Plant a Fragrant Paradise
Have you ever noticed how quickly a scent can trigger a memory? Whether it's the perfume your grandmother wore, the chocolate chip cookies you baked as a child or the roses you carried on your wedding day, just one whiff will send you back in time in an instant. We all have the power to create these powerful memories in our own gardens.
Think of the scents that fill your garden in spring as you're reveling in balmy breezes and the warm sunlight on your face--the Basil seedlings releasing their spicy scent as you transplant them, the smell of the Marigold and Tomato foliage on your fingertips, and the wafting scent of the first Sweet Peas to bloom. Keep that wonderful feeling going all season long with a well-rounded selection of fragrant annuals and perennials that you can start from seed! Before long you'll be creating new memories along every garden path.
Fragrant Flowers for Garden Beds and Bouquets
Plant these sweetly scented blooms close to areas where you spent the most time so that you can enjoy them to the fullest. Plant Heliotrope in pots on your patio, seed drifts of Alyssum along the edges of your garden beds, and place Night Phlox by your back door. Be sure to plant enough of these beautiful blooms for floral arrangements, too, so that you can bring their wonderful scents indoors.
Heliotropium arborescens. A treasured heirloom with a heady, vanilla fragrance, Marine has dark-leafed foliage and precious clusters of tiny, deep violet-blue, trumpet-shaped flowers. Annual.
One packet of about 200 seeds is $3.45.
New! Reseda odorata.
Mignonette yields plump, dense spires of chartreuse and white flowers that fade to cream. The flowers are intensely fragrant, with a sweet and spicy scent. Annual.
New! Zaluzianskya capensis.
As the sun goes down, its tiny burgundy buds begin to open until they reveal masses of starry white blooms that glow in the moonlight. Sweet and intoxicating, the fragrance floats on the breeze, making one think of honey and freshly baked vanilla cake. Annual.
One packet of about 1,000 seeds is $3.95.
Matthiola incana. Prized for its spicy clove scent, Stock has small, semi-double flowers. Stock is also an awesome cutting flower.
Our Beauty of Nice Mixture has long straight stalks studded with semi-double rose, pink, blue, violet, white, yellow and crimson florets.
Lobularia maritima. This beguiling mixture will add deliciously fragrant lavender, purple and white drifts to path side borders and terrace containers. Annual.
One packet of about 500 seeds is $3.45.
Lobularia maritima. Easy to grow, this fragrant, hardy annual has dense snow-white clusters of delicate flowers growing in mounds with a rich aroma that is a bit addictive. Annual.
Nicotiana sylvestris. Prized for its intoxicating fragrance, this is a tall, majestic plant graced with long, tubular white flowers with a heady perfume in the evening hours~another perfect variety for moonlit, terrace gardens. Perennial.
One packet of about 2,000 seeds is $3.35.
Nicotiana alata. Comprised of perfumed, freely flowering heirlooms, our romantic mixture has graceful, nodding stems of creamy white, scarlet-red, lime-green and pale pink blooms. Its tubular flowers attract hummingbirds. Annual.
Dianthus caryophyllus.
This fragrant 1870 French heirloom has 2" to 3" double fringed flowers in a profusion of red, crimson, rose, violet, pink, white, yellow, orange and salmon on 24" stems, and exudes a robust spicy fragrance much like that of cloves. Annual.
One packet of about 500 seeds is $3.35.
Dianthus plumarius. This low-growing heirloom is one of the most sweetly fragrant of the edible flowers. A good cut flower, it has a slight clove or nutmeg-like scent.
Our old-fashioned mixture contains white, rose and carmine varieties with contrasting flower centers.
Datura metel.
Belle Blanche has glistening white trumpet-shaped flowers. Perfect for moon gardens, its flowers open at twilight and exude a heady lemon-cream fragrance, lasting for just a day. Tender perennial, though it is best as an annual.
One packet of about 75 seeds is $3.75.
Lathyrus odoratus. Sicilian natives, these nostalgic heirloom vines have the pleasant, sweet fragrance of honey and oranges. This is a collection of old varieties in a wide range including white, cream, pink, rose, scarlet, lavender and purple. Annual.
Lathyrus odoratus. Sweetly fragrant c
rimson blooms with white stripes and streaks, this unique variety was introduced in 1896. Annual.
Lathyrus odoratus. This p
ure white-flowered Sweet Pea is wonderful for fragrant spring bouquets. It was introduced in 1901. Annual.
Fragrant Foliage at Your Fingertips
Plant these herbal and/or decorative beauties along pathways to release their perfume with your ankles as your brush by them, or place them atop rock walls and in raised beds so that you can run your fingers their foliage as you stroll by. It will become second nature to search out these evocative scents as you wander your garden each day. **All seed counts are approximate.**
Agastache rupestris.
Apache Sunset Hyssop has compact plants with dozens of sturdy spikes studded with tubular peach, orange and rose flowers atop strongly minty foliage. Terrific for bouquets, bees, butterflies and hummingbirds are all drawn to its colors and sweet nectar. Perennial.
