Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement practices. 
September 6, 2020 ~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
The Dock at Pratt's Landing is Complete!

The dock at Pratt’s Landing had some finishing touches done today, August 30th, and Scouts from Troop 25 got to get out and enjoy the river! Some for the very first time! Beautiful day- we even saw a bird catch a fish for lunch! My first time trying to launch and can attest that this is a game changer. Anyone who is a beginner or nervous about getting in and out of the water safely, I encourage you to try this. It could not have been easier and I didn't even get wet!

Picture and story credit: Kelly O'Brien Kaprelian
Historical Tidbit: 
Town Life During WWII

What was life like in town during the height of WWII? 
Probably the biggest impact was on the male population between the ages of 18 and 40.  50% of the town's major work force was serving in the military because of the draft. In some towns, that was roughly 1/4 of the population. Many other men who did not qualify for military service, either for health reasons or age, were working in defense industries... the ship yards in Hingham, Quincy and Boston. 

The local shoe factories were turning out military shoes, and there were chicken houses all over town because beef and pork were rationed. Gasoline was rationed to a couple of gallons per family so there were no "Sunday rides," even if your tires still had enough tread to hold air. Sugar, butter and coffee were also rationed and scrap drives were constantly collecting scrap metal, rubber goods and paper. New cars did not exist for 3 years, and trucks only if you had a defense related job. You were even limited on the size of mail you could put in the mail box. These sacrifices folks made were the price of freedom. 
Respectfully submitted, David Moore  
Town Hall

Check town website for needed updates.

WB Public Library
Council on Aging

1st & 3rd Wednesday each month
3:00 - 4:00p
Spring Street School
2 Spring St, WB
Joanne Keith
won a Shungite pendant worth $25 from
Queen Dawn Spirit.

Play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.

You could win a $20 gift certificate good towards any escape room experience at Upside Down Escape Games.
Back to School Supply Drive

A school supplies drive has been organized through the WB Lions Club. The picture to the right has a requested list of items.
Items can be dropped off in big yellow box behind Town Hall. Large items or large quantities can be dropped off on front porch oat 29 Ellis Ave.
Supplies will be distributed to WB students.
The Lions Club thanks those who have already donated!
School Supplies (bolded items they didn't get much of)

Laminating Sheets
White Card Stock
Sheet Protectors
Fine Dry Erase Markers
Plastic Folders
Colored Pencils
Plastic pencil cases
Cayola cayons 24 pack
Crayola crayons lg/jumbo size 8 pack
Large Crayola Markes 8 pack
Primary/Beginner Pencils
Pencil Sharpeners with top to collect shavings
Pencil Cap Erasers
Kids scissors blunt tipped 5"
Glue sticks
Scotch tape
Fine tip permanent markers
Multicolored highlighters
Fine permanent markers
Plastic rulers with cm and inches
Lined College Ruled Paper with Holes
Making tape
Colored masking tape
Paper towels
Small bottles of hand sanitizer (individual sized)
Clorox wipes

Story credit:
Latest from the WB Public Library

Library building will open to limited access starting Sept. 8!
We are pleased to announce that the library building will be open to twelve patrons at a time for 1/2 hour sessions, limited browsing but good seating. Face masks must be worn and social distancing observed. Hours: 10 – 2p Monday thru Saturday, and on Wednesday evenings we will be open from 5 – 8p.

Library on the Lawn will continue!
A weekly pop-up library on the lawn of the WBPL offers book browsing (for adults & children) and check-out and some simple activities. Masks and social distancing rules must be adhered to, please! Tuesdays, 10a – 12p with Thursdays as the rain dates.

We have what you NEED this Fall!
We have canning supplies!
Don't let all your hard work go to waste. Shop us today!

1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) Bridgewater (508) 697-0357
Edible South Shore & South Coast -

A collection of favorite local food/local community stories & recipes - it's awesome!

