Dear fellow whole grain lover,

March is kind of a big deal at the Whole Grains Council. In addition to being National Nutrition Month, it contains one of our favorite celebrations of the year: Whole Grain Sampling Day! March 28 is your chance to help us spread the word about your delicious products. See how you can participate , and then register your event so we can assist you with planning and promotion. Whole Grain Sampling Day is the best day of the year to gain customers don't miss out on it! (And in case you need a little inspiration...check out the video below!)
4 Reasons to Sponsor the Whole Grains Conference
Whole Grain Sampling Day isn't our only event in the works: We're also deep in the midst of planning our upcoming conference. This year we're in Seattle, November 4-6 , to talk all things whole grains. Visit our website for 4 reasons your company should sponsor!
Whole Grains Cookbook
We're excited to announce the newest way we're sharing the goodness of whole grains: a new cookbook that showcases the flavors of whole grains from around the world. Learn more, and consider a giveaway for your own customers!
Past Whole Grain Sampling Day Celebrations
There's a reason we love Whole Grain Sampling Day: Because it's a pretty fun party. Don't believe us? Check out this video of a past year's celebration! It will be just the inspiration you need to plan your own event .