Pledge Card Dedication Sunday
Bring your offering to the Lord to be blessed
This Sunday, we bring our pledges for 2016 to the altar. If you did not receive a pledge card, let Fr. Kevin or a vestry member know. Extra cards will be available Sunday, as well. God bless you as you make your family decisions about your tithes and offerings for the coming year to St. Augustine's ministries and missions.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.-2 Corinthians 9.7
On October 25th, we will have our quarterly healing and prayer service. Prayer intercessors and priests will pray and anoint with Oil of the Sick those in the congregation desiring it.
In addition,
after the service, Fr. Ric will lead an hour-long workshop for those interested in participating in St. Augustine's healing ministries.
Read the following from Fr. Ric:
ery near and dear to the heart of Fr. Kevin is the is the idea of a Healing Prayer Ministry vision for St. Augustine's. He has persistently cast a vision for this ministry in clergy staff meeting over the past couple of years. Originally, Fr. Ron and Fr. Ric brainstormed the concept and were beginning to develop the outline for a prayer ministry. Then Fr. Ron was called to serve in another parish. Of course, Fr. Kevin continued to fuel the prayer ministry vision. The desire for this ministry has been discussed at length in leadership team meetings. For now Fr. Ric will assume the leadership role.
Given that brief history, here is what's next:
On Sunday, October 25, we will have our first prayer ministry meeting. We will meet after church in the library behind the sanctuary. It will last no more that an hour and anyone who senses the leading of the Holy Spirit to be a part of this ministry is welcome to be there. This meeting is to begin the process of identifying for St. Augustine's just how, given who we are and where we are in our church walk, the Holy Spirit would make known in our midst the whole concept of prayer and especially prayer for healing. If you sense the Holy Spirit nudging you, we'll see you there.
Fr. Ric
If you know of someone who could benefit from the healing and prayer service, invite him or her to attend our service on October 25th at 10:00am.
Come join us at noon on Wednesdays for Noonday Eucharist.
It's hard to believe its that time of year again to plan for Christmas giving. Operation Christmas Child partners with churches worldwide to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the years they have been able to reach 124 million children around the world in 150 countries with shoebox gifts. It has been twenty years since Samaritans Purse began delivering Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to share the true meaning of Christmas with hurting children around the world.
This is St. Augustine's third year participating in Operation Christmas Child. Let's make this the best year ever. Boxes and instruction on how to pack them will be available starting Wednesday, October 21st and Sunday, October 25th. Boxes should be brought to church on or before Sunday, November 22.
If you have any questions feel free to give me a call.
Thanks for your continued support to this wonderful mission.
Since we came to the States we have been helping build a church for one of the local congregation back home. The past three years have seen us support them erect the wall. We encouraged them to do a fundraiser for the roofing so that we can at least find a better place to worship than being under a tree, which is coupled by challenges.
The fundraiser is scheduled for November 1, 2015 at Tot Missionary Area church grounds.We are asking friends for support. In November, we will be sending whatever is collected.
God bless you for your continued support.
Rev. Philip Sang, St. Augustine's and Victory Point Fellowship
You may contribute for the next two Sundays at St. Augustine's. Write your check to St. Augustine's and notate that it's for the Raise the Roof project.
Team St. Augustine's had the chance to visit some lovely people on the 6th floor at Worthington Christian Village on Sunday, October 18th. Orion Dog is becoming a regular, and Fr. Ron seems to be growing attached to the little bugger! If you have not visited at Worthington Christian Village, why don't you come next month - the third one in November. You will bring God's love to those seeking Him.
Helping Cheri's Children
Cheri Denis is a principal of a local elementary school. She seeks volunteers and supplies for her Kindergarten through fourth grade students. Would you like to be a part of a student's life? John Falor is the point person for St. Augustine's, as is Principal Cheri. Email Cheri to find out how you can help. Click here for a list of needed supplies.
07 Pat Hall
09 Teresa McKay
09 Bob Beuhler
09 Leanne Hall
28 Alistair Bodney
28 Hudson Phillips
31 Jonathan McKay
14 Sharon and Len Madama
Pledge Card Sunday and
Healing and Prayer Service on Sunday.
Fr. Ric's Healing and Prayer workshop after worship on Sunday.
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