April 26, 2023


It's almost time for our April Housing and Benefits Committee meeting this Friday, April 28th, 10:00–11:30 a.m. on Zoom. Please RSVP and plan to join us!

Here is our anticipated agenda:

  • Welcome/Introductions

  • MassHealth 2023-2024 Redeterminations Presented by María R. González Albuixech, Director, Communications and Immigrant Health, Health Care for All
  • Health Care For All uses a variety of strategies and tools to achieve its mission including direct service support, policy development, coalition building, community organizing, public education, and outreach. The organization leads, convenes, and participates in many coalitions that work on specific health care issues
  • Check out the MassHealth Redetermination Campaign here.

  • An Overview of HousingMatch.org – Presented by Dolores Beliso, Founder & Executive Director, HousingMatch.org
  • HousingMatch.org is Massachusetts’ first nonprofit, membership-based, roommate matching service that is designed specifically to provide safe, affordable, housing options for the most vulnerable people: low-income families with children, older adults, and people with disabilities. It was built to provide added security, privacy, and supports not available in corporate, for-profit, matching services today on the internet.
  • Check out the website here.

  • FY24 State Budget Updates – Presented by the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
  • Recap of the April 10th Joint Committee on Ways and Means hearing
  • Thank you to everyone who participated and elevated housing and homelessness issues!
  • Read the testimony submitted by the Coalition (PDF) to the committee.
  • Review of the House Ways and Means budget proposal, released on April 12th and key House budget amendments and their outcomes
  • Check out our FY24 budget priority chart, tracking the budget as it makes its way through the various stages of development.
  • A look ahead to the Senate budget process

  • Announcements and Invitations

Best wishes,
Julia and Kelly

Julia Garvey
Community Organizer/Legislative Advocate
Pronouns: She/her/hers

Kelly Turley
Associate Director
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Questions or suggestions for agenda items for upcoming meetings? Email Julia at julia.garvey@mahomeless.org.
We hope to see you soon!