September 6, 2020
~ Building Brockton Community One Positive Story at a Time
Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement policies.
Good News, Brockton Immigration Story: For our Good News Story Contest in April 2020, we received this submission from Jose Soto. In editing, we fixed some of the sentences, but we'd like you, dear reader, to hear it in the beautiful version of English Jose wrote, so we kept it as close to his writing as we could. We hope you enjoy this story of an immigrant family building their life in Brockton as much as we did.
It was a sunny day in Brockton Massachusetts, weather was great, and it was the first time the immigrant family arrived in Brockton. The family did not know any English, but did know how to say the basics as “hello,” and “goodbye.”
They arrived at Rachel's brother's house and the family finally reunited. Rachel is the mother of three children their names are, Louis, and Kelly and Francisco They stayed at their home till they could afford a place to rent.
They soon managed to get an apartment. There, they would experience one of the harshest winters they have experienced their whole life. It was February 7th, 2013, when a blizzard hit the northeastern United States. That day the family knew that there was going to be a blizzard, but they did not know what they would encounter. It was around 10:00 pm when there was a power outage, that meant that there was no heat because the house was powered by electricity, and family grabbed all the blankets of the house so that everyone would be at least warm.
Soon it was morning; they all woke up and they went outside, and they found out that their car was gone. Rachel and her daughter decided to call the police because they thought that somebody must have stolen it, but they soon found out that a tow truck had towed their vehicle because the plow trucks could not go through, the street was too narrow. The family had to pay 100 dollars to get the car back. those two days were the hardest they had to deal with.
Soon, Rachel's daughter was finishing off high school and it was time to apply to colleges. She was accepted at Worcester Polytechnic School. The family was so happy for her they all celebrated by going to a restaurant to eat. Two years passed and the family moved to a bigger apartment in Rockland. They knew more about the American lifestyle and although they had their ups and downs it was turning out better and better every day. The youngest of the family went to middle school in Rockland there he had one of the happiest years has he finally felt a friendship connection.
When they moved again to Brockton he kept in touch with his friend in Rockland. This time the family bought a house. It was the most expensive purchase the family had invested in the United States of America. But they enjoyed it once again by going to a restaurant but this time they went to a fancy restaurant. The family was happy, and they enjoyed their new home, this time they knew they wouldn’t have to move when the lease was over. The youngest one of the family went to school in Brockton High School, the biggest public school in Massachusetts. There he would make new friends and meet old friends which he lost when he moved to Rockland. It took him some time to get used to the school because it was so big. He then went to room A220 were he meet Ms. Wolfe. He enjoyed the class because he made more friends and enjoyed being around. But then something unexpected happened. Covid-19 was spreading around and the family was scared and then days later they closed the school to do a deep cleaning but then they extended it to two weeks, then the governor of Massachusetts decided that all schools in Massachusetts should be temporally close till May 4th. The youngest one in the family was happy because it meant he didn’t have to go to school till May 4th. Later he found out that they canceled school for the rest of the school year. That’s when the youngest one realized that he would not be able to see his friends, and neither could he go to their houses because of social distancing and a lot of people are scared because you don’t know who had the virus. Although he doesn’t know what to expect in the future all he can do is stay home and limit the amounts of going outside. But he knows one thing, and that this will not determine the end of his and his family's story but it is simply a new chapter to be written. ~ Jose Soto
Historical Tidbit:
Rocky Marciano the Champion Fighter

September 1st is Rocky Marciano’s birthday. He was born in 1923. In honor of that this is his boyhood home at 168 Dover Street. The home is a monument to the champion fighter. The home is maintained by Mark Caseri who has made the first floor into a small museum and replicated what the apartment looked like when the champ lived there.

Story & Photo Credit: Ed Williams
The Search For An Internship During COVID

By Sasha Rockwell When my Junior year at Bridgewater State University started in the Fall of 2019, I knew it was the perfect time to take advantage of learning opportunities on and off-campus. But I didn't expect it to go the way it did.