New! Calamintha nepeta. Broad spikes of tiny tubular flowers smother the trouble-free, gray-green, minty foliage from mid-summer to fall. Calamint is quite drought tolerant and makes a wonderful edging and rock garden plant. It also blooms the first year from seed! This variety is p
ure white. Perennial.
A pack of 50 seeds is $3.85.
New! Calamintha nepeta. Bees and butterflies adore this aromatic, deer-resistant plant. Plant it near a pathway or seating area or in a container so that you can conveniently run your fingers through its leaves, releasing its wonderfully minty scent. This variety is pale lavender-blue. Perennial.
A pack of 50 seeds is $3.85.
Lavandula angustifolia. An historic favorite of British royalty, Hidcote was grown en masse by palace gardeners for brewing with sugar or honey into refreshing drinks. This easy growing variety has intensely fragrant foliage and dense, long, dark purple flower spikes. Perennial.
Lavandula X intermedia.
This cross is larger, faster growing and more fragrant than others. Deer-resistant and bee-loved, its bushy plants have silvery foliage and slender, lavender-purple flower clusters. When dried, both foliage and flowers will retain their fragrance for years. Perennial.
A pack of 100 seeds is $3.65.
Thymus serpyllum. Creeping Thyme is a brilliant evergreen that creeps its way through garden borders, rock gardens and stone walls. Growing just 2" to 4" tall with a lemony fragrance, it has slightly hairy, deep green leaves through which tiny pinkish to pale purple flowers bloom. Perennial.
A pack of 1500 seeds is $3.55.
Tagetes patula. Our easy-to-grow, upright and uniform mixture has darling double, French-crested flowers in tones of yellow, orange, red, gold and bicolors that will flourish until the first fall frost. Annual.
New! Tagetes patula. A blend of orange-edged dark scarlet, orange, and maroon- and gold-striped single French blooms on bushy plants with long, uniform stems that are perfectly suited to cutting. Annual.
A pack of 75 seeds is $3.75.
New! Tagetes erecta. This sturdy African Marigold mix is happiest in mixed borders, where its yellow, gold and orange, 3"- to 4"-wide pompons make a big impact. Cut them for bouquets of bodacious blooms. Annual.
A pack of 75 seeds is $3.95.
Tagetes tenuifolia. Signets form compact, billowy mounds of finely textured foliage smothered in charming little dime-sized flowers.
This spicy bloom has deep red petals with narrow golden edges and a bright gold center. Annual.
Tagetes tenuifolia. While typical Marigold foliage can have an overwhelming scent, Signet foliage is lighter and citrusy, and the flowers are edible, adding a lemony zing to salads. Lemon Gem's flowers are a b
right, clear yellow. Annual.
A pack of 300 seeds is $3.45.
Nepeta x faassenii.
Catmint has spires of delicate, pale cornflower-blue flowers above opulent mounds of pale green foliage with a spicy-sweet scent that is released when you run your hands through them. Perennial.
A pack of 50 seeds is $3.95.
Every kitchen garden should try Rosemary, a versatile herb with a pungent flavor and heady, pine-mint scent. A stiff, upright shrub with dark sea-green, spiky leaves with silver under-sides, It pairs well with virtually all meats, most seafood and many vegetables. Tender Perennial.
Bodegold is imported from Germany, this tall, delicately apple-scented variety is not the short Roman type. Dry flowers or use fresh in herbal tea, soothing to the stomach and the soul. Relax in a tub strewn with blossoms as a delightful skin-softening treat. Perennial.
A pack of 2000 seeds is $3.35.
With purple-on-reverse leaves and strong purple stems, this award-winner has lovely pink blossoms. The licorice/clove-scented leaves proliferate on 18", sturdy plants. Vietnamese cooks use this variety in pungent Thai curries and to garnish soups. Annual.
A pack of 300 seeds is $3.45.
Lemon Balm is an easy-growing perennial with blue-green, large round leaves and a fresh lemon scent. It is a calming herb, used since the Middle Ages as a stress and anxiety remedy in soothing teas and, today, as a flavorful ingredient in lemon herb vinaigrette. Perennial.
Agastache foeniculum. This aromatic perennial has been grown for hundreds of years, for its scent and looks. The scent is strongly licorice with a touch of mint. In summer, it produces blue spikes of florets loved by beneficial insects. It sometimes self-sows. Perennial.
A pack of 500 seeds is $3.35.
Salvia officinalis. More robust than common Sage, this improved German variety has a delightful fragrance due to a higher essential oil content. Sage adds a wonderful scent and beauty to the garden with gray-green foliage and purple-blue flower spikes. Perennial.
A pack of 120 seeds is $3.45.
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to demystify gardening with seeds. It's not tricky or difficult: it's more like easy magic.
If you need help with anything, our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can email us at
or call us at (860) 567-6086. Lance Frazon, our seed specialist, is happy to help you in any way possible. He loves to talk seeds.
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