
Diamond white? PortSide Red! It's MARY's 75th birthday, and she's showing her colors... Can you help? The ship will be available on short notice! 



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Open House on the MARY A. WHALEN's 75th Birthday --

Come down and give her some love


In exciting last minute news, the MARY A. WHALEN will be back in Atlantic Basin for a few days!!!  Tuesday, May 21 happens to be her actual birthday (as discovered by noted maritime historian Norman Brouwer only recently).  We will open the boat to the public and could use some help.  


Tuesday 5/21/13

open to the public from 1-7pm

Cake and Remarks from 5-7pm


We could use additional docents during that time and some folks to cut birthday cake and pour coffee.  Please RSVP via email or call Carolina at 917-414-0565. 


Access the MARY A. WHALEN on Pier 11 in Atlantic Basin via the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal pedestrian gate at Pioneer Street and Conover Street.     


From 7:30pm, we have an After Party for Special Friends and all volunteers are invited come aboard to enjoy a Red Hook sundown. Pizza and some beverages are in the works... We especially hope our volunteers, who make everything at PortSide happen, come down and visit without the hassle of TWIC cards and limited escort privileges.     


Check out our new website with three pages devoted to the MARY A. WHALEN past, present and  future... and a page for shipcat Chiclet.    


Help us continue to do what we do   


If you haven't donated recently, we encourage you to do so now!  Donations of any size are welcome!  Donations now will propel us strongly into our prospective new home.


via PayPal

See our program video here.

PortSide brought you... Red Hook Sandy recovery aid at 351 Van Brunt... TankerOpera in the containerport... Dutch Flat Bottom Fleet... TankerTours...concerts... movies... talks... walking tours ... kayak valet... TankerTime... redesign of the BoatBox Red Hook Boaters kayak container... bilingual ship tours at Concierto Tipico... exhibit about maritime response to 9/11... guides to Red Hook and more.  

PortSide NewYork is a 501(c)3 profit organization.  All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.