January 18, 2021
Pitt School of Social Work Weekly E-blast
CRSP wins award
The Center on Race and Social Problems has been selected as the 2020 UPSIDE Award winner. The University of Pittsburgh’s strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is wholly present within the initiatives of the Center on Race and Social Problems. The extensive programming and services facilitated through the Center on Race and Social Problems impressed the nominations review committee. We invite you to join us at the award announcement to take place at the Creating A Just Community program on January 20, 2021 (11am-12:30pm). 
Pitt Social Work faculty and doctoral students presenting at SSWR 2021
Faculty member pens book chapter
Research Associate Professor Mary Beth Rauktis was a contributor the new book Racial Disproportionality and Disparities in the Child Welfare System (Child Maltreatment Book 11). Rauktis co-authored "Chapter 16
Family Meetings as a System Reform
to Address Racial Disproportionality
and Disparities." Available now on Amazon. For more information please reach our to Dr. Rauktis directly at mar104@pitt.edu.
Ohmer receives new grant
Associate Professor Mary Ohmer has received $140,000 in year three funding from AmeriCorps (formerly Corporation for National and Community Service) for Dr. Ohmer and Dr. Shannah-Tharp Gilliam’s (Homewood Children’s Village) Research for Equity and Power project to continue to disseminate the Homewood project results, including their Equitable Development Playbook, and to replicate the project in Hazelwood, in collaboration with the Hazelwood Initiative and Center of Life.  
Pitt Social Work Faculty and Staff engage with the community
Pitt School of Social Work faculty and staff engage with their communities through research as well as volunteer opportunities. See the full list of board that Pitt Social Work faculty and staff participate in on the website.
Upcoming Events
  • January 18, 2021: #CRSPCast: What Just Happened? Race, Justice, and Politics after the Capitol Siege. 12-1pm. Register here.

  • January 19, 2021: Continuing Education: Motivational Interviewing. 9am-12pm. Register here.

  • January 20, 2021: Career Workshop: A Licensure Overview: What you need to know. 5-6pm. Register here.

  • January 21, 2021: Field Placement Information Session. 5-6:30pm. Register here.

  • January 25, 2021: Continuing Education: Empathy, Compassion Fatigue, and Ethical Clinical Practice. 10-11:30am. Register here.

  • January 26, 2021: Pitt Social Work Alumni Speaker Series: "The Crooked Path: Allowing Life's Curveballs To Work For You." 12-1pm. Register here.

For a complete listing of upcoming events please visit the
Please share our e-blast with your contacts and send any story ideas to shm87@pitt.edu.