications channels to raise the profile of other businesses in an act of cross-promotion and community building. 

The Alliance seeks to synthesize these themes (innovation and change, a behind-the-scenes perspective, cross-promotion and community building) through an online interview-style storytelling series highlighting neighborhood businesses. 
From the Public Realm
Pioneer Square Residents Council, Art Outside the Box!: Our First Community. In 2018 the Pioneer Square Residents’ Council (PSRC) initiated their first public art project in Pioneer Square called “Art Outside the Box: Our First Community”. Through a collaboration with the Chief Seattle Club, the first set of artworks were installed in the summer of 2019 funded by the Pioneer Square Business Improvement Area (BIA) and the Pioneer Square Residents’ Council.

Following the first five signal boxes, The Pioneer Square Residents’ Council installed native art wraps on a second round of traffic signal boxes last month for a total of eleven Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) signal boxes adorned with Indigenous art.

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped get the boxes cleaned and prepped earlier this month.
For a background on the project visit the Pioneer Square Residents' Council website. Read the full press release announcing the installation here.
Occidental Mall Street Closure
The Alliance has obtained a street closure permit for Occidental Mall as part of SDOT’s temporary outdoor permitting.
Beginning on Friday, August 14th, Occidental Mall between South Jackson and South Main Streets in Pioneer Square, Seattle is now activated for outdoor dining and shopping as part of the Seattle Department of Transportation’s Temporary Street Closure Permits program. Following recent Public Health orders to reduce indoor dining and retail capacity, the Alliance for Pioneer Square has obtained a Temporary Street Closure Permit for Occidental Mall to add or expand outdoor dining and merchandise displays into designated public right-of-way.

The temporary closure of Occidental Mall to vehicle access will allow restaurants and retailers to place tables, chairs, and merchandise in front of their businesses, providing expanded areas intended to help businesses meet county and state distancing and other safety protocols. Restaurant owners and retailers are required to follow industry-specific guidelines to continue protecting customers and workers.

The temporary closure of Occidental Mall is in effect seven days a week from 11:00AM to 10:00PM. Occidental Mall will remain open to temporary loading parking from 6:00am to 11:00am to ensure delivery personnel have access to businesses. Pedestrians will continue to have access to Occidental Mall throughout the day. Visitors traveling to Pioneer Square by motor vehicle are encouraged to use to explore thousands of neighborhood parking spaces close to their destination.

Interested in a temporary outdoor permit for your business? Contact Sara at
Downtown Ambassador Operations Resume
The Downtown Seattle Association (DSA) continues to adapt on a daily basis and to follow public health guidelines as it ramps up MID-funded ambassador operations. As of Aug. 2, hours of operation will be as follows:
  • Clean Team: Sunday-Saturday, 6 a.m-2:30 p.m. and 10:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
  • Safety Team: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.- 7 p.m.
  • Parks & Public Spaces Team: Sunday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Outreach Team: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Ambassadors will be attending to cleaning, customer service, outreach and public space needs while distancing from each other and the public.
Pioneer Square COVID-19 Information and Updates Webinar
The Alliance for Pioneer Square is hosting a series of virtual information sessions to present the most up-to-date information on the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on Pioneer Square, relief and resources available from the City, State, and Federal government to all those impacted by the crisis, and the Alliance’s response to support our neighborhood.

Visit our website to sign-up for the next Pioneer Square COVID-19 Information and Updates session on Friday, September 18th from 1:30-2:30p and to access recordings and presentation slides from previous webinars.
Grow with Google Workshop Series
In August the Alliance for Pioneer Square hosted a three-part webinar series with Google on how businesses can reach customers online with Google, use data to drive growth, and make their websites work for them. These sessions were led by Grow with Google international speaker and trainer, Corissa Saint Laurent. She is a speaker and trainer who has spent 15 years helping businesses grow through experiential, engagement, and digital marketing. Learn more about Corissa here.

A copy of the presentation and recordings from each worship is available here for businesses who could not attend.

In September, the Alliance will host three more Grow with Google webinars:

Tuesday, September 8th 2:00-3:00pm: Get Your Local Business on Google Search and Maps. Register here.

Tuesday, September 15th 2:00-3:00pm: Connect with Customers and Manager Your Business Remotely. Register here.

September 22nd 2:00-3:00pm: Use YouTube to Grow Your Business. Register here.
Occidental Square Park Pavilion Construction Update

Construction has started on a central performance pavilion, covered gathering area, and visitor kiosk in Occidental Square, located at 117 S Washington St. The project, led by general contractor Schuchart, is made possible through funding provided by donors to Seattle Parks Foundation in partnership with the Alliance for Pioneer Square. The current information kiosk is scheduled to be removed in the first week of August.

