February 10, 2022
The Seattle Education Association is the voice for educators standing with our students united to address the needs of our community and to transform our district into an anti-racist school system where every student thrives.
Anticipated Changes to State-Wide Mask Mandate in Coming Weeks
Governor Inslee announced he anticipates lifting the state-wide mask mandate sometime in the next few weeks, including for K-12 schools. We do not yet know how this will impact us. We have language in our current 2021-22 Health and Safety MOU that states, “If DOH or PHSKC guidance is updated that reduces when and how long people should mask… the Parties agree to meet and bargain these changes.” SEA is developing a short survey to push out to members next week to begin informing our negotiations on masking. Stay tuned for more information.
Take the Superintendent Search Survey Today!
We encourage you to complete the Superintendent Search Survey to give feedback on what traits the search firm should prioritize when recruiting applicants for superintendent to work in Seattle. The Superintendent Search Survey is open through Tuesday, February 15. Individual responses are collected by the firm and are kept anonymous and confidential. Only 137 educators have completed the survey to date.
Join SEA Blueprinting Meetings for Upcoming 2022 Bargain
SEA is heading into an open bargain this spring. It is critical we hear from as many members as possible to determine our collective priorities for the bargain. Please register HERE to join one of the sessions to discuss what we can do as a union to transform our schools so our students and staff thrive. Additional sessions will be scheduled - watch for updates.
Share Your Thoughts with ARs on the Upcoming New Business Items
Association Representatives (ARs) will be voting on the New Business Items (NBIs) linked below at the upcoming Representative Assembly Monday, February 14. We encourage members to provide feedback to their ARs on every NBI so that ARs can represent members’ voices in the discussion and vote. Take a few minutes to review and provide feedback to your ARs on each NBI before Monday afternoon:
Our goal is to provide NBIs to all members well in advance of Rep Assembly meetings so members can engage in the work of our union. Members are also welcome to attend the Representative Assembly and enter discussion on each NBI.
Sign Up for NEA Member Benefit’s Financial Essentials Workshop
We encourage all members to attend the upcoming free Financial Essentials Workshop on Saturday, February 12, 2022, from 9:30 - 10:30 AM. With so many unknowns these days, we want to help members plan a more secure financial future that supports your personal goals, regardless of your age or financial situation. Topics include reviewing financial concepts that can impact educators in each life-stage, as well as discussing long-term planning, retirement savings, and state pension options. Click here to register today. A Zoom link will be emailed after you register.
Vote for Seattle’s WEA Board of Directors!
Voting for Seattle’s WEA Board of Directors is now open and closes at midnight on March 1. You should have received additional information from BallotPoint this week at your home email. If not, send an email to crux@ballotpoint.com from your personal/home email. Subject: VOTE

Please do not include anything but VOTE in the subject line, and there is no need to include any message text in the email. After sending the email, you should receive an email from BallotPoint, usually in less than 30 seconds (you may need to refresh your email program). Click the link in that email to display your ballot.

Candidates were given the opportunity to submit biographical statements. It was not required. If you'd like to have more information about candidates, please read about the candidates for WEA Board of Directors.

Although Seattle is eligible for up to four NEA State Delegates, there was only one nominee to serve as NEA State Delegate. For that reason, this one nominee was deemed elected. There were no nominees for state delegate positions.
More Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
Tuesdays/Fridays, 11:00-12:30pm. SEA Governance Office Hours. SEA Governance is hosting Office Hours every Tuesday and Friday in February in order to connect with SEA Members directly. Please drop in to the Zoom room during your 30-minute duty-free lunch period to ask questions, share concerns, or provide input on the issues that matter most to you.
Saturday, February 12. 2022 WEA HCR Leadership Conference. Save the date for our 2022 WEA Human and Civil Rights Leadership Conference – February 12, 2022, 8:30am-1:00pm. The HCR conference provides training and mentoring for our historically underrepresented women and members of color for the purpose of diversifying our governance leadership and that includes elected positions and appointed positions at the national, state, council and local levels. Register in advance for this meeting: Events | Washington Education Association (washingtonea.org)
Monday, February 14, 5:00-7:00pm. Regular SEA Representative Assembly. All members are welcome and can ask questions or speak to a motion. Only Board of Directors and Association Reps have privilege of making a motion and voting in this meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://washingtonea.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpc--oqzopHdHvWuIo5Ts-nqKGs01aYH4y
Welcome New SEA Members!
Check out the SEA website here and all the useful links such as our current contracts, salary schedules, and more!