Plant of the Week
Winter Blaze™ Emu Bush
January 21 - January 27
winter blaze emu
Winter Blaze™ Emu Bush
Eremophila glabra ssp. carnosa Winter Blaze™
Tough as nails!

  • Petite evergreen shrub
  • Produces red tubular flowers on new growth
  • Attracts hummingbirds
  • Blooms most heavily fall through spring
  • Averages 3ft tall by 5ft wide
  • Full sun, can take reflected heat
  • Very drought tolerant once established
  • Shear back in late spring, after flowering
  • Hardy to 20°F
  • Native to Australia

Beautiful, blooming plants (#5) @ $24.99 each

Easy Care Succulents!!!
Top row: Echeveria agavoides Red Tip, Aeonium 'Kiwi', Echeveria Affins
Middle row: Pachyveria opalina, Echeveria Shaviana Blue, Kalachoe thyrsiflora
Bottom row: Crassula ovata Tricolor, Kalachoe marmorata, Crassula ovata Mini Jade
Free Garden Class!!!
peace rose
Saturday, January 22 @ 2pm
Harlow Gardens | 5620 E. Pima St. | 520-298-3303 |

Open Daily 9am-5pm