February 2024

Community Service Experiences

Author: Colt S., Miners Ravine 4-H Club

Communications Officer

Hello, my name is Colt Smith and I am the communications officer from Miners Ravine 4-H. I am here to talk about our contributions to the community. An example would be the Christmas family. This is where we send gifts to a family in need for Christmas morning. This year and the last, we raised so much money that we were able to have two families that we support. Personally, I imagine my parents saying on Christmas that there were no presents or gifts and being really upset. That would be terrible and I wouldn't want anyone to feel that way. It is a good feeling when we know we are helping others. 

In our club we do exciting fundraiser events such as the dessert auction. Our club takes part in many things like Wreaths Across America and adoption day to bring joy to newly adopted kids and appreciate veterans who paid the ultimate price. For instance in Wreaths Across America they had hot cocoa, a band and piper. Basically, you visit veterans' graves, pay your respects and hang a wreath across their grave. I for one like this because my dad is a veteran and he normally comes with me. I also like the event because it gives me a good feeling inside when I support these people.

Community Calendar

Adult Volunteer Calendar

Placer 4-H County Field Day

Come out and enjoy a fun filled day of 4-H contests & fun activities! Mark your calendar, on March 16th, we are holding a really big event. The Placer 4-H County Field Day will consist of 7 different contests to include:

  • Presentation Contest
  • Interview Contest
  • Photography Contest
  • Plant Science Contest
  • STEM Shark Tank
  • Insect Identification Contest
  • Forestry Contest
  • and fun activities for youth of all ages!

If you are interested in leading a contest or activity, being a room host, evaluator or helping out in any other way, please reach out to Jonathan Stefani at jestefani@ucanr.edu. Evaluator & Contest registration will open February 8th.

See website for more info: Placer 4-H County Field Day

Placer County Farm Bureau's

Mixer & Annual Meeting

Featuring keynote speaker, New CFBF President Shannon Douglass

February 22, 2024

Blue Goose Event Center, Loomis

FREE admittance for PCFB members! $10 for Non-Members. Space is limited, register online by February 15, 2024.

This event is family friendly and the goal is to bring our agricultural community together to mix and mingle while learning about a variety of agricultural agencies/organizations that serve our county.

Your Help is Requested, Donate a Dessert!

The Gold Country Fairgrounds & Event Center is SO excited to announce our annual Crab Feed on Saturday, February 24th, 2024, from 5-10 pm!

This year, all of the proceeds will benefit the purchase of NEW small animal cages for the annual fair (it has been a long time coming)!

Drop-off at the fairgrounds:

Friday, Feb 23rd: 9am-3pm

Saturday, Feb 24th: 12pm-3pm

Prop 12 Information for Swine Exhibitors

Swine exhibitors need to be familiar with the Prop 12 guidelines. Every fair is handling Prop 12 on and individual basis. Prior to purchasing your market animal, be sure to check with your fair what their policy will be on this.

Read more:

Proposition 12 Compliance

Guidelines for 4-H Youth in Swine Projects

Record Book Information

The new 2023-2024 Record Book information is available now.

What is a record book? What goes into a record book? Who needs a record book? All your questions answered on the newly made over Record Book section.

View record book info on our website!

Click for more info about workshops

Online Workshop Series for 4-H Project Leaders returns!

Learn about your role, responsibilities, lesson planning, making learning engaging, working with youth of all ages, and effective hands-on learning.

March 5: Best Practices in youth development

March 12: Learning in 4-H

March 19: Working With All Ages (from 5 to 18) and Abilities

March 26: Creating effective youth-adult partnerships & working with youth leaders

Sign up!

2024 California 4-H Camp Conference

A variety of hands-on workshops promise to engage, inspire, educate and challenge everyone regardless of their role at camp. Workshops are appropriate for all levels—from novice counselors to seasoned directors.

Camp Administration Track

Roles & Responsibilities of the Camp Director, Risk Management, Selecting & Training Adult Chaperones & Teens, Youth & Adult Partnership

Program Excellence Track

Setting the Tone at Camp, Managing Camper Behavior, Traditions, Inclusive Camps (panel session)

Activities Track

Time-fillers with campers, Planning your evening programs, Growth Mindset, Inclusive Games

Science & Such Track

Experiential Learning, Project Learning Tree & Program Improvement, Waterfront planning

Archery Track

If you participate in Archery, you would only be in that track and not select other workshop sessions.

These are just a few examples of workshop topics being offered. This conference is only held every other year. Don't miss this great learning opportunity to make the best camps better! Find out more and register!

Bi-County Fashion Revue

Sewing project or not, all 4-H members are welcome to enter! Categories align with the 2024 State Fashion Revue categories (listed below). More details to come. Mark your calendars for April 27th at Chicago Park School.

2024 State Fashion Revue

The State Fashion Revue categories have been announced! Read more here.


Leadership Opportunities

Placer County 4-H Committee

We invite you to sign up for one of nine 4-H committees. This leadership group will help shape the future of our Placer 4-H program.

Sign up today!


Volunteer Educators' Guide

Check out the new 4-H Volunteer Educators' Guide. This document provides important information and resources for 4-H volunteers, such as: creating positive learning environments for youth, crafting engaging project lessons, tailoring project lessons according to youth's ages and stages, understanding 4-H lingo, creating 4-H lesson plans, youth-adult partnerships, developing youth leaders, safety and insurance, and other 4-H resources and trainings.

Download the Free Volunteer Educators' Guide

ZSuite Enrollment Support Document

Here is a help sheet on how to confirm member enrollments. This document better aligns with the current Unit Report options in ZSuite. Download document here.

4-H Updates Newsletter from State Office

Here is the November 4-H Updates email newsletter from the State Office. View email here.

Volunteer Resources

Youth Member Resources

Visit the New CA 4-H Resource Website

UC Cooperative Extension - Placer County 4-H Office

11477 E Avenue (enter through D Avenue Off Richardson Blvd.) Auburn, CA 95603

Phone: 530-889-7386 | FAX: 530-889-7397 | placer4h@ucanr.edu 

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m | Closed from 12:00 -1:00 PM on Fridays

Jonathan Stefani

4-H Community Education Specialist


Matthew Rodriguez, PhD

4-H Advisor


Vera M. Bullard

Regional Program Coordinator


Dan Macon

County Director


Visit our Placer County 4-H website

The University of California working in cooperation with County Government

and the United States Department of Agriculture.

 It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities. Complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/390107.pdf (in English), https://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/390109.pdf (in Spanish). Inquiries regarding ANR’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to UCANR, Affirmative Action Compliance & Title IX Officer, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618, (530) 750-1397.