A new wood and glass pavilion, which was designed by Olson Kundig Architects, will be built to replace the existing kiosk at the south end of the square, with a larger information and concierge center for enhanced park activation. The activation of the park is the result of five years of investment in staffing, programming, maintenance, and security. This new pavilion will serve as an outdoor classroom, a stage, a dining area and most importantly a covered space for use by the public. Completion of the project is expected in the Fall.

General footprint and access to the south end of the park will remain closed during construction. Restricted access from the current information kiosk to the alley adjacent to the Grand Central building is also expected throughout the duration of the project.

For more information about the project please visit the park website or contact Garrett Farrell at at 206-233-7921.
Sound Transit and King County Metro Fare and Service Updates
Sound Transit Impacts
On July 1st, full fares resumed on all Sound Transit services.ST Express buses transitioned to a single flat fare of $3.25 for all Adult riders, regardless of distance traveled. More information about this resumption of fares can be found here. Fare collection is dependent on the completion of safety measures being installed at the front of our buses, so some routes may continue to be fare-free until these measures are complete. At this time, Sound Transit continues to operate with a reduced service level due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More information can be found on the Reduced Service page.

King County Metro Impacts

King County Metro has operated a reduced service network since March in response to COVID-19. As of June 22, about 85% of pre-COVID transit service is operating. Future service adjustments and reductions are also planned for September as Metro responds to ridership levels. Riders are required to wear masks or face coverings at all times. Visit the Metro Matters blog for the latest on what Metro is doing in response to COVID-19. Visit the Reduced Schedules page for route details and learn more about King County Metro impact here.
Neighborhood Construction Updates
Pioneer Square
Areaways Program

SDOT recently implemented a strict vehicle weight limitation, increased commercial vehicle enforcement, and modified commercial vehicle load zone locations beyond the 1st Ave corridor.

Curb lane restrictions on S Jackson St are currently in place that effectively close the street to heavy vehicles between 1st Ave S and 2nd Ave S. South Main St is open to local access for deliveries (unless otherwise restricted by posted signs) following the removal of the decommissioned trolley platform near Occidental Square.

For more information, please visit the Seattle Department of Transportation's website or contact the SDOT Areaways team at or 206-684-3760. Additionally, you can stay up to date with the latest project information by signing up for SDOT's project email list.
Port of Seattle Cruise Terminal Update

In April 2020, the Port of Seattle suspended its planning for a new cruise terminal to serve the Alaska market, citing a need to better understand the short and long-term cruise industry market impacts from COVID-19 before continuing its project investment in additional cruise facilities. As a result of this current analysis, the Port will cancel its request for industry proposals for a joint investment to build and operate a proposed new cruise terminal at the preferred location of Terminal 46.

The Port of Seattle and Northwest Seaport Alliance will continue with prior projects to make Terminal 46 more sustainable and durable for long-term general maritime use, including installing stormwater treatment infrastructure and rehabilitating the dock. Vessel berthing and maritime support will continue on the terminal. The Port will prepare a recommendation for the Cruise Terminal Project when there is greater certainty about demand for Port of Seattle cruise services.

For questions, contact Peter McGraw, Maritime Media Officer by email or call (206) 787-3446.
Waterfront Seattle Construction Ongoing on New Alaskan Way

Waterfront Seattle has begun building a new Alaskan Way. Waterfront Seattle's initial work zones will span from S King to Marion streets. Activities include establishing work zones, mobilizing equipment, potholing work, breaking pavement and excavation for utility installation. Work is scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 5 PM with occasional overnight and weekend work.
Here's how you can stay up to date on Waterfront Seattle construction: Head to Waterfront Seattle's website for more information and to sign up for email updates. Text "WFSCN" to 474747 to receive text updates. You may also contact Waterfront Seattle via email or by phone at (206) 499-8040.
Construction Roundup

(Note: Most construction has resumed after being paused due to COVID-19.)

Best Western Annex 

Seahawks, Sounders Return to CenturyLink Field
Recently the Sounders kicked-off their home season at CenturyLink field. Find the finalized first section of their remaining home 2020 schedule here. The Seahawks have also announced their 2020 schedule which can be viewed here.

Both teams will be conducting these events with NO fans. The games will instead feature music and piped in fan noise within the stadium similar to a traditional game day. 
Press Highlights
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Are you a resident or business owner in the neighborhood? The Alliance for Pioneer Square recently created a Facebook page. This page will communicate resident and business owner specific news/information that to compliment our more general Pioneer Square Facebook page.
Alliance For Pioneer Square | 206.667.0687