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on what's happening in the City of Plano.

Replace, Renew and Replenish

Major items approved during the March 21 City Council Meeting were: 

Russell Creek Park McDermott Road Entrance

Russell Creek Park's main entry from McDermott Road is being replaced because of the failure of the subgrade. The drive, originally constructed in 1995, is expected to cost just over $615,000. The length of the drive being replaced is 1,100 feet from McDermott Road to the first entryways into the big parking lot.

Nutanix Support and License Renewal

The City contracted with Nutanix for hardware, software and licensing in 2020 as a COVID-related purchase. This one-year renewal of support and licensing for $255,000 is part of a state contract. It supports the City’s increased data, backup and server processing workloads for primary and disaster recovery data centers.

Carpet Tile Building Stock

The City is stocking up on the blue carpet squares used throughout Plano Municipal Center before this discontinued product is no longer available. Since the current flooring in place has a good lifespan left, keeping a cache of replacement tiles for future damage or building modifications is a cost-effective decision. This allows the City to delay a more costly re-flooring entire areas in the building.

The next regular City Council meeting is Monday, April 10 at 7 pm. The agenda becomes available after 5 pm on the Wednesday leading up to the meeting. Watch the meeting live on Facebook, YouTube or

Find City Council agendas online at

What’s Possible for the Design of Plano Streets? 

Bicyclist ride on a cement trail with a street to the left and a wood rail fence to the right.

It’s time to have a fresh look at the design and planning of transportation in the City of Plano. We have been hard at work updating the City’s Thoroughfare Standards Rules and Regulations developed in 2009. A lot has changed since then. The new standards, named the Street Design Standards, will set design requirements for streets, sidewalks, traffic calming and other accessories. Minimum requirements will be outlined for design scenarios that arise in transportation planning, traffic operations, street design and site development.

The standards also update Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) procedures. They also define street elements called for in Thoroughfare Plan Map and Bicycle Transportation Plan Map of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.  

Major draft changes so far include:

  • Context-sensitive street design
  • Consolidating design standards
  • Traffic studies and traffic calming
  • Mews streets, paseos and shared streets
  • Standards and best practices
  • Downtown streets
  • Multimodal street design

If the design of streets and future mobility interest you, review the information at Share your feedback through or 972-941-7151. 


Water Twice and Be Water Wise

Beginning April 1, the City of Plano asks you to water lawns and landscapes only two times a week. Avoid watering between 10 am and 6 pm, and when rain is in the forecast.  

Use the last digit of your home address to follow this schedule:

  • Even digit (including zero and homeowners associations): Monday and Thursday  
  • Odd digit: Tuesday and Friday  

Though it's tempting to set the sprinkler system to automatic, it's always best to run it manually. Keep from overwatering your lawn by signing up for a friendly reminder at

If you have questions about foundation watering, new landscape variances or anything water-related, find answers on the water conservation webpage. Learn how to make minor sprinkler repairs and how to conserve water outdoors. 

Read the full water guidelines.

Get Ahead of Lost Pets

It's common for fences to collapse or gates to blow open during strong winds. Unfortunately, this is also when scared pets wander away. When you register your pet with the City of Plano, you help our Animal Services team get your pet home more quickly. 

Each Plano pet registration tag has a unique QR code (similar to a barcode) specific to your pet. If your pet is found, the person who finds them can scan the QR code with a smartphone to get contact information from your pet's profile. If the pet finder doesn't have experience with QR codes, there is also a phone number to call on the tag.  

Along with basic contact info, the profile can include:  

  • Veterinarian information 
  • Medications 
  • Additional contact numbers

Pet registration is required by law in Plano and most other cities. This money supports the housing, food and veterinary needs of the more than 7,500 pets that find their way to our shelter each year.  

If a good neighbor picks up your pet, scans the tag and calls you directly, you'll avoid an impound fee and your dog, cat or ferret returns home quicker. When a pet is sterilized, vaccinated and registered with the Plano Animal Shelter, we offer up to $75 off the first impound fee if they end up in our care.

Register your dog, cat or ferret by providing: 

  • Current rabies vaccination paperwork on a veterinarian's letterhead 
  • Pet’s description and breed 
  • Spay or neuter status

Use one of two ways to register your pets:  

  • Go to for instructions to complete the process  
  • Stop by the Plano Animal Shelter, 4028 W. Plano Pkwy.
Discover a new furry family member.

Arts & Crafts Expo Sale 

Sunday, April 2 

noon-4 pm

Carpenter Park

Recreation Center 

6701 Coit Rd. 

Support local artists at this annual sale. Admission is free. 

Shop the annual Arts & Craft Expo. 

Harrington Library Celebration

Sunday, April 2

1-3 pm

Harrington Library

1501 18th St.

Bring the entire family to the Harrington Library Celebration. Enjoy games, refreshments, bubbles and other activities while you explore our newly expanded spaces. At 1:10 pm, Mayor John B. Muns joins us for the ribbon cutting.

Learn more about Harrington Library.

Water Disinfectant Returns to Normal 

Monday, April 3

The North Texas Municipal Water District completes the temporary change in water disinfectant on Monday, April 3. This maintenance procedure is essential to keeping our water safe as it travels to taps across the District's service area. 

Learn more about the temporary disinfectant change. 


Holiday Weekend Service Hours

Sunday, April 9

Most city facilities are closed on Sunday, April 9 for the Easter holiday. However, Pecan Hollow Golf Course and the Plano Animal Shelter are open.

Trash and recycling collections remain on the normal schedule.

Review the holiday schedule.


Arts and Events

Grant Application

Deadline: Wednesday, April 12


Time is running out for nonprofit arts groups producing programs or events within Plano to apply for city grants. These grants support activities that bring people to visit Plano.

Get details about the Arts & Events Grant process and apply online.

Trail of Progress: A Tour of Plano's Growth and Development

Take a Video Tour of Plano Development 

Ever wonder how the great expanse of Plano happened? Lead Planner Steve Sims takes you on a video tour of how Plano grew into the City it is today. Whether you are new to Plano or have been here for generations, you’re certain to learn something new about the City we know and love. Grab a snack for this 32-minute video.

Subscribe to the City of Plano YouTube channel for more great videos.

Watch the video.
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