The University Church
Planting Seeds for Our Future
A Community With A Conscience
Hi everyone!

I hope that you have been enjoying the current sermon series. We’ve been discussing Paul's idea in 1 Corinthians 12 that we are many parts which make up the one body of Christ. If you have missed worship lately, I encourage you to listen to the sermons online here . Remember, when one part of the body is missing (you!), we are missing an indispensable part of the body of Christ.

This Sunday, Pastor Julian will preach about the five areas of church life that people promise to uphold when they become members. This is important information for everyone to learn and review. We will also hear an update on our church’s financial health, which you might know was a concern recently. Come and find out how we are doing in the New Year.

In the upcoming weeks we will be completing our own spiritual gifts assessments to use as a tool as we reflect on how we would like to use our gifts to meet the community’s current needs. As we continue on this journey together, what do you feel God is calling you to do?

I hope to see you in worship! Remember, you are dearly missed when you are not there.

See you Sunday!

Blessings in Christ,
419.534.3080 | | Worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.