September 2024

Community Calendar

Adult Volunteer Calendar

Important Information

Youth Enrollment

See New and Returning Youth Members page for more info.

Adult Volunteer Enrollment

See New and Returning Adult Volunteers page for more info.

New Project Opportunities!

Are you interested in leading a project in:

  • Butterflies (all curriculum, materials, kits, training provided)
  • Junk Drawer Robotics, Tinkering/Intro to Engineering (all curriculum, materials, kits, training provided)
  • Sewing (some materials, kits and training may be provided)
  • Rifle (requires certification)
  • Archery (requires certification)
  • Embryology (all curriculum, materials and training provided)

Contact the 4-H Office and let's discuss this!

Virtual Food Safety Training Course

This is for anyone serving or handling food at 4-H events or activities. Both youth and adult volunteers are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, October 9th at 6:00 p.m.


Link to Register:

El Dorado Co. Youth Poultry Tabletop Show info and registration

Volunteering Builds Stronger Communities

Author: JoLynn Miller

Volunteering may be the answer to bringing people together, in a time where there seems to be more division than ever. The Census Bureau and AmeriCorps report that while formal volunteering rates have declined, informal volunteering rates have remained steady. Last year, I discussed the many personal benefits to volunteering (longer lifespan, potential job skills, increased self-confidence, etc.). This year as National Volunteer Month comes to a close, I suggest looking at it from a different angle. read more...

4-H Name and Emblem Guide

Are you creating banners, t-shirts or other items for club or project use? Here is a quick guideline for the correct way to use the 4-H name and emblem. Click anywhere on the guide for a printable pdf. Don't forget to submit designs for approval by the County 4-H office prior to having your items printed.

Volunteer Development Advisory Committee

The Volunteer Development Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adults who want to increase the resources to support 4-H Volunteers. Your involvement in this committee helps us develop and test new materials and processes for all volunteers in California.

Learn more about the Volunteer Development Advisory Committee

Learn more about the State Advisory Committees.

UC Cooperative Extension - Placer County 4-H Office

11477 E Avenue (enter through D Avenue Off Richardson Blvd.) Auburn, CA 95603

Phone: 530-889-7386 | FAX: 530-889-7397 | 

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m | Closed from 12:00 -1:00 PM on Fridays

Jonathan Stefani

4-H Community Education Specialist

Matthew Rodriguez, PhD

4-H Advisor

Vera M. Bullard

Regional Program Coordinator

Dan Macon

County Director

Visit our Placer County 4-H website

The University of California working in cooperation with County Government

and the United States Department of Agriculture.

It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities. Complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at (in English), (in Spanish). Inquiries regarding ANR’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to UCANR, Affirmative Action Compliance & Title IX Officer, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618, (530) 750-1397.