Week 8 | 2024 Session

The Capitol Express

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Week 8 - February 26, 2024 - March 1, 2024

Week 8 of the 2024 Session

Monday, February 26th, begin Week 8 of the 2024 Legislative Session - three "Floor Days" this week, with Crossover Day on Thursday.

The House recognized the 150th Anniversary of the Georgia Department of Agriculture; quite a milestone for the professionals and affiliated organizations that lead and drive agriculture in Georgia.

We continue highlighting homestead exemptions available to homeowners in North Fulton, especially House District 49. Please review Capitol Express Week 6 by clicking here, and if you have questions about exemptions, let us know how we can assist; click here...

Also, this Tuesday, I sponsored and the House passed three measures. First HB 1181 to provide sunsets for a group of tax exemptions and to provide standard carry forward dates for tax credits issued after this year. Additionally, I passed HB 1267 and HR 598 to move the Georgia Tax Tribunal to the Judicial Branch. When this passes the Senate, the resolution will place a question on your ballot in November. When fully passed and implemented taxpayers will have better access should they need to appeal a ruling of the Georgia Tax Tribunal. By providing a better appeal process, these taxpayer-friendly measures will save money for the State of Georgia and Fulton County Court System.

Please be sure to look out for future updates regarding your government at work—my sincere thanks for your interaction. I hope you enjoy this volume of the Capitol Express and that you will continue to engage. I value your time and will do my best to respond.

We receive hundreds of emails daily while attending Floor Sessions and serving on multiple committees, so if you live in House District 49, please consider using our new communication tool at Contact Representative Chuck Martin for the best response.

You may also contact me at [email protected] or my office phone number at (404) 656-5164.

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your representative for House District 49.

Yours in Service,

Please contact us via email, [email protected] or follow our session at: Rep. Chuck Martin at the Capitol.

You are receiving this update because you have requested to be on our list or have contacted our office requesting information or providing thoughts on activities at the Capitol. Hopefully, you will find it informative and a source for information and continued communication; please share with our neighbors.

Contact Chuck's Office


Floating Homestead Exemptions in House District 49 Since 2019. Click the image at the left to review the exemptions available for your home.

2024 Legislative Session Week 8

House Floor

The House Floor is getting busier as we move into Week 8 for Legislative Days 26 - 28. Below is this week's rundown of some of the measures that passed the House.

Fostering Firearm Safety

With bipartisan support, Rep. Mark Newton (R-Augusta) championed legislation to foster a culture of firearm safety and responsible gun ownership throughout Georgia with the passage of House Bill 971, or the Firearm Safe Handling and Secure Storage Tax Credit Act. Under House Bill 971, a Georgia taxpayer would be allowed to claim a tax credit for eligible expenses incurred for firearm safe handling instructional courses and the acquisition of firearm secure storage devices in the amount of the eligible expenses or $300, whichever is less. Such eligible expenses would include purchasing one or more firearm secure storage devices for personal use and the cost of an in-person firearm safe handling training of at least two hours that includes instruction on safe handling, use, and storage of firearms. Promoting responsible gun ownership across the state could cultivate a safer and more secure environment for all Georgians.

Providing Support for Victims

The House backed our promise to support victims of human trafficking by giving unanimous passage to House Bill 1201, which would allow a victim of human trafficking to have their sentence vacated when related to the conditional discharge of possession of controlled substances as a first offense, as long as the crime was a direct result of being a victim of human trafficking. HB 1201 would help ensure that victims who are sentenced under The First Offender Act have the same opportunity of innocence as other victims of human trafficking. It is vital that we grant victims of human trafficking, who have been vacated of their offenses, a chance to re-enter society with clean records. 

Insuring no Patient is Left Alone

Also, on Crossover Day, we gave unanimous passage to legislation that would allow for a designated essential caregiver to be present with a patient or resident of a hospital or long-term care facility while they are receiving care. House Bill 663, or the “No Patient Left Alone Act,” would permit a minor or an adult who is admitted to a hospital or long-term care facility to have a parent, guardian, person or caregiver to be physically present with them at all times while the patient remains in the hospital or facility.

As we saw during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Georgians who were in these facilities could not see their loved ones. This legislation would change that to ensure that patients are never left alone without their family or caregiver by their side.   

Additional bills from Week 8 - click to download

Additional bills from Week 8 - click for PDF

Committee Schedules

House Committees meet often; I serve on nine committees in addition to leading House Higher Education. Full committee schedules are available online by clicking here.

From the Higher Education Committee

Augusta University President Brooks Keel Retires

I have enjoyed working with Dr. Brooks Keel during his time with the University of System of Georgia and join the House in honoring him with HR 1153 on the occasion of his retirement. Please take a minute to read the resolution, as this man has given much to our state and its citizens.

To review bills in the Higher Education Committee, click here and then click Assigned Legislation.

Guests and Local Updates

On Monday, I welcomed new Alpharetta Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Sophia Pittman and 2024 Chair Donna Murphy to the Georgia Capitol.

The Alpharetta Chamber of Commerce is a vital part of the business ecosystem in Alpharetta, working with the city, downtown businesses, and other local organizations to promote business in our area.

Thanks to all the members for all you do!

On Tuesday, welcoming Jill Bernard to the Georgia House was a great pleasure. Jill is involved with many service organizations around Alpharetta and Greater North Fulton County. (right)

Meeting neighbors and advocates from House District 49

On Thursday, I welcomed my neighbors, Heidi Moore and her son Jacob, to the Capitol. Heidi and Jacob are tireless advocates for our community and were down to advocate on Self Direction Day at the Capitol.

House Page Program

On Wednesday, February 26th, I was honored to host another page from Elkins Pointe Middle School for the 2024 Session, Andreas Panagiopoulos. Andreas did a great job on a very busy day in the House, and it was my pleasure to meet and work with him.

Committee Assignments

New committee assignments have been released for the 2023 - 2024 Biennieun, and the Speaker has appointed me to lead Higher Education once again and serve on nine additional standing committees. These are my committees for 2023-2024:

You can find the schedules of these committees and the online streaming links of each by clicking on the links above or by clicking here. 

To follow the General Assembly virtually, click here...

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