Survey with pencil
New Survey
of College-Educated Immigrants

Dear Friend,

As you may have heard, this summer our national partners at IMPRINT received funding from the Knight Foundation to conduct a pioneering survey of college-educated immigrants.

Philadelphia is one of just 6 metropolitan areas chosen to participate in the survey, and we couldn't be more excited.

The survey is now open. As an IMPRINT member organization, we would truly appreciate your help in sharing the below survey links far and wide.   


We are looking for a broad response from college-educated immigrants of every background -- new arrivals and longtime residents, working professionals and those in "survival jobs," men and women of every race and ethnicity.   


The survey deadline is December 1.

Results of this study will be publicly announced in March 2015, and posted on the IMPRINT website (    


The study focuses on residents of six metropolitan areas: Boston, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, Seattle, and San Jose, CA.  Learn more about the survey.


I would be delighted to answer any questions you may have about the project.


Thank you in advance!


P.S. Are you curious about what questions we're asking on the survey? Click here. Please don't click the buttons below unless you are actually responding to the survey. Thanks!

Take the Survey Now!

This survey takes
15-20 minutes to complete.

All responses are anonymous and confidential. We are NOT collecting any names or personally identifying details such as immigration status.   

The survey is being offered in English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Click on the red button below to start the survey!