SOAR Analysis - S trengths, O pportunities, A spirations, R esults. The purpose of this analysis is to recognize potential and create a shared vision of the future. This technique is action-oriented and is used to:
  • explore new initiatives
  • build on strengths to get results rather than correct weaknesses
  • develop a strategic plan
  • focus and redirect efforts and resources
Use this resource to help you begin to put together your goals.

Template for your ACC Plan. This template may be used in putting together the plan for your ACC. It is intended to be a guideline/sample to help structure your plan. If your plan looks different that's okay! How you establish your goals isn't as important as establishing them. How are you going to carry on the mission of Jesus Christ as an Area Catholic Community?

As part of your plan, we are asking you to create SMART goals. This video explains SMART goals in a little more detail and provides examples. SMART goals will give all of us something to work toward in our area.

This short video gives a basic idea for a plan structure. Even though this example isn't "church" related, you may find it helpful as you begin to create and structure your own plan for your ACC. Theory of Change