Sharing Our Stories

Dear Foothill Families,


At Foothill Country Day School, we are continually striving to foster a sense of community, compassion, and inclusion among our students, families, and staff. In this spirit, we are excited to announce a special project as part of our upcoming International Days celebration, which will take place from February 13th to 15th.


Our newly reimagined International Days will provide a unique opportunity for our school to come together and celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our diverse community. To make this year's International Days celebration even more special, we would like to invite you to participate in a heartwarming project: 

We are asking families who are comfortable and interested, to create a short video – no longer than two minutes – showcasing one aspect of your family's unique story. This video should be something you'd feel comfortable having posted on the school’s social media. It will serve as a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about the cultural, familial, and personal backgrounds of their classmates. The video can focus on various aspects of your family’s story, such as:


  • Family traditions or celebrations
  • A cherished family recipe or cooking experience
  • Your family's cultural heritage or traditions
  • A special talent or hobby that's meaningful to your family
  • A glimpse of your family’s immigration story

Need an idea? Here is a sample I created about my own family:

Please consider this a chance to share what makes your family unique and special. The goal is to promote understanding, celebrate diversity, and strengthen our sense of community and belonging within the school.


Once you've created your video, please submit it by January 26, 2024. We suggest that it is best to share them via the Foothill's Dropbox Account.

We'll be sharing these videos within our classes and possibly with the wider school community in an effort to help everyone connect on a deeper level.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this exciting project. We believe it will be a wonderful way for us to come together, celebrate our differences, and learn from one another.


When creating you video, please be aware of the following parameters:


  • Duration: Between thirty seconds and two minutes (00:30 - 02:00)
  • Orientation: Please film in landscape mode (i.e., hold your phone horizontally)
  • Software and Editing: Feel free to utilize user-friendly video editing apps. (e.g., iMovie, Adobe Premiere Rush)
  • File Format: Please submit your video as MP4 or MOV
  • Submission Deadline: January 26, 2024 to Foothill's Dropbox HERE. Just click on "Upload Photos" (it will accept video)
  • File Naming: When naming your video file, please use the following naming convention: [ClassOfGraduatingYear][LastName][FirstName]. For example, if your child’s name is Max Wu and is in the graduating class of 2028, the file name would be: ClassOf2028_WuMax.MP4

Upload Your Family Video HERE

If you have any questions or need assistance in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me, Ian Williams. We’re looking forward to seeing the incredible stories you and your family have to share!


Warm regards,


Ian Williams, 2nd Grade Teacher