Platting Updates
October 13, 2015

N EW!  Updated procedure for submitting amending plat applications 

The Planning and Department has revised its policy for processing Amending plat application requests. For improved tracking and better service, we created a one stop email location where all amending plat applications should be sent.
We will assign a planner to your application who will notify you if it is complete and whether it will be sent to the Legal Department for review of deed restrictions.
Please see the  Amending Plat Reference Guide for details on application and process requirements. There is no need to send emails to any individual planners anymore. This new email location will minimize duplication of efforts and help us better service our applicants.
This policy is effective immediately.  

Updated specs for 'Additional Parking' requirement

The specifications for parking reserves have been updated to reflect the building code requirements for parking stalls. These are included in the 'Additional Parking Reference Guide' posted on the Planning Department web page. The new specs are highlighted below. 
Reserve: Reserves restricted to parking must meet parking stall requirements listed in the building code. Following are some additional considerations.
  • A parking stall abutting a right of way must be at least 10' wide;
  • Space for a 6" curb along the property line is included in the 10' wide parking stall abutting a right of way.
  • No head-in parking directly from the public street will be allowed;
  • If the gate is setback beyond the parking stall, an 8' turnaround area shall be provided;
  • No backing on to the public street ROW will be allowed;
  • Parking stalls not abutting a right of way must be a least 9' wide.
Development Reports

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Planning & Development Department
611 Walker, 6th Floor