Read more
West Bridgewater Farmers Market
On the Green

Where: The First Church
29 Howard St
When: 4 - 7p

Upcoming dates:
Sept 8
Sept 22
Writing Internships available at the BuzzAround
The 2020 Book for Business & COVID-19 Recovery Resource Guide 
Easy & Accessible with great resources!
  • Area Dining
  • COVID-19 Recovery Resources
  • Business Development Resources

Metro South Chamber of Commerce Works For YOU!

Reading Contest Winner

The winner of the 2020 Summer Reading Contest won a year of free trash and recycling pickup courtesy of Noonan Waste Service Inc. Congratulations to Jaime Itani, pictured with her son Zeid! WB Public Library Website
Senior College

It is not too late to sign up for fall classes!

For a single registration fee of $55, each person has access to nearly 30 courses this fall which will be offered virtually via Zoom.

For course descriptions, schedules, and more information, visit:
Homeowners and landscapers,
rent our new stump grinder and clean up the yard!

10 Bedford Park, Bridgewater
(508) 279-0950

Mama Deb's Italian Food Truck is
on the road!

Your Italian Favorite Meals plus Mama Deb's Frozen Pizza and retail sauce.
Check out our menu and locations at

Contact us to come to your neighborhood, graduation, wedding, private or corporate event.

Check out our Facebook
21st Annual Citizen of the Year Program

The Rotary Club of The Bridgewaters will celebrate neighbors who have made outstanding contributions as volunteers to our communities. These achievements correspond to Rotary’s seven Areas of Focus — peacebuilding and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; community economic development; and, supporting the environment. 

All residents of Bridgewater, East Bridgewater & West Bridgewater are eligible both to nominate and to be nominated for recognition at the 21st Annual Citizen of the Year program. The achievements may not be part of the individual’s job responsibilities.  
Nomination forms may be found at HERE or may be requested from or 508.241.6643. The deadline for submitting nominations is October 24, 2020. A committee from the Rotary Club expects to announce one recipient each from Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, and West Bridgewater in November 2020. The date and location of the event will also be confirmed at that time.  

The Rotary Club of The Bridgewaters is part of Rotary International, one of the largest charitable organizations in the world. Dedicated to “Service Above Self,” Rotarians worldwide span all races and religions to assist those in need. Locally, we meet on Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. via Zoom. All are welcome.
Harvest starts... scenes from around the garden.
Photo credits: J. Rose

Have fun with us and bee entered to win a $20 gift certificate good towards any escape room experience at
Upside Down Escape Games.

Historical Tidbit Question:
What were two items that were rationed during World War II?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, phone number with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around. 

On September 10, 2020 we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Sebastian Ladoulis, Janice O'Brien, Sasha Rockwell Jacquelyn Rose
Playing at Change

Bob Marley's Redemption Song: everything he wanted to say months before dying of cancer. I ponder on it here, in our good news, because in the "new normal" we are continually confronted with our finite existence. When I think about that existence, I wonder at it all. All there is left to learn, all there is left to experience… and I think of Bob Marley’s beautiful gift. 

Redemption is defined as "the action of saving". His miraculous second verse: “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds!” Speaks to me: The most important work I can do is saving myself from my own thoughts and biases. They stop me from hearing wisdom from all it’s varied voices and accents. They stop me from having a curiosity about this world. 

I look forward to a future full of rich relationships, stories, and music, oh the music! Everyday we make choices: how much time we spend on what and with who. In the act of saving myself, for my own redemption, I am going to mix it up and be curious. 

Here is Playing For Change: a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. The idea for this project came from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people, with their version of “Redemption Song.”
Sending out love to all. I have faith that we can do this.... we are all humans, one family.
Enjoy your week.
~ Jacquie
Copyright 2020 Buzz Around West Bridgewater. You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety or as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around West Bridgewater 9/6//20")  

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. Occasionally, there will be links to town committees and other non-profit groups, as a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials.
The Buzz Around does not claim to support any particular view.