Thursday, March 3rd
Perspectives on Nationalism, Antisemitism, and Racism in the U.S. Today
1-2:20pm | TECO HALL
This program will address the interrelationship between nationalism, antisemitism, and racism in the United States. For instance, in what way is the recent surge in antisemitism and racism exacerbated by nationalism? Nationalism, at least in the 19th century, was predicated on the idea of a "nation" that by definition excluded Jews. How are antisemitism and racism related to contemporary versions of nationalism? Recall that the shooter at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh explicitly named Mark Hetfield of HIAS, and blamed the Jews for bringing non-whites and Muslims into the country. A panel of esteemed scholars will guide Saint Leo students and members of the community in an analysis of these "isms". This program is in-person, free, and open to the public.
Dr. Beverly Eileen Mitchell is Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History, at Wesley Theological Seminary, in Washington, DC, teaches courses in systematic theology, church history, genocide, global poverty, and African American prophetic literature. She is the author of numerous articles and presentations related to human dignity, the black abolitionist movement, and white supremacy; and two books, Black Abolitionism: The Quest for Human Dignity (2005) and Plantations and Death Camps: Religion, Ideology, and Human Dignity (2009). She is currently working on a manuscript in which she deconstructs the ideology of white supremacy and examines the ways in which the stolen opportunities from racial inequity through housing discrimination contribute to the likelihood of fatal police encounters in African American communities.
Rabbi Dr. Shai Held is a theologian, scholar, and educator. He is President, Dean, and Chair in Jewish Thought at Hadar. Previously, he served for six years as Scholar-in-Residence at Kehilat Hadar in New York City, and taught both theology and Halakhah at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He also served as Director of Education at Harvard Hillel. Rabbi Held holds a doctorate in religion from Harvard. His main academic interests are in modern Jewish and Christian thought, in biblical theology, and in the history of Zionism. Rabbi Held is the author of Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence (Indiana University Press, 2013); and The Heart of Torah, a collection of essays on the Torah in two volumes (Jewish Publication Society, 2017). He has also published numerous articles. Rabbi Held has been named multiple times to Newsweek’s list of the 50 most influential rabbis in America.
Dr. William T. Cavanaugh is Professor of Catholic Studies and Director of the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology at DePaul University. His degrees are from the universities of Notre Dame, Cambridge, and Duke. He is the author of eight books and editor of six more. His books include Torture and Eucharist (Blackwell), Being Consumed (Eerdmans), and The Myth of Religious Violence (Oxford). He is working on a book that explores the theme of idolatry in nationalism and other modern pathologies. He has given invited lectures on six continents, and his writings have been translated into 14 languages. His is married and has three sons.
Tuesday, March 29th
Understanding Jesus and Paul means Understanding Judaism: Pharisees, Prayer, Parable, Practice
6:30 - 7:30pm | online
Saint Leo faculty and students are invited to join us online for a special program on how to avoid anti-Jewish interpretations of Scripture. The program features a lecture and Q & A session with Dr. Amy Jill Levine, the Rabbi Stanley M. Kessler Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Hartford Seminary, and Professor of New Testament Studies Emerita at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Levine's numerous publications include The Jewish Annotated New Testament (Oxford University Press, 2011), edited with Marc Brettler, and The Pharisees (forthcoming, Eerdmans, 2021), edited with Joseph Sievers. Dr. Levine is the first Jewish scholar to have taught New Testament at Rome's Pontifical Biblical Institute. In 2009, Dr. Levine received the CCJS Eternal Light Award. Registration details will be included in the January Newsletter.
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