Our Journey of Approach to Pluto 
from June 25, 2015 - July 14, 2015

Pluto First Contact - She Shows Us Her Heart!
Pluto's Gentle Heart of Darkness -  July 14, 2015 -
a historic day in the history of space travel for humans on Earth

Dear friends - Have you heard? Earth Humans have reached Pluto! And what has transpired today - the culmination of the 9-year-long journey of our spacecraft New Horizons - moved many of us to tears. We will never forget the first moment we saw this picture of Pluto. It went viral on social media within hours - flashing around the world - and billions of people saw Pluto for the first time. And when they did, they saw the symbol of Love, a Heart:



T his is the highest-resolution photo of Pluto ever taken (until tomorrow)
New Horizons took this picture just before she plunged into the Pluto system today


Words cannot describe the joy, the Heart opening and the Love that is in the air right now.


Read on for some sonnets in this living, breathing Pluto poem of Love, a romance delivered to us from the farthest reaches of our solar system, bringing Humanity together as nothing has in many years.



With Hearts and Love:)





Pluto and Earth Humans - a Love Story 


Two months ago no one on planet Earth knew what Pluto looked like.



Two weeks ago we had a few photos of Pluto taken by our New Horizons spacecraft, but they were blurry and in black-and-white. And some of them were even a bit dark and 'scary'.



Now - today, July 14, 2015 - we have made First Contact in Consciousness with the farthest known planet in our Solar System, completing the exploration that we began in 1962 when we took photos of Venus.



This morning - July 14, 2015 at 7:47am EDT (aka 11:47 UT, which in numerology is 11:11) - we made closest approach to Pluto. In so doing, NASA scientists successfully achieved an astronomical feat that can easily be called miraculous: after 9 years and 3 billion miles, not only did New Horizons arrive unharmed at 44 AU from home, but we 'hit the bullseye' into the Pluto system - which is similar to hitting a golf ball in New York City and making a hole-in-one in California. What? Yep... we did THAT!



All day today, our 'little bird' New Horizons (the size of a baby grand piano and traveling at unimaginable speeds with the plucky bravery of a superhero!) has been clicking, whirring and spinning, madly taking photos and scientific readings, gathering enormous amounts of data via it's 7 instruments (including Ralph the telescope, Alice the UV Spectrometer, and LORRI the high-resolution camera:). She worked hard today in Service to us...



During this one day, New Horizons will provide data that our scientists will pore over it for the next 16-26 months. She will send countless bits of info back to Earth from BEYOND Pluto (each bit taking 4.5 hours to reach us). As she feeds us this precious info, she will continue her journey out into the Kuiper belt, venturing past the edge of our galaxy, on out into the stars, and finally heading toward Home: the Galactic Center.



I waited until after 9:02pm EDT to send this email to you, because it wasn't until then that we were absolutely certain that New Horizons made it safely out of Pluto, with all of her instruments and data intact. At 9:02 (which adds up to 11) she 'phoned home' (those are the words NASA used:) and said: I'm ok! Here I am! I made it! 



Tomorrow (July 15) NH will begin to download her light and information into Earth's global brain. We will all absorb her messages, encoded in pixels, bytes, 1's and 0's. All of Humanity will receive Pluto's revolutionary love letters - including each and every picture - even if we don't actually see or know about the details on a conscious level.



And, wonderfully, just before New Horizons made her flyby of Pluto, NASA released the clearest, highest resolution image of Pluto ever in the history of Humanity and Earth. This is the photo you see above.

As seen on Instagram :)


And what did this picture show? PLUTO's HEART. This is what we have found in our questioning and journeying to Pluto, the Lourde of Darkness and the Underworld. We have found.... LOVE ..



Did we expect this, even in our wildest dreams? I have to say I was moved to tears. (I know many of you were also)



As mentioned above, the photo of Pluto's Heart zoomed around the planet as billions of humans breathlessly looked up and gazed at this world never seen before, and took in an image of Love.



NASA celebrated, we celebrated, and on social media the photo was re-tweeted, blogged and 'Facebooked' millions of times with ebullient captions, hashtags and even memes:)



Humanity has looked into the Heart of Darkness...



And the Heart of Darkness is LOVE. Within our seemingly dreadful Shadow is, simply, LOVE.



How do we integrate the Shadow on Planet Earth? With LOVE. 


Nothing will ever be the same.


Someday this little girl may command a ship going beyond our solar system and into our galaxy! Our reaching Pluto is igniting a flame for space exploration that will drive the next several generations to truly go boldly into our future, with the final result: galactic consciousness.
We are planting seeds in these fresh new days after First Contact. The photo of Pluto's Heart is a seed that will bloom. The old Pluto - feared repository of our Dark side - is gone forever. The Dark isn't as scary as it once was. All we are seeing is Pluto's  Heart.




Welcome to the Feminine Pluto. 



As if on cue, and just before the flyby - "world powers reached a historic deal to slow Iran's nuclear ambitions". Anytime we see the word NUCLEAR we are, in essence talking about PLUTO.



The seeds of this news-story/event point to the New Pluto handling Nuclear Power (Power being another Plutonic word) differently.



Dear friends we are witnessing MAGIC on a galactic scale! It is a fine time to be alive!



And this is only the beginning - when the pictures start coming in tomorrow, we will rapidly witness the unfolding of a new world, at the edge of what is possible. Onward we boldly go!






With Many Blessings, Carol

Carol Ann Ciocco, Astrologer

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