Monthly Newsletter
April 2019
Recently, CBC News published an article entitled, “ A shocking portrait of sexual abuse in sports and some good advice for parents .” In a joint investigation between CBC News and CBC Sports, they found 222 amateur sports coaches who had been convicted of sexual offences in 20 years with more than 600 victims under the age of 18. There were also another 34 coaches currently accused and waiting conviction.

The article reported, “It seems like no sport is immune.” They found cases in hockey, soccer, martial arts, basketball, swimming, baseball, volleyball, gymnastics, football, figure skating and equestrian.

This month at Plan to Protect ® we want to focus on how we can Plan to Protect sports organizations. If we are running, organizing or volunteering for a sporting organization, league, team, etc., what can we do to prevent abuse and protect those who are vulnerable? If we are parents/guardians what are some of the things we should ask for and expect when we register or enroll our kids. What safety precautions should be in place for tournaments, change rooms, overnights, health and safety, concussions and more?

This month we’re also taking a look at depression in our special interest webinar on April 25.

Initially, I would have thought these two topics were unrelated but then I stumbled upon this article by , which shared information from the report
“Traumatic Brain Injury and Depression,” produced by Vanderbilt University Evidence-based Practice Center.

Research found that patients with Traumatic Brain Injuries (for example concussions) were more likely to experience depression that those who did not have a brain injury. “For every 10 people who do have a brain injury approximately three people will have depression.” That’s 3x higher than those who do not. 

We need to have a plan to support and protect those with depression. As Dr. Thomas Choy, Psychiatrist and Founder of Living Water Counselling Center writes “Mental illness renders the suffers as easy targets for exploitation and abuse. They are actually more vulnerable than most people realize.”

It’s obvious that whether we are talking about sports or depression a plan to protect those that are vulnerable is needed. Will you join us as we raise the bar in protection?

-Victoria Bissell, Director of Training
For the past six summers, I have been the Sports Camp Coordinator for a week-long day camp. Each year, we have approximately 60 campers ages 7 to 12 years old participating in various sports, including soccer, ball hockey, basketball, volleyball, as well as many large group games – all on varying terrain. With the heightened excitement and energy that comes with group sports, one can only imagine that there would be an increased number of incidents, injuries and accidents. And, there sure is! There is a children’s camp that runs the week before our camp, and I would estimate that at Sports Camp we would probably have three to four times more incident reports to fill out than the non-sports camp program.

Since many camps are not run by sporting leagues, they often do not provide or require the typical equipment that comes
along with each type of sport, ie. shin pads for soccer, or gloves and helmets for ball hockey. A report by Dr. Natalie Yanchar, Associate Professor of Surgery and Emergency Medicine at Dalhousie University and Medical Director at IWK Trauma Care in Halifax, states that “without question” a helmet can reduce the risk of serious injury, such as a concussion.

-Bridget Boadway, Assistant to the
Director of Training

What should the procedure be if a concussion is suspected in a participant of one of our programs?

Find out the answer HERE (question 15r) .
April Special Membership

Become a Plan to Protect ® member this month and receive a complimentary, 30-minute consultation with your new membership (value $45).

Special Interest Webinar

This webinar is designed for all organizations who work with the vulnerable sector. We will provide practical tips for supporting, counselling and mentoring individuals, along with strategies for creating a safe environment.
Cost: $30+tax per webinar
Members can register at no cost for monthly Special Interest Webinars, as well as get access to past editions. Apply for membership  HERE.
Plan to Protect ® for Sports

This webinar is designed for teachers, coaches, instructors, parents, community centre staff and sporting club leaders and administration. We will address the challenges of sporting organizations and provide practical tips on creating a safe environment for programs, practices, locker/change rooms, tournaments and hotels. 
Cost: FREE
Certification Training

Want to learn more about our online certification courses? Check out this promo for our Admin/Leader Level 1 course.

Ready to register? Click HERE to get started.

We are looking to hire a Director of Training to join our Ontario-based team. The ideal candidate will have a background in education, strong communication skills, and a knowledge of abuse prevention.

For more information and to apply, review the full position description HERE .