The Town has a long-standing commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
We invite you to review the Town's Draft Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan and email your comments to [email protected] before September 3, 2021.

Over the last two years, the Town has been working with multiple partners to create the Plan, in hopes of building the adaptive capacity of our community and beginning to integrate climate change considerations into our long-term planning and day-to-day operations.
For more information on the project go to
Memorial Roundabout Construction
Earlier this month, quite a few onlookers enjoyed watching the large crane and crew placing bridge precast beams and panels for the Memorial Roundabout. The large pre-fabricated slabs were carefully unloaded from the truck, and then with precision crane-work, were lined up to be placed on rebar.

The outline of the roundabout is now taking shape, and work is moving along on schedule. The next step of the project will be sub-base preparation for curbs and paving.

We encourage you to support the local businesses around the intersection where possible. We also thank you for your patience during this time.

Keep updated on our Facebook page and on our project webpage .
Airfield Lighting Rehabilitation Grant
The Qualicum Beach Airport will be receiving $1,141,476 to perform important airfield lighting upgrades, including runway and taxiway LED edge lights. This is timely funding, as many aspects of the lighting were considered urgent, and were well past their expected service lifespan.  

The Town is grateful to Transport Canada for providing the funding through the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP).
Bus Garage Development
Planning and design work on the old Bus Garage/Qualicum Commons site continues. The location of the Naked Naturals store/residential units has been decided and the owners have submitted plans for a zoning amendment and development permit, that went to the July 21 Regular Council meeting.

The application is now proceeding through the zoning amendment process, and you can view the proposed plans on the Council agenda (page 97).

The Town has also engaged an urban designer to come up with several concepts for the remaining public space on the site, including options for parking, amenities, and community space. The Town will then conduct public engagement later this year once these concepts are available.

For more on the project go to the project webpage.
East Village Streetscaping Commences
Revitalization of the Town's "East Village" continues with streetscaping along Berwick Road, and undergrounding of services and utilities along Second Avenue.

Improvements will include roadwork, paving, curbs, gutters, catch basins, street lighting, street trees, and irrigation. It will also include conversion of overhead utilities to underground servicing, as well as ditching and culvert replacement on the railway right-of-way.

The work was tendered out and awarded to Milestone Contracting.

This is Phase One of a two-phased project to transform the area into a unique and thriving neighbourhood for both businesses and residents. This phase of the project is set to be completed by the Fall.

For more information, visit the project webpage.
Rodway Trail
The Rodway Trail project recommences with stair treads finally being delivered after long shipping delays caused by COVID-19.

Crews are now busy arranging foundations for the stairs, and the stair structure will soon be fabricated by a local company and located in place.

Check out our cool 3D model of the stairs (click with your mouse and move around to see different perspectives).

The estimated completion for the project is set for late Summer, early Fall.

For more information, visit the project webpage.
Waterfront Expansion Project
Design work has started for the Waterfront Expansion Project, and stormwater drainage work is set to start in late Summer of this year.

This project will provide much-needed infrastructure along the waterfront to allow more parking and a more user-friendly waterfront.

Proposed works include:
  • 100-150 new parking stalls along the central waterfront by infilling approximately 640 meters of roadside ditch and laying gravel and guidelines along the south side of Highway 19A. This is a very cost-effective way to make the waterfront more convenient and accessible for both residents and visitors.
  • 'Servicing kiosks' equipped with water and power hook up for mobile vendors/food trucks. These spaces will be furnished with covered seating areas to accommodate all-weather use.
  • Traffic calming measures, including two pedestrian-activated crossings along the waterfront.
  • Parking meters to regulate overnight use (10 pm – 8 am). Overnight parking is currently prohibited along the entire 3km stretch of the central waterfront but frequently occurs without authorization. Parking meters will allow the Town to manage overnight parking and limit it to designated areas. Payment and enforcement are to be monitored by a third party. 
  • Dedicated overnight RV Parking for 6-8 RV-sized spaces along the central waterfront, equipped with power and water hook up. This will provide legitimate overnight parking infrastructure between 10 pm – 8 am, and utilize off-peak hours, allowing the Town to accommodate tourism accommodation in the area without constraining daytime parking when demand is highest. Payment and enforcement will be monitored by a third party.  
Later this year there will be public consultation on key aspects of this project, such as traffic calming and parking.

The project is set to commence preliminary construction later this summer, and be completed by early 2023.  

For more information go to the project webpage.
"Into the Woods" Childcare Facility
With the final design approved by Council, construction is set to soon commence for the Town's newest Childcare Centre - Into the Woods!

The design was approved by Council at the June 15, 2021, Regular Council meeting. You can view the plans here (page 148).

An invitation to tender is currently posted to secure trades for the various construction elements (see here) and closes on August 30, 2021.

The centre will host 37 new spaces for children aged three years to kindergarten, in a new 3,269 square-foot childcare centre, with an outdoor play area. To register your child for a place contact Karen Charlesworth.

For more information go to our project webpage
St. Andrew's Waterfront Park
The Former St. Andrew's Waterfront Park is now open to the public!

Currently, a bocce pit and basketball hoop have been temporarily located on the site, and future decisions on the layout of the park are yet to be finalized, including the placement of washrooms, benches, and trails. These decisions will be informed by the two concepts that came from the public consultation process the Town underwent in 2019-2020.

The Town has signed a lease with the St. Andrew's Lodge Historical and Cultural Society, allowing them to begin renovating and preserving the historical lodge. The lease is for a 12-month term starting July 1, 2021, with the provision for an additional 48-month term. Council also approved $5,000 in grant funding to the Society to assist with their efforts.

For more details visit the project webpage.
Complete the 2021 Canadian Census
Complete your 2021 Census online today. By filling out your census questionnaire, you help shape your community and support important decision-making that affects all Canadians.

Your answers are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act and kept strictly confidential.
Affordable Housing Grant Received
Qualicum-Parksville Kiwanis Housing Society, in partnership with the Town of Qualicum Beach, will be receiving funding from the Province to build 56 affordable homes for seniors, families, and people with disabilities.

Construction of the project, called “Residences at Qualicum Station Housing Project”, is set to begin in February 2022 on the vacant Town-owned property at Railway Street and Village Way.

The Town underwent a survey to gain feedback on the proposed design in March 2021. Council then approved the development permit, with the requirement that the building is to be no more than 4 stories high on both north and south sides.

Grant Updates
The Town works hard to secure grant funding to strengthen the Town economically, culturally, and socially. View the latest updates on our Grant Summary page here.