New Teacher Registration Directions!
After this "one time" account set up, you will login and join new competitions in the future.
Two options:
Go to and click on Registration or this direct link.
Next, select the Challenge you want to join at this dropdown: High, Middle or Elementary
Contest Password is penncfl. If you see any auto prefills - like below, you must override it.
Username, your personal password and normal data fields:
Complete Student Username Prefix (anything you wish and changable at any time) plus the number of students and logins:
Click on Instructor Administration on the top left hand corner - it's small and in white letters.

See the graphic below:

  • If for any reason you didn't get the number of logins you wish, you can always just Add Extra Teams to Your Class, at the Instructor Administration Page, any time!

  • The PICK A SESSION TO VIEW on the right top of this graphic below allows for moving between programs if you have more than one division, like a gifted teacher has elementary and middle school. Use the directions for once registered, to join more competitions here.
Our team can't say it enough so....

Please stay healthy and stay strong. We care about you.

Carolyn & the PennCFL team: Jennifer, Alan, Donna G., Tris and Donna M.