Planning for Adult Life activities, events, and materials are conducted and developed in partnership with
The Arc of New Jersey with funding from the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Bridging the Gap Between Assistive Technology in Your Child's IEP and How to Maximize It In The Workplace

There is a wide range of technology that can help reduce barriers in school and in employment for individuals with disabilities. This webinar will provide an overview of assistive technology, why it is important to include it in your child’s IEP, and how it can be beneficial in your student's success in the workplace.

Vanessa Lombardo, M.Ed., ATP
Director, Assistive Technology Services
Advancing Opportunities

Wednesday, October 23, at 6pm


Let's Talk About Healthy Sexuality & Sexual Safety
(PART 2)

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities should have access to information and services that support the possibility of experiencing healthy relationships and safe sexual experiences free from violence. In this webinar, we will explore the concept of sexual health and discuss the importance of providing information and services that promote healthy sexuality and safety. A ttendees will explore the definition of sexuality, and become familiar with sexuality related needs, concerns and interests that can arise as a young person with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities grows. Special emphasis will be placed upon minimizing youth’s risk of abuse. 


Melissa Keyes DiGioia, CSE
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Finding Your Individuality

PART 2: Wednesday, October 30, at 6 pm

Are You Planning To Attend Our Opportunity Expo Conference?

These events are held throughout the state and consist of parent workshops on topics including: support coordination, the continuum of community services, financial planning, eligibility requirements, and where to find help.

The Opportunity Expo Conference features a variety of exhibitors including: state and county government entities, community service providers, service coordinators, local health care support, recreation providers, and information & referral services. Families will have the chance to learn more about the resources in their communities and will also have the opportunity to speak with and interview potential service providers. 

Graduate Timeline Now Available
DDD’s  Timeline for Students Exiting School and Turning 21 , commonly known as the  Graduates Timeline , is now available. This timeline provides next steps for students who are turning 21, exiting the school system, and interested in accessing adult services through DDD. Because the fee-for-service transition is nearing completion and the information will remain the same going forward, the timeline is no longer specific to a graduating year. To download your copy, click HERE
New Jersey Department of Education Issues Revised Manual
The New Jersey special education offices are responsible for supervising and monitoring the implementation of the federal requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) in local education agencies (LEAs) which include all school districts.  A Revised August 2019 version of the Parental Rights in Special Education manual has been posted. You can view by clicking HERE . The manual is also in the following languages:

Does Your Group Need A Speaker?
The Planning For Adult Life Program (PFAL) provides free presentations, hands-on workshops, and resources for school classrooms, parent groups, community or civic groups, and professional organizations. Our standard presentation is approximately 45 minutes long and includes a brief introduction to the PFAL program, presented by one of our staff. However, we are happy to accommodate special presentation requests with advance notice.
In general, we prefer to receive requests at least two weeks prior to the actual presentation date. After submitting the form, you will receive an email to confirm your request. To learn more and request a presentation, click HERE
Missed Any of Our Webinars?
Don't worry! We have recorded more than 45 videos on various topics and posted them so that you can view them on our Archived Webinar page. Just click HERE.