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Writing Internships available at the BuzzAround
Buildings Remain Closed to the Public
City Hall
45 School St

Check the city website for important updates

Brockton Public Library
Main Library - 304 Main St. 508-580-7890
East Branch - 54 Kingman St. 508-580-7892
West Branch - 540 Forest Ave. 508-580-7894

Council on Aging 
 10 Father Kenney Way 508-580-7811
Email & phone contact only

There are 13 food pantries in Brockton.
Joyce Flibotte
won a Shungite pendant worth $25 from
Queen Dawn Spirit.

Play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.

You could win a $20 gift certificate
good towards any escape room experience at Upside Down Escape Games.
Teen Challenge Massachusetts Carpenter's Shop

The purpose of Teen Challenge Carpenter's Shop is more than making beautiful cutting boards. It is a way to provide an opportunity for residents of Teen Challenge to learn valuable carpentry skills under the tutelage of a master carpenter, skills that could provide a means of income when they graduate the program.
Browse all of our new products and support Teen Challenge Massachusetts at

School Programs

Looking for Out of School Time options?
Look no further!
Sign Up for Updates or Learn More!
Free For Brockton: IT Essentials Course - Massasoit

Program Details Part-time evenings and weekends Virtual lectures during the evenings.In-person Saturday labs at the Canton Campus When: September 14, 2020 - December 19, 2020. Where: Classes delivered via Zoom and computer labs at Massasoit...

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Fall Art Display in Lingos Auditorium

40% of art sales benefit the Brockton Library Foundation, come take a look!

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Edible South Shore & South Coast -

A collection of favorite local food/local community stories & recipes - it's awesome!

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Senior College

It is not too late to sign up for fall classes!
For a single registration fee of $55, each person has access to nearly 30 courses this fall which will be offered virtually via Zoom.

For course descriptions, schedules, and more information, visit:
The 2020 Book for Business & COVID-19 Recovery Resource Guide 
Easy & Accessible with great resources!

  • Area Dining
  • COVID-19 Recovery Resources
  • Business Development Resources

Metro South Chamber of Commerce Works For YOU!
Power Scholars Academy Celebration 8-5-20
Video Courtesy of Brockton Community Access
Learning Pods - Fall 2020

Enroll your child in our new designed to support K-8 Brockton Learning Pods Program students and K-7 Taunton students as they adapt to distance learning this school year! Club staff will engage cohorts of up to 10 students grouped by grade level...

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Dance Theater of New England
Dance Theater of New England is excited to announce DTNE’s Educational Hub!

Dance Theater of New England has the physical space during the day that will allow students in grades 1-5 a safe and supervised remote learning area. 

Limited to only 30 students!
To reserve your spot please email or call at (508) 697-5255.
for more information
Manifesting in the Present & Future in 2020

