Dear Friends,

I’m so excited to invite you to a new series of in-person gatherings beginning this month!

In the spring, we published our plan for reopening, gradually phasing in new in-person activities. We have been watching numbers, consulting with health experts, and following recommendations from our Bishop. Now, we can finally announce we are moving to Phase III of our reopening plan!

Your Pastors and Church staff have put together some great new ways for us to come together in person for prayer, praise, and fellowship. You’ll find the details of those gatherings below, and watch for more opportunities to be added soon. Our next in-person phase will begin in October with worship indoors.

We are so blessed to have fantastic outdoor space at our Church. I’ve already seen some of your faces as your Bible studies met in our Pavilion or during our outdoor confirmation. Using our outdoor space, while continuing to wear our masks and follow social distancing, is a low-risk way for us to begin meeting in person again.

I give thanks to God for your faithful witness during these difficult days - for your patience, your flexibility, and your prayers. I am so blessed to be a part of a Church family that takes care of each other. A Church that finds new and creative ways to worship, build community, and do God’s work in the world. But I have so missed seeing you all.

Come to these new gatherings. Keep an eye out for more details. Keep worshiping with us online. I hope these new in-person opportunities will be a blessing to you, and that they will help us continue building toward our next phase: gathering for worship indoors, in October.

God Bless,

We’re excited to begin these new outdoor gatherings! Please note that social distancing will be maintained for everyone’s safety; practice your best waves and air-hugs! Also, masks will be worn, so we will all assume everyone is smiling under them! Check The Echo next week for specific information on how to attend these gatherings. How wonderful it will be to come together and hear the church bells ring!


Saturday Mornings: Revival with Pastor Tommy @ 10am

We will meet under the Hub Pavilion for an uplifting service with prayer, music, and a message from Pastor Tommy. The Hub (our Youth building across from the street) has a great covered space for gatherings complete with a giant fan, so we are prepared for whatever Texas fall weather can bring!
There will be a link for you to learn more and make a reservation in The Echo.

Sunday Mornings: Parking Lot Praise with Pastor Abe @ 9am

Bring your lawnchairs and gather on Sunday morning to hear an encouraging message and sing praise to God with Pastor Abe and the Wellspring music team! It will be great to be together and celebrate the love of God through Christ Jesus.  
Directions on parking and other information will be provided in The Echo.

Tuesdays: Sanctuary Devotional @ 11-1

Drop in for come-and-go prayer time during your Tuesday lunch break. The sanctuary will be open for you to stop by, listen to instrumental hymns, and find a space for quiet reflection. Pastor James and The Center for Transformative Prayer have prepared a written devotional that will be available to read.
More information will be available in The Echo.

Any Time: Small group meetings

Email Juanitia to schedule your outdoor small group meetings. This is a great way for Bible studies or Sunday School classes to gather.


Limited Indoor Worship

We are so excited to come back to the Sanctuary and Dyer Hall!  Our beautiful, historic building has made creating a plan for safe indoor worship a unique challenge, but we have a great set of new safety protocols that will allow in-person worship again.  More information - including times, new guidelines, and how to reserve your spot for these services - will be coming in early October. Keep an eye out for announcements in the Echo and on social media  And, of course, our livestreamed worship will continue going strong.  

We hope this new phase of reopening, with online, outdoor, and indoor opportunities to be the Church, will allow us to keep sharing the heart of Christ, wherever we are!