If you are pulled to help here are the details:
1) Attend our meeting on Jan 23rd @ 6:30 pm to gather for prayer and to create hand written notes to attach to gift cards to be personally handed out to people who need them most.
2) Purchase gift cards to Amazon, Walmart &/or Target, in any amount, and drop them in the Heartworks mail slot on/before January 23rd if you are not attending the meeting.
3) Within your own circles, collect as many gift cards as you can to Amazon, Walmart & Target, and drop them in the Heartworks mail slot on/before January 23rd or bring them to the meeting.
Think co-workers, your child's school, sports teams, neighbors,
family members etc.
You could send a group text asking for gift cards or to Venmo you
and you purchase gift cards.
4) Bring the gift cards you collected & your friends to the special Heartworks meeting on Jan 23rd where Megan will share her thoughts on how to expand our capacity for compassion during tragedy.