October 16, 2022 | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Stewardship Updates

Pledging as a Spiritual Practice

by Greg Lebel, Stewardship Chair & member since 2021

For those of us not raised in churches where pledging financial support was part of the culture, pledging might seem odd – even incongruent -- with what we think of as “church.” But I’ve come to believe that the act of pledging my support for the ministries of the parish is, in fact, an important aspect of my spiritual life. 

On a personal level, pledging helps to transform giving into a spiritual practice where I make a commitment to God and to my church family. And fulfilling it becomes a regular practice just like attending worship, praying, or volunteering my time, because I want to live more deeply into the Biblical command to love my neighbor.

Just what is “spiritual practice? To me, spiritual practice is a means by which I get in touch with my innermost values. It becomes a doorway to my experience of God. "We are what we practice," Jewish writer Avram Davis observed. "If we practice being joyful, then a joyful person is what we become." Likewise, as I practice gratitude and generosity, I become more grateful and generous in my everyday life.

Generosity is in itself a radical act of faith when you think about it. In a society where the focus seems always to be on getting, getting, getting, generosity encourages us to heed Jesus’s warning that, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34)

It’s also an act of gratitude -- for all that God has given me and for the beloved community that is Christ Church. And pledging my support for the work of the community is an important aspect of that gratitude.

As I considered what to pledge to the work of Christ Church in the coming year, I recognized the power in this as spiritual practice. As I ran through my myriad financial commitments and fears (rational and irrational) about having "enough," I came to grips with my misplaced priorities. I realized that my commitment to Christ Church was anchored in what I’d have left over after taking care of all my other commitments. I realized that, while God doesn’t need my money, I need to practice generosity and gratitude by being sure that my pledge of support isn’t based on what’s left, but on what God is calling me to do – and to be -- and having faith that God will work with me to see that the rest takes care of itself. It’s a valuable lesson.


Please take a moment to consider what belonging to Christ Church means to you, and make your pledge today!


Join us this Sunday!

Sunday Morning Worship

Join us at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m.* this Sunday in our historic sanctuary as we mark the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. We hope to see you at whatever service fits your schedule this weekend! 

*11 a.m. service also live-streamed. By entering the church at 11 a.m., you consent to being filmed, as well as its release as desired by CC+WP. More information linked below.

Additional worship information & livestream links here.

Children's Ministries

As always, there will be Children's Chapel at the 9 a.m. service, and nursery care for our younger children during both Sunday services.

Sunday School & youth group are on this week! Come one and all!

Read more about our Children's Ministries & Sunday School

Adult Forum: CC+WP History

Join parishioner Charles Floto for a look back across the recent history of Christ Church. There are many stories to uncover! Join in person or via Zoom

Fotos, Fellowship & Food, part 2! 

If you missed the August foto identification session, or want to participate again, or are interested in Christ Church history of the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s, please join the Christ Church archivists on Sunday, October 16, at 3 p.m. for another trip down memory lane. We have gathered from the archives unidentified Christ Church pictures and are seeking your help in identifying people and dates. The session will be followed by supper. With questions, talk to Sandy Hussey or Marian Connolly.

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Fellowship Opportunities & Events

Halloween Fun! 

Mark your calendars for our annual Halloween family fun event! Join us on the front lawn on Sunday, October 30 from 3-5 p.m. There will be crafts, snacks and of course , candy! Costumes highly encouraged! 

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Pet Blessing Rescheduled! 

Our rained out Pet Blessing at Congressional Cemetery has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 23 at 4 p.m. - join us just inside the gates!

All Saints Necrology

On November 6, Christ Church will observe the Principal Feast of All Saints during which we will honor and celebrate those who have gone before us into the communion of saints. It is customary for a necrology - a list of those who have died in the past year - to be read aloud during the service. If you would like to add a name to the list, please fill out this form by October 28.

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Grounds Clean-Up!

Join us on October 22 at 9 a.m. for our annual fall Grounds Clean-Up day. Come one, come all, with your gloves, rakes, and clippers. We will supply the lawn and leaf bags. Children are very welcome! Any questions contact Robin Blackwood.

Welcome to the Choir!

The Christ Church Choir warmly welcomes three new singers. Adele Navarrete joined the alto

section of the choir late in the spring. Joining us this fall are tenors Daniel Forbes and Walter Shoemaker.

It is always good to have more voices. If interested in singing with the Choir, we rehearse Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm. Please contact Richard.