• Spiritual Healer • Certified Reiki Master Teacher • Past Life Regression & Future Life Progression Therapist • Officiant
Abington MA
(781) 428-4479
The Winners of Brockton Public Library's Poetry & Art Contest About the Suffragette Movement
What About Me?
By Melody Rivas
The war was not won in 1920
Yet there were still white women aplenty
Dropping their signs, leaving the streets, raising their voices to whoop with glee
Drowning out the frantic colored cries of
“What about me?”
The war was not won in 1930
Many women were left still yearning
To vote right next to their fair skinned peers,
To get what they had been denied for years
Their voices were silenced their ballots were empty
But they did not stop in 1920
The war was not won in 1950
but there was no time to waste on pity
American women from all shades of life
Natives, Hispanics, and Blacks alike
Never stopped making and painting their signs
Never stopped fighting to gain voting rights
And when met with a pale opposing crowd
They raised their voices twice as loud
Nothing would stop them, not even their fear
They continued their fight, right up to the year
Of 1965
When a fateful rally was planned
To march the highway from Selma to
A piece of Montgomery land
Though their protest was peaceful
Bloody Sunday still did raze
And by state troopers meant to protect
they were beaten, gassed, and tazed
But despite the attacks the protesters
Would not be scared away
They continued their highway march
To span all of 3 days
Through this injustice they fought back
And they were paid off with
The Voting Rights Acts
The war was won in August of 1965
When colored woman across the nation
Were able to set down their signs
When they stepped off the streets and to
The polling place formed lines
When they stood together and said
“The right to vote is mine”
Suffrage Art Description - by Stephanie Amanze
My piece is a rendition of the famous abolitionist and woman's suffragist, Sojourner Truth's portrait. I used alcohol markers, colored pencils, a Sharpie, white gel pens, and Pigma Micron pens as my medium on a 12"x12" mixed media sheet of paper. I chose to draw Sojourner Truth as my entry because she is one of the most renowned and well-known women suffragists in 19th century America and was at the head of my two favorite social justice movements in American history: the abolitionist movement and the women's rights movement. Sojourner's silhouette is outlined in red with white stripes going through it because the color red often symbolizes courage and strength, two virtues Truth was known for, and the white stripes were added because white represents equality and Truth fought not only for the equality of black people but the equality of women as well. The women's suffrage movement is identified with the colors violet, white, and gold so I drew those colors going through Sojourner Truth. The abolitionist movement's logo is a black slave in handcuffs with the phase, "Am I not a man and a brother?" written on a banner underneath the slave. To incorporate her
involvement with the abolitionist movement and give it a twist of femininity as well, I changed the
phrase by altering the male pronouns to female pronouns: "Am I not a woman and a sister?" This
allowed me to show the alliance between these two movements and how Truth was the mediator. In the white space of my drawing, I decided to write the most famous speech Sojourner gave in her career as an activist: The "And Ain't I A Woman?" speech she gave in 1851 at the Women's Right Convention in Akron, Ohio. This was very influential in the women's suffrage movement as is showed how the movement was failing black women at the time and only catering to white women. She signified this by asking the question, “And Ain't I A Woman?” many times in her speech. On the border on my piece, I wrote years that had significant events in Sojourner's life that I felt needed to be included. (In 1797 she was born. In 1826 she finally escaped slavery after being sold 4 times. In 1843 she changes her name from Isabella Baumfree to Sojourner Truth. In 1846 she officially joins the abolitionist movement. In 1850 she was one of the many famous attendees at the first women's
suffragist convention in Worcester, Massachusetts. In 1851 she gives her "And Ain't I A Woman?" speech. In 1867 she creates a program to help ex-slaves and lastly, in 1883 she dies in Michigan at 86 years old.) Finally, I colored in the border with royal blue because blue symbolizes legacy. Sojourner Truth left a royal legacy that exemplifies the progress of women and black Americans today.

Have fun with us and bee entered to win a $20 gift certificate good towards
any escape room experience at Upside Down Escape Games.

Historical Tidbit Question:
What is the address of Rocky Marciano's boyhood home?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, phone number with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around.

On September 10, 2020 we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Janice O'Brien, Jacquelyn Rose, Sasha Rockwell & Sebastian Ladoulis
Playing at Change

Bob Marley's Redemption Song: everything he wanted to say months before dying of cancer. I ponder on it here, in our good news, because in the "new normal" we are continually confronted with our finite existence. When I think about that existence, I wonder at it all. All there is left to learn, all there is left to experience… and I think of Bob Marley’s beautiful gift. 

Redemption is defined as "the action of saving". His miraculous second verse:
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds!” Speaks to me: The most important work I can do is saving myself from my own thoughts and biases. They stop me from hearing wisdom from all it’s varied voices and accents. They stop me from having a curiosity about this world. 

I look forward to a future full of rich relationships, stories, and music, oh the music! Everyday we make choices: how much time we spend on what and with who. In the act of saving myself, for my own redemption, I am going to mix it up and be curious. 

Here is Playing For Change: a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. The idea for this project came from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people, with their version of “Redemption Song.”
Sending out love to all. I have faith that we can do this.... we are all humans, one family.
Enjoy your week.
~ Jacquie
Copyright 2020 Buzz Around Brockton. You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety or as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around Brockton 9/6/20").

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. links to town committees and non-profit groups provide a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials.
The Buzz Around does not claim to support any particular view.