Updated GMR Summer Tour Schedule
From Events Chair Duffy Miller:
Saturday July 11
Driving tour starting in Berlin and ending in Windsor.
The GMR PCA will hold its first driving tour of the season on Saturday, July 11. Given the ongoing COVID-19 guidelines, the event will focus on the drive itself, ensuring that the health guidelines recommended are followed.
Meeting place: we will meet at the Maplewood Gas / Truck Stop just off I-89, Exit 7, in Berlin, at 8:45 a.m. Take Exit 7, proceed to the first light, turn right, and Maplewood is about 1/4 mile on the right side of the road. There is plenty of parking and easily accessible gas pumps.
The balance of the tour route is currently being developed and will start in Berlin, and end in Windsor.
Drivers’ meeting at 8:45 a.m. with the drive to start at 9.00 a.m. You will need to sign the PCA and Communicable Disease Waiver forms.
Drivers and passengers are asked to wear masks at the drivers’ meeting, and to follow distancing guidelines.
Dining and visiting local sites after the tour is On-Your-Own: Securing a venue for 30-50 club members at this time was not possible given the current health restrictions. Restaurants are still only offering take-out or limited seated dining. So, there is no official luncheon or event after the drive. However - there are numerous places to visit, eat, picnic, and tour in the greater Windsor area, and members are encouraged to make arrangements to eat or visit local sites on their own, or when possible in small groups with other members.
Please note - if you plan to dine at any local establishment, reservations are needed, and seating will be limited. Plan ahead, and plan early to make sure you are able to enjoy sites or the restaurant of your choice once the tour ends. If you are considering takeout, you may want to plan a picnic in the region.
Here are some suggestions for eating or after-the-drive sights to visit:
Harpoon Brewery - Brew house in Windsor, dining and tours available, reservations required, limited seating inside and outside. https://www.harpoonbrewery.com or call 802-674-5491;221
Windsor Station Restaurant, located in the old Windsor depot. Reservations required, limited seating, and takeout available. https://www.windsorstationvt.com or call 802-674-4180, online ordering is also available for takeout.
Au Jus - indoor and outside seating, reservations required, https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Restaurant/AuJus-101135744568595/ (Facebook page) call 802-674-4638.
Boston Dreams, Coffee House, ice cream, sports gallery. Online / takeout orders http://bostondreams.com online order only
Brownsville Butcher and Pantry (https://www.facebook.com/brownsvillebutcherandpantry/), (802) 546-2900
Maple Kitchen, 802-484-7711 at the Ascutney Resort (Brownsville) dinner only, opens at 4pm for folks wanting to eat after touring the area. http://www.maplekitchenvt.com
Woodstock is a short drive away, less than 20 miles
There also are plenty of local sites to visit - this page from the town website has information on historical sites: http://www.windsorvt.org/history
American Precision Museum https://americanprecision.org
Old Constitution House 802-674-6628
Saint-Gaudens National Historical Site
Cornish-Windsor Covered Bridge
Fowler-Steele House - Heritage site
Saturday August 14 and Sunday August 15
August 14th and 15th, Friday evening and Saturday, tour starting and ending in West Dover, VT
Club member Bob Rubin has put together a stayover at the Grey Ghost Inn, in West Dover on Friday, August 14, and will lead a tour through the roads of Vermont’s southern region on Saturday, August 15th.
Grey Ghost room reservations: Club members are offered a special room and breakfast rate at the Grey Ghost Inn. Visit their website
https://www.grayghostinn.com or call 802-464-2474 to make reservations. Space is limited, so call early to reserve a room for this event. If Grey Ghost rooms become sold-out, check out the region for other overnight room possibilities - there are plenty of places to stay in the West Dover area.
Driving Tour: Saturday, August 15: The driver’s meeting will be held at the Grey Ghost Inn parking lot at 8:30 a.m. with the tour starting by 9 a.m. The tour will end back in West Dover, where members are encouraged to join others for lunch, picnic, touring or other activities. More information about local dining possibilities will be shared closer to the event.
Note: While the schedule settles, the Events Committee still needs help and would like to hear from you if you are interested in leading or helping with one or more tours. If you can help out, or have questions or other suggestions, please contact events chair Duffy
Miller at