We'll Make Sure You Have a Sunny Day!

Good Morning Friends,

A slight frost on the pumpkins, a full moon, and a clear blue sky spell October. It makes me want to spend time outside. I am hoping now, with the cooler temperatures, we’ll get some fall colors coming in a little stronger. The bright colors of fall are like a grand hurrah to the growing season that calls me to slow down and simply enjoy it. 

My job here includes a lot of planning. I find it hard these days to spend time in the office. I want to be outside! This week I had a lot to do in the office, and it was so pretty outside. I thought it would be great to have a mini greenhouse for an office. See and feel the sun, have it full of tropical plants, have sides open to feel the breeze, etc. But it’s like I was told as a boy, if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. 

Many of our summer crops are over; we are cleaning the fields, discing down the weeds, and planting cover crops. There is something satisfying about closing up another growing season. It is sad to see the corn and field tomatoes etc., come to an end. But there’s always next year! The good Lord willing. And it’s fun to plan for next year’s crops!

You all take care and enjoy the moments that make up your day,

~Ethan Weber

This Week's Highlights

Emerald Green Privacy

Planning to install a privacy hedge? Fall is the best time. Emerald Green arborvitae grow 15 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide. We have a promotion on our 4-5 ft. size.  Quantity of 1-4 $92, 5-14 $87, 15+ $82.

Fall Color Perennials

What an exhilarating time to dig in the dirt! Find a dull corner of your landscape and tuck in an aster, or mum, or corral bell. Plants do better when planted in the fall. Prices are $13.99-$22.

Spaghetti Squash Casserole

Ever Eat Squash? Want to try? Of course you do. Here is a simple, mouth drenching recipe to start. You will need 1.5lb raw squash to make the amount in the recipe. Let us know if you have any questions! Price is $1.99/lb.

Click HERE for the recipe!

Now's the Time to Bring Plants Indoors

Did your plants survive the frost this week? With more frosty nights coming in a couple weeks, it's time to get those tender house plants inside. Check your supply of potting soil. If you need potting soil, we have pottting soil. In the mean time, check out THIS video by Laura with Garden Answers for instructions and tips for potting up plants you want to save from the freezing weather. With tips from the pro it can be a simple and fun venture.

Did you know even some annuals make great house plants? Like Rex Begonias, and Caladiums. They can take the limited light, and make out fine. Try digging one up and give it a try. The worst thing that can happen is it dies. That’s what’s fun about gardening – try something.

Some plants can be stored in dormant state during the winter. Ever wonder how to over winter Geraniums? Its fun and rewarding! Learn more HERE. Ever wonder how to overwinter Tropical Hibiscus or Mandeville? Save some money next year! Check it out HERE.

What's Available
Find Sunny Meadows Food Product List HERE

Quote for the Day!

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." ― Unknown

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