Welcome to Plano City News, your weekly update

on what's happening in the City of Plano.

Plano’s Beloved Oldest Tree Takes Final Bow

Historic North Texas Tree Falls in Plano

We’re heartbroken to report the stormy weather we experienced last week caused one of North Texas' true treasures to fall. The Quadricentennial Bur Oak in Bob Woodruff Park was widely known as the oldest and largest tree in North Texas. 

The tree stood 90 feet high with a circumference of 15.5 feet. Arborists believe the giant Bur Oak was more than four centuries old. Imagine all the history this tree has witnessed. It was here when the U.S. Constitution was signed in 1787.

We’ve put together a quick video telling the story of the tree and the conditions causing it to fall. We ask you to avoid the area due to unsafe conditions.

Fall Back to the Once-a-Week Winter Watering Schedule

Lawns and outdoor plants require much less watering as we roll into colder temperatures. Wednesday, Nov. 1 marks the season to dial back landscape watering and enjoy the water-use savings. This year it coincides with the end of daylight saving time on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2 am when we dial back our clocks one hour. 

Whether you are a resident or a business, please shift to the winter watering schedule on Nov. 1. Limit sprinkler use to the once-a-week schedule based on the last digit of your house number: 

  • Odd numbers – Tuesdays  
  • Even numbers, zero and homeowner associations – Thursdays 

Follow these guidelines too:

  • Turn off automatic sprinklers. Once cooler weather arrives, most grasses go dormant until spring, reducing your lawn's need for water. Subscribe to WaterMyYard for customized weekly watering recommendations.  

  • Set your sprinklers to run between 10 am and 6 pm. Temperatures are generally warmer this time of day.  

  • Don't plant cool-season grasses. Ryegrass and fescues require extra water during winter.  

  • Avoid excessive water runoff and watering during rain, ice or snow. In Plano, runoff is prohibited because it leads to dangerous icing of streets and sidewalks.  

  • Only water if your lawn needs it. Just because it is your day to water doesn't mean you must water.  

These guidelines apply until March 31, 2024.  

Learn more about the watering guidelines.

Save Money and Water During Winter Quarter Averaging

Have you ever wondered how the sewer fee is measured and calculated for your home? Surprisingly, your water use and sewer fee go hand-in-hand. This is especially true in December, January and February when the City determines your Winter Quarter Average (WQA). Your water consumption is at its lowest during these months.

Next, the average from the two previous winter quarter periods will be added and re-averaged to create your current WQA. This process creates a continuous three year rolling average. Your new WQA is billed beginning in May of each year.

Check your WQA at

Holding Our Annual Financial Report to a Higher Standard

Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has

awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to City of Plano for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2022. An impartial panel determined the report met the high GFOA standards, which include demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users to read the report.

The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. It represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. Read the award-winning report.


Plano Safety Fair and Touch-A-Truck

Saturday, Nov. 4 

Noon-4 pm

Red Tail Pavilion 

2801 E. Spring Creek Pkwy.

Experience this fun family event. Climb inside a trash truck, fire engine and other City equipment. Learn about safety from your City team and watch a fire truck pull.

Take a walk through Plano Flags of Honor to learn about local military and first-responder heroes.

Check out the day's full list of activities.

Legacy Drive Ramp to U.S. 75 Closed 


Nov. 6-9 

The ramp from Legacy Drive to the southbound U.S. 75 frontage road must be repaired. Detour options: 

● Chase Oaks Boulevard to Spring Creek Parkway 

● K Avenue to Spring Creek Parkway 

Weather can change our schedule, so watch for message boards. Please drive safely. 

Stay up to speed

on other City road construction.

Plano City

Council Meeting 

Tuesday, Nov. 7

regular session - 7 pm

Plano Municipal Center

1520 K Ave.

The first City Council meeting of November has moved to the first Tuesday. The meeting will be streamed live on Facebook, YouTube and

Watch for the agendas

to post online.

Veterans Day Salute  

Friday, Nov. 10

8:30-10:30 am

Sam Johnson

Recreation Center

401 W. 16th St.

We will recognize veterans with a patriotic tribute and special breakfast. Participants are encouraged to wear or bring uniforms, photos and other memorabilia for display. Must be 50+ to sign up. Open for families. Only one meal per registrant. Registration is required for food and seating.

Register for course #59631 by Friday, Nov. 3.

Peanut Butter Drive Results Revealed

In the latest episode of the Plano City News video series, Steve Stoler provides results of the North Texas Food Bank Peanut Butter Drive. See a visual recap of the WaterWise Landscape Tour.

Watch this episode now.

Labor of Love: School Crossing Guard


School Crossing Guard

$11.40 per hour

No experience required. Training provided.

Step outside and get your exercise with this 10-hours-per-week commitment. Supplement your income while you help students get to and from school safely.

Apply today!

Plano's Budget FY 2023-24

Take a Look Inside the Adopted City Budget

The City of Plano's new budget year began on Oct. 1, 2023 and includes a variety of projects and improvements. Join us as we cover some of the new additions and continuing programs keeping Plano the "City of Excellence." 

Looking for more information about the City's budget? Visit

Subscribe to the City of Plano YouTube channel for other great videos on City services and programs.

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