Don't Forget To Include Us In Your 2019 Planning!

Dear Destination Friends,

As you are looking ahead to 2019, please don't forget to include the 2019 Group Leader Marketplace in your plans!  

  • Date & Location:  Thursday, October 10th at Resorts in Atlantic City.
  • Cost:  Members pay $495 for a booth; Non-Members pay $695 for a booth.  
  • Booths: Fully equipped with table, draping, side rails, chairs, wastebasket and signage.  
  • Directory provided to each Group Leader with all exhibitors listed and booth number, including a map.
  • Directory advertising is available.
  • Special hotel rates negotiated for overnight accommodations.
  • Free Networking event the evening before with our Bus Operators and Partners.
Building on Success:

Here are some of the exhibitor's comments who participated in our Group Leader Marketplace October 11, 2018:
  • Nicely timed for group leader arrivals, there was plenty of time to speak to each person.
  • This year, more than others, I was extremely impressed with the signage and ease of getting around. 
  • It was well organized. 
  • Group leaders seem well-qualified. 
  • It was a great event and we look forward to being a part next year! 
  • The show went well and the group leaders were mostly qualified and interested. 
  • Visits to the booth by the operators was especially appreciated as was those who stopped by that were on the Board of the GNJMA.
  • Thanks for everything!
  • The group leaders seemed to not just be 'grabbers,' but actually listening and asking questions.
  • It was a fantastic show!

You won't want to miss showcasing your destination at the  largest Group Leader Marketplace in the region.

Interested in becoming a Member? Please visit

Have questions?  Please contact me via email  or telephone 908-835-0935 x105.

Thank you and we hope to see you next year!



Patricia Cowley
Executive Director

 (908) 835-0935 X105  WWW.GNJMA.COM