AMTA-Maryland Monthly Meeting
Friday July 10, 2020

Dear Maryland Members,

Our next Chapter Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday July 15th at 8pm. Meetings generally run for about an hour via zoom. The connection info is below.

An overview of the agenda:
  • Welcome
  • Roll call, and approval of agenda and last month's minutes
  • E-Mail Scams Reminder
  • Lobbyist Contract Renewal Vote
  • Government Relations and Communications Update
  • AMTA National Convention & Virtual Leadership Events
  • Questions from Members
  • Adjourn

Joining the Meeting Via Zoom

AMTA Maryland July 2020 Meeting
Time: Jul 15, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting via your web browser:

Meeting ID: 848 0890 9904
Call In: One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84808909904# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,84808909904# US (Chicago)

We also want to take a moment to welcome to our new board member - Molly Farwell was elected for a one year term as our chapter Financial Administrator. We also elected Kenny Sossa to a one year term as Delegate - welcome Kenny!

Volunteer Opportunities with AMTA-MD
We continue to welcome committee members - our primary committees are Education, Government Relations, and Communications. Please attend the meeting on July 15th to express your interest and learn more. You may also email me for more information.

Thank you for your interest and support, we look forward to seeing you on July 15th.

Best wishes,

Chapter President

Your AMTA-Maryland Chapter Board