News & Events
Reflecting on Veterans Day
Each year, America pauses on November 11 to remember and recognize those men and women who fought our Nation’s wars and defended us during periods of restless peace. Veterans Day is also a time when we recommit ourselves to honoring Veterans and renewing our obligation to fulfill President Lincoln’s charge to care for those “who shall have borne the battle,” their families, caregivers and survivors.

Their selfless service made our Nation the world’s leader in commerce, business, law, science, technology and the arts—and made America a beacon of hope and freedom around the world, drawing millions of people to our shores and serving as a model of democracy. That’s the story of America’s Veterans. That’s who and what we remember and commemorate on Veterans Day.
– Shared from the Department of Veterans Affairs 
2022 ACHE of MA Board Slate
ACHE of Massachusetts is proud to share our 2022 Board of Directors Slate with the membership at large. We ask that our members review this slate, and vote to approve it with the poll below.

Maureen Banks, FACHE

President Elect:
Ali Raja, MD, MBA, MPH

Immediate Past President:
John Fogarty, FACHE

Michelle Davis, FACHE

Secretary and Chair of Communications:
Kathy Sucich, MBA

Monique Porter, FACHE

Programs Chair:
Jack Bailey, FACHE

DEI Chair:
Carmen Kenrich

Membership Chair:
David Reisman, FACHE

Sponsorship Chair:
Christine Schuster

ECN Chair:
Kerri-Lynne Kellam, MPH

Linda Clancy

Chris MacFayden, FACHE

HEN Liaison:
Joni Beshansky, LP.D., MPH

Lauren Lovegood

Edward Mbugua 
As a member of ACHE of MA, do you vote to confirm this board slate for 2022?
ACHE of MA Bylaw Revisions
ACHE of Massachusetts is looking to make revisions to our bylaws to include these new provisions. We present these changes to the membership at large for your review.

1. Every committee has a Vice chair, with preference given to a current committee member of the specific committee.

2. Two Vice chairs will be added to the Membership & Advancement Committee.

3. Committee members must attend 50% of meetings outside of excused absences / medical leave to stay part of committee throughout a calendar year.

4. Term limits, as noted in the bylaws, shall be enforced unless position is unable to be filled by a new candidate once the current board member has reached their max term of six (6) years.
Bikes Not Bombs
Volunteer Opportunity Rescheduled!
Please join the ACHE of Massachusetts Early Careerist Network in collaboration with the Bikes Not Bombs organization.

Each year, Bikes Not Bombs collect roughly 5000 used bicycles and tons of used parts from supports around Greater Boston and New England and ship most of these bikes overseas to economic development projects through international partners in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Wednesday, December 1, 6:00 PM - 9:00PM 

284 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Please come prepared to roll your sleeves up and help process donated bikes. Suggested dress code is casual - no suites, ties or heels needed here!
ACHE of MA ECN Virtual Book Club Series
Session 2 – Thursday, December 2
5:30 pm – 6:40 pm
Via Zoom 
“Never Eat Alone and Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time"
Book by Keith Ferrazzi

ACHE of Massachusetts Early Careerist Network is excited to host a quarterly members only virtual book series that encourages networking, growth, and professional development.
Conversations with Healthcare Champions
Register to join ACHE of Massachusetts as we are provided an evening of inspiration by Anne Klibanksi, M.D. on Tuesday, December 7, 7:00pm-8:30pm.

Dr. Klibanski will share her journey throughout her amazing healthcare career. Afterwards, we will break out into Zoom networking rooms to recap the lessons learned.
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