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Friday Night Film Series

Join us Friday, October 14, at 7 p.m. to discuss Knives Out (2019). Come back on October 21 as parishioner Lydia Lyons (age 10) shares some of the stop-motion videos she created, and discusses the finer points of the week's movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Contact Paul Laymon with questions, or simply join via Zoom on Friday. 

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First Friday Book Group

Get a kickstart on November's selection, House of Sticks, by Ly Tran! A toddler when she immigrated with her family from Vietnam to Queens in 1993, Tran recalls her experience growing up dealing with her father’s wartime trauma, struggling to adjust to American life, and living in extreme poverty. She movingly describes the tensions she feels being caught between loyalty to her parents and their Buddhist faith and her own self-preservation and development. Questions? Contact Sandy Hussey

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Men's Spirituality Group
Join us any Saturday from 9-10 a.m. for conversation and community - in person or via Zoom! Email Paul Laymon with questions. 
Outreach: Service to the Community

Join us next Sunday! 

Our next Outreach Meeting is Sunday, October 23rd at 12:30 p.m. Join us in the conference or via Zoom to finalize the proposed committee structure and discuss outreach activities for 2023.With questions, contact Jean Denton. 

Thanksgiving for 150!

Everyone Home DC has officially launched its Thanksgiving Campaign with the ambitious goal of raising $7,500 by early November. This sum will enable 150 families to receive grocery or debit cards which offer them flexibility to celebrate the holiday in a way that is meaningful to each of them. You can give online (select Outreach from the dropdown!) or drop a gift card in the offering plate. EHDC clients have openly praised the convenience of electronic gift cards (purchased by staff using our donated funds), so thank you in advance! 

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Joyful News from the Stanikzai's!

With more than 140 Afghan families living in their development, there is a great community for the Stanikzai's as they welcome their new daughter, Sedra Bilal, born October 10. Benafsha says her new name means “star,” and confirms their friends will help by preparing food and caring for the boys. In preparation of baby’s arrival, Sherry and Joe delivered a Halo bassinet and infant chair donated by the Teutsh family. A special quilt from the CC+WP quilters and gifts for the boys are also planned. 


Bilal has been promoted, now supervising a team here aiding people trying to leave Afghanistan, and his bosses said they will try to help his family in-country as the situation there has worsened. Andrea continues to provide English lessons for Benafsha and several of her friends. Benafsha has voiced the hope of being more independent as she improves her English and even expressed interest in learning to drive. As we have noted before, the Stanikzai family has been unique in a number of positive ways, including quickly becoming relatively financially self-sufficient. The remainder of our donated funds will be held in reserve to support the Stanikzai family with any unanticipated needs, such as dental work and hospital bills. 

Lunch-making supplies needed!

One easy way to help our intergenerational lunch-making for the homeless is to sign up to buy supplies. Check your calendars to see if you have time to buy the groceries for lunch prep on November 6, December 4 or January 1. Supply list and reminder will be sent to you. Questions? Contact Anne Fletcher. 

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Samaritan Ministry Gala Watch Party

Join us on November 5 at 6:30 p.m. for the Samaritan Ministry Gala watch event in the Parish Hall. Come together to share a meal, hear inspiring stories, and enjoy one another's company while supporting a great organization. Cost is $25/person and anything beyond meal cost will be donated to SMGW. Pay at the event via check or cash, but please RSVP to Ed Warren so we can plan our meal! 

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Interested in tutoring a student? 

Our partner, Serve Your City/ Ward 6 Mutual Aid, is looking for individuals to work with students in grades K-12 on homework for at least one hour each week. All tutoring sessions will be virtual. To get involved, complete this intake form. If you have any questions, please reach out to Eleanor Billington

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Migrant Sanctuary Donations & Volunteer

The need continues for warm outerwear/coats (size S/M if for adults) and gloves/hats/scarves for men, women and children, including babies. (Full list of welcomed supplies on the bulletin board.) As always, if you're called to help provide respite care for arriving migrants, please sign up to serve at Capitol Hill United Methodist Church on Thursdays (sign up through October); or Washington City Church of the Brethren on Sundays (sign up through September.) With questions, reach out to Ruth Kroeger.

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Sermon Spotlight

Help. Thanks. Wow. Listen to Rev. John remind us that these simple, interconnected words can serve as prayers, and how a spirit of gratitude can serve us on our journey.

Past sermons are always on our website.

Sermon: The Rev. John A. Kellogg

October 9, 2022

Christ Church + Washington Parish

Washington, DC

Church Business Hours for Staff & Clergy: Sunday - Thursday, 8:30-3 or by appointment

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