Lawns and outdoor plants require much less watering as we roll into colder temperatures. Wednesday, Nov. 1 marks the season to dial back landscape watering and enjoy the water-use savings. This year it coincides with the end of daylight saving time on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2 am when we dial back our clocks one hour.
Whether you are a resident or a business, please shift to the winter watering schedule on Nov. 1. Limit sprinkler use to the once-a-week schedule based on the last digit of your house number:
- Odd numbers – Tuesdays
- Even numbers, zero and homeowner associations – Thursdays
Follow these guidelines too:
Turn off automatic sprinklers. Once cooler weather arrives, most grasses go dormant until spring, reducing your lawn's need for water. Subscribe to WaterMyYard for customized weekly watering recommendations.
Set your sprinklers to run between 10 am and 6 pm. Temperatures are generally warmer this time of day.
Don't plant cool-season grasses. Ryegrass and fescues require extra water during winter.
Avoid excessive water runoff and watering during rain, ice or snow. In Plano, runoff is prohibited because it leads to dangerous icing of streets and sidewalks.
Only water if your lawn needs it. Just because it is your day to water doesn't mean you must water.
These guidelines apply until March 31, 2024.
Learn more about the watering guidelines.