Before packing your bag for summer vacation, download books and magazines. Read them in the car, on the plane, in the airport or on the beach - all free with your Plano Public Library card!
Browse the catalog or download the library app for e-books, audiobooks or digital magazines. Find thousands of publications like People Magazine, Taste of Home, Pioneer Woman, Essence, Consumer Reports Buying Guide, Forbes, Time, Men's Health, Rolling Stone, Motor Trend, Highlights Magazine (for children) and many more. Subscribe to be notified when the next issues arrive.
Other popular items when traveling are Launchpads and Playaways, which are pre-loaded with video or audio content. These are easy to search in the catalog, place on hold and pick up at any of the five Plano libraries. If video is more your thing, take advantage of thousands of free movies through Kanopy. Stream documentaries and classic, indie and foreign films.
Connect to all the digital downloads.