Updated plant specimen data available via Calflora from
Consortium of California Herbaria!
We are pleased to announce that a revised and expanded dataset from the Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH) is now available in Calflora. Over two million herbarium specimens are now searchable in Calflora. 

Calflora aggregates data from dozens of data sources; here is a list of Calflora data sources.
What is a plant specimen?
In the field, botanist Kristen Nelson places the collection into a field plant press. She then takes field notes identifying the species, date collected, location, habitat, etc. and assigns a Collection Number. The sample will then be dried and sent to a herbarium, university, research station or other natural history collection, where it will be permanently mounted, labelled, and curated.
How was this work funded? Calflora received no external funding for this work. As a non-profit 501c3 organization, Calflora relies on donations to raise funds to implement important updates such as this. Thank you for supporting Calflora!
Thank you to the leadership and members of the Consortium of California Herbaria for working with us to make these valuable data available via Calflora!
Rebecca Crowe with UC Irvine Herbarium and Mike Simpson with San Diego State University Herbarium
Hannah Kang with UC Davis Herbarium
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