Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian
Council of Light

  Questions and Answers about Inter-Galactic Communication

I first heard from this Council of Light in the early 1990’s, and have been working with them to varying degrees since then. I have written about this Galactic Group in most, if not all, of my books.

However, that which was once a “far away dream,” is getting closer with each passing day. Therefore, I am going to ask each of them, “The Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian Council of Light” some questions regarding our reality within this NOW.

If you, the readers, want to ask the Council, or just the Pleiadians, Sirians, or Arcturians a question, just let me know in the Blog Comments Sections. Make sure you note to whom you are sending your question.

Then, your question will get sent to me via email, and I will channel the answer on the Blog. I know that I have a zillion questions. How about you?

SUE’S QESTION:  Dear Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian Council of Light, do I have your permission to call you the: P.S.A. Council of Light?

P.S.A. ANSWER:  Yes, we are fine with that adjustment. We realize how much effort your logical, sequential, time-bound, 3D communication can take. Perhaps in our discussions we can speak with you about Light Language.

SUE: I would greatly appreciate any information about Light Language. Maybe it is because I was a Speech Therapist, Audiologist, and then Psychotherapist that I am interested in all forms of communication.

Because I primarily worked with human communication, I am very happy to be able to learn more about “Inter-Galactic Communication.” In fact, is it fine with you to use the title of, “Inter-Galactic Communication?”

PSA:  Yes, that is fine with us. Do you mind if we continue to call you Suzille, as that is the name that your Higher Self uses? Therefor, it is your “Galactic Name.”

SUE:  Yes, please use that name. In fact, I would like to ask you if you prefer to use the “Galactic Name” with all the humans with whom you speak?

PSA:  That depends on the individual. We have found that “individual choice” is a very important component of being a third dimensional human. However, as the humans with whom we are speaking expand their consciousness beyond the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension, they begin to release their human attachment to “individuality” and increasingly enjoy the constant camaraderie of Unity Consciousness.

In fact, as our visitors, as well as the returnees to the Ships, bond more and more deeply with their Inter-dimensional SELF, their need for individual identity quickly, or slowly, shifts to a sense of shared identity of purpose. On the Ship we all have a shared purpose, which is to assist dear planet, Gaia, with Her Planetary Ascension.

It is not that we do no care about the ascension of humans. But, since we already know and embrace the fifth dimensional expressions of humanity, we know that they will eventually remember their fifth dimensional expressions of SELF on the Ships and on their higher dimensional Home-worlds.
{What questions do you have?}

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Dr. Suzanne Lie |